《L♡VE On Speed Dial ✓》H a n g o v e r


Hey Damien. You okay ?

Well, it's obvious..you have zero tolerance for alcohol..

Ikr !!

You did.

I did.

You did.


Well, yesterday, you called me babe a lot of times even when I strictly told you not to..


Anyway, why did you drink ?

You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..no pressure..

Oh my God..I had no idea..I'm sorry..

You don't want your parents to be together..?

Wow. That is, actually very, sweet. I didn't know you had it in you. I mean, you're always this inconsiderate jerk and a total egotistical arrogant asswhole..but, sometimes, you're really sweet..

Oh, shut up.

Yass baby !

Yay ! Finally ! I was dying under pressure..


Oh yeah..I almost forgot..we have our whole family get together ! Oh I gotta bear with those insufferable idiots..

Yep. Well, I have my cousins. And then Chase, Lilah, Emma and Trey come over..and they just add to fun ! Oh what joy, note the sarcasm.

Good. He fears me. :)

Well, good to know that they keep their promises..

No ! I didn't..I really didn't do it on purpose..please don't tell it to anyone..

I'd rather not say..

Okay. So, when I was 5, my mom took me to the Santa. I sat on his lap and looked at him. His huge moustache and pink face kinda scared me I guess..so well, I vomited on his beard..and also peed on him..but that was once okay ?!

What ?! Damn !!

You'll never let me live down this one, right ?

Well, I was little. And I don't like huge beards..so..I was scared I guess..and apparently, I kept on yelling 'Santa's evil'..well, it's not entirely my fault..my Uncle Victor, has a talent for making things scary..he said that Santa's evil and killed kids, and I was little so I believed it..


But, he did get an earful from my mom. Gosh, my mom can be scary when she wants to be..

Ah sweet as sugar, a filled cookie with filling of sarcasm and sass..


Now piss off little peasant..I've got work to do..

Still a peasant, Dummy- ien..

Get it ? Cause you're name's Damien and you're a dummy..

There you go. A perfect dummy.

Yeah..kay..take care..

Gosh. Eww. Piss off.

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