《Christmas Special - F1 One Shots - Completed》#1 - Lewis Hamilton


'Remember what we found, love, no one can ever take that away'

Holding his hand tightly, I moved through the crowd of people before my eyes clapped on the table where my parents sat with my brother. Lewis' fingers were tightly laced through mine as I continued to walk towards them.

"This was such a stupid idea," I muttered to myself which caught Lewis' attention.

He pulled me back towards him, so we stopped, standing face to face. Using his spare hand, he ran his fingers over my cheek in a tender way. "This is not stupid," he told me as he stared into my eyes. "You asked me to be here, so I'm here." Lewis smiled at me as he squeezed my hand and took his other hand back. "For you, I'd do anything."

I returned the grin as I gave him a small nod. "Thank you," the words came out barely audible before Lewis decided to take the lead towards the table.

"Indie!" My brother spotted us first as he got up and walked towards me, putting his arms around me as I let go of Lewis' hand. "I've missed you."

A smile crept on my lips when I heard these words, "I've missed you too."

"Glen," my mother's voice rang out getting my brother's attention. "Take a seat."

I watched as my brother obeyed, returning to his seat before I stood awkwardly behind the spare chair next to my mother. "Mother," I looked at her with no emotion.

"I thought Indie was bluffing," my father announced as he got to his feet. He bounced around the table before he shook Lewis' hand, introducing himself.

"Take a seat," my mother told me as she looked at me. "We need to talk; there is much to discuss."


My eyes looked at the woman who had birthed me; she had changed in the two years since I had seen her last. Time had caught up with her, her brown hair was greying, and her face had many more wrinkles. I guessed it was more than just time that effected her, stress being another factor.

I felt a hand on my thigh. I whipped my head around and smiled when I saw it was Lewis who had sat next to me. "Thanks," I mumbled to him as I nodded my head a little. Turning my head back to my mother, I took a deep breath. "What is it you wish to speak about?"

"Hailee," she said simply.

"Let us at least order a drink first," my father butted in.

My eyes glanced at him; I wondered why he had agreed for this meeting to go ahead. He was the sensible one in the family.

"No," my gaze returned to my mother as I reached down and squeezed Lewis' hand as I held it tightly. I needed him more than ever, my mind working overtime as to what my mother could want. "What about her?"

"Your mother is very unwell," my father interrupted us.

My mother scoffed as she held her hand up in front of my father. "This is not about me," she reminded him before she spoke to me again. "Hailee can no longer live with us," she told me bluntly.

I didn't speak for a moment. I was not sure how to react to such a statement. "She is your granddaughter," I reminded my mother. "What do you expect me to do?"

"She is your niece," my mother snapped at me with a hint of evilness to her voice. "You must take her; I cannot have her in our home anymore."


My heart sunk a little at these words. I felt a sadness for Hailee, my niece, who had been orphan after the suicide of my sister. She was a young child who did not need to be pushed around, who just needed a stable home. My heart let go of Lewis' as I realised that Hailee was a big responsibility, something he didn't need in his life. I was sad for my own life, my life that had been chosen for me, no longer could I work as I did. A child needed stability; I did not have that with my current job and lifestyle.

I looked down at the table in front of me; all the thoughts whizzing through my mind.

"I shall take her," I announced.

My father, Lewis and Glen all gasped at my words.

My mother did not change her expression; instead, she gave me a small nod.

I held my head up high as I looked at my mother and spoke the next words. "You shall not see her again," I had my own terms when it came to my mother. "Suzie trusted you with Hailee," I was disappointed with her.

Lewis's hand found mine again; he squeezed it, letting me know he was here for me as I stared at my mother.


Sitting in my home, I was cuddled on the sofa with the young child in my arms. Christmas had come around sooner than expected, and Hailee was my responsibility now. She was only four, she didn't understand too much, but she knew she was to now live with me.

Stroking her blonde hair, I listened to her soft snores.

"Indie," Lewis said my voice in hushed tones as he entered the living room. He looked at the sleeping child before he stopped in the doorway and looked between myself and Hailee. "Sorry," he said before he stepped closer to me. "Let me take her to bed for you."

I looked up at him, "You don't have to."

Lewis bent over up, pressing a kiss to my lips. "I want to," he told me before he scooped the child up into his arms. I breathed in deeply, relaxing for a moment as Lewis took the young girl to her room. I followed him up, tucking her in before returning to the living room with Lewis.

"Why are you here?" I asked him as I sat beside him on the sofa, snuggling against him.

He put an arm around me, "Because, believe it or not, Indie. I love you."

"I love you too," I managed to tell him as my eyelids began to flutter shut.

His fingers danced along my skin, "." His voice was the last thing I heard before I fell into a peaceful slumber.

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