《A 7d short story》Chapter 6: The decision


Princess Rosy's P.O.V.:

OMG I lost the track of time but I decided that Doc will be my date at the party, I didn't tell him personally but through a letter (don't worry I ate Breakfast lunch and dinner during the days I think). So I hurry up pick a dress that took me hour and a half,the dress is purple, strapless, and high heels that is purple too and have a heart infront of it. Put makeup and have dark red lipstick, make myself fabulous, (because it's almost sundown when I got conscious to myself.)

Doc's P.O.V.:

As I get ready for the party. I heard a knock at the door and get it, it's the mailman he handed me a letter that came from the princess, saying that I will be the date of the princess. Almost dream come true. The others come and congratulated me.To tell you the truth I have a mega crush on the princess, I'm only just afraid that the others might teased me hardcore.


AN:Hey guys here's the update and also THANK YOU for reading my little story.It has almost 400 views,thank u guys you're the best eva

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