《F.A.N.G.S | BOOK I》Chapter 8: Temptation


"That's all for today" I closed the book and my students got up then head out of my room. I flopped myself on my chair and took a deep sigh

"Miss" I opened my eyes and I flinched when I saw Reine leaning towards me, I pushed her back a little and glared at her

"Miss Finley! What the hell do you think your doing?" I asked frowning. Her golden eyes glowed and it almost hypnotized me

"I just wanna get some of that" Her gaze trailed over my breasts and I gulped in return. Why is she looking at me like that?

I'm not even that hot for fuck sake!

"Is this what they taught you? Unbelievable" I scoffed and got up then walked two meters away from her

"Yes, the Chairwoman said the most important thing is women... and ass and tits-"

"Okay stop!" I cut her off. She grinned slyly and decided to lick her lips seductively

"Are you close with the Chairwoman? Is she your Mom?" Fuck don't tell me I slept with a married woman

"Ew barf! I'd rather have you as my Mommy" She smiled at me and I cringe at what she said. I hate teenagers in this CATHOLIC school

"Ok doggy, stop that" I heard Natasha voice and saw her leaning at the door. When she saw me she sends me a flying kiss which I humbly flipped her off

"Don't call me doggy! How many times do I have to tell you!" Reine hissed at her and Natasha entered the room

Ignoring Reine, she came towards me and towered me with her tall ass height, I feel like a child when standing next to her

"You look so bloody adorable sweetness... I just wanna eat you up" She whispered and my body just wanted to give in to temptation


"Я хочу твою сладость" (I want you sweetness)

It was Russian and I don't understand fucking Russian language. But damn it was sexy tho

"Ahem! I'm still here!" Reine made me snap back into reality. Natasha was now all over me

Her hands inside my pencil skirt squeezing my ass and her other hand that's on my waist, preventing me from escaping

"Oh, well you can join if you want to" Natasha chuckled and my eyes widen in shock

She'd let my students touch me!

"Really?! Holy shit I'm going to destroy you pussy Miss Le-"

"She meant me, you bloody idiot" Nadia came in and smacked Reine's head with a chop

"Ah finally! A threesome" Nadia went behind me and I looked over at Reine asking for help

"Darling, I missed these two" Nadia mumbled as she slipped her hands inside my shirt and fondle my breasts

I moaned when Natasha's knee came contact with my center, Nadia picked me up and decided to thrust her clothed bulge against mine

"Uhm, can I at least film my teacher? I wanna fap to that-"

"Oh for fuck sake Finley" The two horny people stopped and Nadia furrowed her brows then dragged Reine out

"Let's continue this in another time" Natasha growled possessively and holy fuck, I think I came a little

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