《Cut Deep (Eren x Reader ft. Titan Eren)》~ Chapter 11 ~


"Jean," I say, petrified of his reaction.

He walks over to me dressed in a grey top and baggy pants, and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Jean!" I squirm out of his grip in shock. "What on Earth do you think you're doing?"

"Giving you a hug,"


"You're crying," He states, looking down at the open picture of Marco.

I continue to stare at it.

"He'll help us tonight. Now and forever,"

I sit on Jean's bed and gather my thoughts. What could work on Mikasa? Jean's cheesy puns and pickup lines never seemed to work, so I needed to think about something deeper, from the heart.

"Any ideas on how to ask her?" Jean questions me, a notebook and pen in his hands.

"Well, what have you thought about?" I ask Jean.

"I was going to say, on a scale of one to ten, you're a nine, and I'm the one you need," Jean smirks, showing his bright large teeth.

"Mm, she might get offended not referring to her as a ten," I spit back.

"What about...you know who I want to ask to the Scout Ball? It's the first word in this sentence," He chuckled.

I shake my head. "You need something from the heart, something that means something." I sigh frustrated.

"Would you mind to give me an example?" Jean rolled his eyes.

I take a breath of air, close my eyes and evaluate my thoughts.

"Mikasa, your beautiful black hair brings a smile to my face, a smile not even the prettiest stars could. You light up my everyday and all I can do in return is light up one night for you, the Scout Ball. If you danced with me it would bring me so much joy I couldn't fill the sky with my happiness. Your turquoise eyes melt my heart, and make my insides feel weightless. It would make my lifetime knowing you accepted this one dance," I say, opening my eyes and looking up at Jean.


His mouth is wide open and the hand that hold his pen is shaken. His eyes study my face and then blink, taking in everything I just said.

"That was...amazing, (Y/N)." Jean calmly looked up at me.

I smile in return of a thank you.

"Eren must really mean something to you, huh, (Y/N)?" My ears twitch at the mention of his name.

"What? Who told you!" I bark, trying to think of who is aware of my crush.

"No one," Jean surrenders, his palms open towards me at either side of his face. "You said turquoise eyes...no one else has turquoise eyes, (Y/N). Plus, you just admitted it so no point denying it now,"

I cover my face in my hands. "Please don't tell anyone," I cry, words sticking to the back of my throat.

"I won't tell a soul, (Y/N). Well, maybe Marco," His smile fades.

I rest a hand on Jean's shoulder. "Marco already knows. I told him, back when he was still alive..." Memories flood my head.

"You liked Jaeger back then, too? Why didn't Marco tell me?" Jean looks blankly to the wall.

"I told him not to tell anyone...he kept his promise." I smile, a final tear sliding on the left side of my face.

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