《Cut Deep (Eren x Reader ft. Titan Eren)》~ Chapter 4 ~


"Good work everyone," Hanji congratulates us. I continue to stand gobsmacked, unaware of the whole situation and everything that had just happened.

"I am so- PUPPPPPETTTT!" Hanji cried, swinging down to the fallen titan's corpse. "WHO DID THIS?!" She barked, tears beaded in her eyes.

"Jean did!" Conny snapped, fear in his expression.

"Me? If it wasn't for you, he'd be in chains and not dead on the floor! He was about to kill me!"

"PUPPET! POOR PUPPET! INNOCENT PUPPET! WHY!" Hanji squeaks, leaning to his steaming body on her knees.

I stand in confusion, still shaking from the shock and feel my stomach begin to throb from where Jeff held me.

Reiner, Bertholdt and Mikasa simultaneously go down the the group with Hanji, leaving me with no 3DMG to get down from the tree.

"Hhmf," I feel a thick, hot gush of air blow behind me, drying the rain from the back of my neck and the mud on my cape. I slowly turn my head and shoulders to see laser green eyes look at me and flinch back in shock.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" I began to fall from the high tree, my head leaning back and starring up into the thick grey sky. I am going to die. I didn't die from the titan, but falling from a tree? Today must be my day...

I feel something, hot, wet and sticky underneath me. Surely I didn't reach the bottom of the tree already? I look down to see I'm sitting on a palm, a titan's palm, Eren's palm.

I look from his hand to see his gentle eyes shine through thick, brown locks of hair, and shining white teeth smile at me. I rub the back of my neck and give of a nervous laughter.


"Hello, Eren,"

"Mmff," He purrs, giving an affectionate look from his great green eyes.

"Thank you for, uhm, saving me," I chuckle.

His great hand reaches down to where the group stands and I join them, shaking slightly from the shock of everything.

"(Y/N)!" Sasha wraps her wet body around mine in a hug. "Thank goodness you're okay!"

"Sorry," Reiner weakly smiles. "I completely forgot you had no way to get down,"

"It's fine," I lie, a smile plastering over the anger. What would have happened if Eren was't there? I would be stuck up there...someone would probably have gotten me down though, they don't hate me that much...

Eren's titan body leans forward, kneeling on the ground and steam begins to rise from it. From the nape rises a sweaty, dizzy looking male I reconisge as Eren, and my insides tremble at the sight of him.

"Eren," Mikasa runs over to him with a concerned look. "Are you okay? Do you need to sit down?" She offers her hand for help.

"I'm okay, really," Eren pants, only appearing in trousers and his trademark green shirt.

"No, Eren, I'll help you," Mikasa links her arm with his to walk over to the group.

"Mikasa, get OFF!" He yelps, pulling out of her grasp.

She rolls her eyes and continues to walk along side him towards our group, when Eren spots me.

"(Y/N)!" He runs over to me, a smile on his giddy face.

"Eren," I chuckle in reply as he jogs over.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry I startled you beforehand..."

"No, no, I'm okay. If it wasn't for you, Eren...I'd be dead..."

Eren rests his hand on my shoulder and my heart rate increases. His hand is filled with warmth and comfort, and the weight soothes my thoughts. I look over at the group to see them starring at us, and then I see Mikasa's face, something that breaks the joy of Eren's presence.

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