《Riverdale Imagines!》Sweet Pea: Insecurities


As Sweet Pea watched you walk out of the school, a smile broke out onto his face. You held your head high, knowing most girls wanted your boyfriend but obviously couldn't have him. "I don't know why he went back to her, honestly. Me and him would look so much better together." "How did she even get into those clothes? Like, look at her." "Part the waters! Here comes Shamu!"

The girls kept throwing insults your way, causing you to stop walking and turn to look at them. "You know, it is a wonder how I got into these clothes but I certainly know how to get out of them. Why don't you ask your boyfriend." As soon as the words left your mouth, the girls gasped and stopped talking. Sweet Pea smirked as you stood up for yourself, loving how easily you shut the girls down.

Before you could continue to walk away, Chuck and his group walked over to you. They wouldn't let you walk away, causing Sweet Pea to become furious. People parted and moved out of his way as he stormed over to the group of boys. His fists were balled and he was ready to swing as he reached you, your hand on his arm being the only thing keeping him from doing so.

The two of you made it over to his bike and got on, getting out of there relatively fast. The serpents that were still there glared at all the north side kids that were staring, making all of them uneasy. As the remainder of motorcycles in the parking lot sped off, the north siders that saw the scene happen felt a wave of relief wash over them.

Sweet Pea stood outside the bathroom door, the shower had been running for almost an hour and he was starting to get worried. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Quickly, you wiped away the tears and shut the shower off. You threw an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts on, letting your hair sit naturally.


"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" you responded as you opened the door. When he looked into your eyes, you broke down. He quickly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to him. "Why are you with me Pea? You could have literally any other girl. You could have a pretty girl like Betty or someone super skinny like Toni. I just don't understand." Sweet Pea stayed silent as you cried into his chest, surprised at what you were saying.

"God, I don't know what you see in me. Hell, I couldn't even be confident enough with you the first time we were together and I ran like a-" "That's enough (Y/N). I don't want to hear anymore," Sweet Pea demanded as he led you over to his couch.

"Look at me. I love you so much. I love you more than I love anything else in this world. You are one of the most beautiful girls that I know. You can't compare yourself to Toni or Betty because you aren't them. Only you can be you, and honestly, you are fucking amazing. If I have to tell you every single second of every single day that you are beautiful and so much better than any other girl for you to believe me, then I will.

I let you walk away once and I'm not going to let that happen again. Your belly is beautiful and your face is even better. I love you so fucking much (Y/F/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N). So fucking much."

By the time Sweet Pea was done talking, more tears welled up in your eyes. Except this time, they were happy tears. "I love you, (Y/N)," Sweet Pea mumbled as he wiped tears from your cheeks. "I love you too Sweet Pea, so fucking much." A smile spread across his face and he pulled you close to him before planting a kiss on your forehead. "Now, let's order pizza and watch movies."

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