《Psychopathic (Jungkook x reader)》Chapter 9 pt 3


You woke up late the next morning, nuzzling into Jin in an attempt to block out the light. You wrapped your arms around his waist, holding yourself closer as Jins eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Morning sweetheart" Jin whispered softly, reaching up to gently hold the back of your head.

You stayed silent as your buried your head in his chest, turning your head when you heard the bedroom door open.

Joon had stepped inside, holding a mug of nice hot tea and and a small bowl of fruit in case you wanted something to pick at.

"Sit up sweetheart" Jin whispered softly, helping you sit up as he sat back against the headboard, holding you in his arms as Namjoon handed him the tea before he handed it to you.

"have some tea sweetie, and try to eat some of this fruit. you're very weak and you need something in your system." Jin whispered as you nodded softly, knowing it would be for the best.

You drank the tea and picked at the fruit slowly, not wanting to upset your stomach as Jin held you in his arms.

Jin frowned softly as he held you, feeling how small you were in his arms, remembering how fit you used to be. Jin looked up at Joon, the two of them sharing a look of concern before Jin lightly kissed your temple.

No one knew what truly happened, not only to you but with Yoongi as well. Yoongi had started acting up before you disappeared, and everyone noticed it.

One moment Yoongi was the laid back person he was, he was happy and calm and he was the best version of himself then he ever was.

And then suddenly it all changed. he turned jealous, defensive over you. he got into fights with anyone who so much as looked at you.


Jins heart broke softly at the memories, trying to think of where you possibly could have been or what you could have possibly experienced.

They all knew it was Yoongi, from the very beginning the boys had known Yoongi had something to do with your disappearance. Especially when he had gone off the radar weeks after you were gone.

Namjoon had gone to the police many times, Kookie eventually joining the academy to try to investigate on his own time. But no one could find anything, or any evidence that would allow them to even pull Yoongi in for questioning.

Nothing to even cause suspicion.

Jin couldnt hold back the tears threatening to flood from his eyes as he watched you eat, watching the small bites you took and how you hesitated each time.

watching how weak your movements were or how much your eyes had sunken in from weight loss.

Jin gently pulled away, holding back the tears as he left the room, walking to the bathroom as calmly as he could as he closed the door behind him, the silent tears flooding down his cheeks.

You were his precious little girl, he may not have been your parent, but you meant the world to him. He took care of you as if you were his own child. And his heart hurt to see you in your current state.

Namjoon watched as Jin left the room, kissing your cheek before leaving to check on his beloved husband.

Joon gently knocked on the door before stepping inside, closing the door behind him before pulling Jin into his arms, holding the back of his head as Jin broke down under his touch.

"S-shes so b-broken" Jin managed to choke out, gripping the shirt on Namjoons waist as he held on tight.


"t-theres g-got to be s-something, w-we've been looking for so long h-how've we got nothing?" Jin rambled as Namjoon shushed his cries.

"Shes safe now..shes home and we wont let anything happen to her. Well find something eventually, but shes not gone now. Life will catch up to Yoongi and he will be held responsible for what he did..but we can breathe knowing shes home." Namjoon whispered, hoping to calm the older.

Jin nodded softly, trying to catch his breath as Namjoon held him in his arms.

You got up out of bed, walking to the door as you peaked around the corner, looking up as Joon held Jin in his arms.

Joon turned his head as he looked up at you, smiling softly with nothing but love as you thought of something you hadn't in a very long time.

Maybe, just maybe..everything was gonna be okay.

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