《Another Ending ( BNHA x Child reader/Oc)》Chapter 1... Wake up


"Chi, Chi, Chi!" You heard a tiny voice call out to your frail body as you woke up.

You woke up to see your older friend, Eri try to wake your tiny self up. "Yes, Eri-Onee?" Chihoko said groggily. "I have a really interesting story to tell you Chi-Chan! Today I got to go outside!" Your dull eyes brightened a bit, you rubbed your eyes and said, "Please tell me about it!"

Eri told Chihoko about her day out to see the sun. Apparently Eri had an encounter with a hero. You and Eri would often entertain each other. You both shared a room. Eri was someone who kept your sanity safe. Both you and Eri had very uncontrollable quirks, rewind, and your quirks Pause and Vibrate. You can pause someone's physical state completely, and make something vibrate from the inside, causing it to shatter or move with great force. Your quirk vibrate, is somewhat like telekinesis but more intense. You got your quirk at the age of 2, you are now 3 your birthday is in about two months. Why did it matter? It's not like you would celebrate, you would probably just get even more blood taken from you.

The two little girls were so engulfed into talking to each other, that you two didn't even notice it was 4:00 pm. The door opened, and there stood Chronostasis, Overhaul's assistant. He said in a calming voice, "You two, its time." Both you and Eri shook with fear, but of course, you didn't object. Objecting would just cause more pain. Without saying anything, both you and Eri quickly walked out of the room, Eri helping you along the way. Chronostasis picked you both up, you were fairly light. Eri was most likely 10-15 pounds heavier than you.


Chronostasis was carrying you down the hall. You were hoping that that long hallway would last forever. But then, Chronostasis opened the door to the room that you dreaded, there stood Overhaul getting the blood extraction prepared. You started trembling, your good friend Eri gripped your hand tightly. Overhaul and Chronostasis strapped you both down to the chairs and then, the ear-piercing screaming began.

An hour later your eyes were dull, Overhaul said "Chihoko has reached her poor little limit... It's time to reset for you anyways."

And then, it was dark. You could still hear Eri's cries and calls out to you.

There was a mirror.

You could see your reflection.

You could feel your non-existent tears in your fantasy, as you began to ask yourself.

"Why am I here?"

"Why do I go through pain?"

"Who am I?"

You knelt down at the mirror and cried... until you would wake up again

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