《Christmas Special - F1 One Shots - Completed》#11 - Lando Norris


'I guess a part of me wants to, who knew? I guess a part of me likes to talk to you'

"I can't believe these stupid lockdown rules," Alice complained as she sat across from Carlos at the table. It was the last race of the season and also the Saturday before Christmas.

Carlos shook his head, "You should have brought that apartment in Spain like I suggested." He was always one to make his friend remember his words. He laughed, "I know it's a little late now."

Alice put her head on the table, her forehead rested against the cool wood as she sighed loudly. "I hate that you are right," she mumbled as she closed her eyes and wrinkled her nose. "Why did I think having a flat in London was a good idea?"

"Wait, I have an idea," Carlos said excitedly.

She opened her eyes and looked up at him, raising her eyebrows. "Carlos, I've heard your ideas before..."

He grinned, "Just stay here." He got up from his seat and left Alice alone and confused.

The blonde pushed her platinum curls away from her face as she shook her head making her hair fall back into place. She wondered what Carlos was up to, whatever it was she knew she would probably go with it. Every time he suggested something and she said no, she regretted it, now that left her alone for Christmas.

Her attention returned to the door a few minutes later when she heard it open. Carlos walked into the room with Lando following behind him. Alice stared up at Carlos, she bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from saying something stupid.

She hated the fact that Carlos seemed to read her like a book. She'd been working with him since she joined McLaren a year ago, in that time being his assistant he'd noticed little things about her.


"So," Carlos sat back down as he looked at Alice with a grin on his face. "Lando also has nowhere to go for Christmas, you know, stupid lockdown and all that."

Lando looked at Carlos, "Well, thanks for that." Lando did not look happy to be reminded that he was going to be alone at Christmas. "I was planning on sleeping all day and enjoying some facetime around lunchtime from my parents."

Carlos looked at his teammate and smiled, "Alice lives in London. She will definitely be alone for Christmas."

Alice knew exactly what Carlos was doing right now. "Carlos," she warned him with the tone of her voice.

He looked at her with a smirk, "Why don't you two spend Christmas together? Instead of being alone." He noticed her cheeks had a tint of colour to them, something Carlos saw whenever she and Lando were in the same room.

Alice looked at Lando who was looking at her. They were both awkward as they looked away almost at the same time. "" Lando muttered under his breath, his voice so quiet that if there was any other sound you would have missed it.

"What was that?" Carlos asked him loudly as he smirked at the young man. Even though he was young himself, Carlos had paid attention to Lando, his eyes on Alice when she entered a room. He knew they both wanted to spend more time in each other's company but both of them were too shy to do anything about it.

Lando narrowed his eyes at Carlos, he then turned his attention to the blonde assistant of Carlos'. He'd definitely noticed Alice around, even spoken to her on a couple of occasions, but he'd never had the confidence to ask her to hang out with him even though he'd found himself attracted to her. Her bright blue eyes stared up at him, they were large and sparkling, like an ocean that he might drown in. "Do you want to come to mine, for Christmas? No one wants to be alone."


Alice smiled as she stood up. "Only if you're sure," she said as Lando nodded his head. "Sounds lovely, Lando."

Carlos stood up again, he put his hands on both his friend's shoulders and pulled them close to him even though neither wore a mask. "You two are going to have a beautiful Christmas." He was such an idiot but his two friends loved him anyway.

Alice and Lando looked at each other, both of them blushing at the closeness.

Carlos looked at them both knowing that he'd done the right thing.

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