《Rivals to Lovers {A TodoBaku Love Story}》{Info and Chapter 1}


There will be a few things you need to keep in mind before reading:

1. There will be a lot of cursing

2. Sex scenes

3. Gore

Anyway~~ On with the gay shit

Bakugous POV

I was woken by the sound of my mums screams. "KATSUKI BAKUGOU! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" She shouted.

I shouted back down at her, "SHUT UP OLD HAG!" I got out of my bed and looked in a mirror. "Lookin good, as usual," I said. I changed into the UA uniform. Another day at this shitty school. I opened my door and walked downstairs to be greeted by a stack of pancakes on the kitchen table. "Mmmm!" I said as I was dying of starvation. I grabbed one and bit into it. Tasted like a normal pancake but still tasted good. I finished it and ran upstairs to brush my teeth. After that I grabbed my bag and I was on my way

Todoroki's POV:

I was sitting at the back of class, as usual. Avoiding all social interaction as I was not in the mood to speak. Suddenly Bakugou walked in and sat down. I thought, "He looks angry.."

After that, Midoriya walked in.. He was tired as he was taking deep breathes. Midoriya then sat down. "Bakugou looks cute when he's mad.." I thought. WHAT WAS I THINKING?! Bakugou? Cute? Fuck no.. Or was I wrong?

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