《DILF 》fp jones》5.


The brick wall scratched harshly against her back, her leather jacket was thrown on the ground and her top was pushed above her breasts.

His grunts were deep in her ear as he pounded quickly in and out of her, but he wasn't good enough to tear her away from the pain that was searing across her back.

His breath hitched in his throat and sweat was smeared across his forehead as his pace slowed to a stop. They both stood quietly. Him waiting for the energy to move to resurface once again, her just waiting for him to get out of her and leave.

He pulled out of her and left a sloppy kiss on her lips. And without a single word, he left the girl with her knickers round her ankles and her bare chest exposed to the cold winter air.

"I couldn't help but hear that you didn't finish." FP sauntered round the corner of the building and lent against the wall a few meters away from Cherry, as she pulled up her knickers.

"You do realise how creepy that sounds right?" Fp shrugged and stared as the girl bent down to pick up her leather jacket, her skirt was still pulled up to her hips.

She shuffled her skirt down as FP moved off from the wall and closer to her. He held out a couple of dollar bills out to her, between his fingers. She furrowed her eyebrows at him. He smirked. "Tall boy forgot to give you this. He saw me passing on his way back to the bar. Told me to give it to you." His smirk grew wider, Cherry's didn't.

"I'm not a bloody prostitute!" She shouted. Fp shrugged the money still held out for her, she took it anyway, shoving the paper down her bra. "I'm not a whore, FP!"


He shoved his hands back in his leather jacket pockets. "I don't know, with a name like Cherry, he certainly thought so." He laughed to himself. But Cherry didn't find one single bit of this funny.

She pulled her jacket back on and walked past the serpent leader. He grabbed her. "Listen, Chez. I'm sorry. I can tell Tall Boy, put him in his place a little." Fp smiled. It wasn't a smirk, it was a smile, and it looked unfamiliar plastered on his face.

She giggled. "Chez?"

"It just slipped out." He laughed.

She stepped closer to him. "And how exactly would you put him in his place?"

He gulped as he felt her against him. Her body heat contrasting the cold night.

He hummed, placing his palm against her cheek. The gap between their lips was closing when Cheryl came skidding round the corner.

"Oh. Mr Jones!"

The two stepped back from each other, and FP coughed into the thick air that had built up around them.

"Cheryl you know FP Jones." Cherry said awkwardly as her cousin's eyes rapidly looked between the two in front of her.

She hummed in agreement, before turning her body to face her cousin more. "What happened to the long haired serpent?" Cheryl was more interested in the bet than Jughead's dad, unaware that FP Jones was one of the many dilfs already scribbled on Cherry's mental list.

"They already fucked, sorry that you missed the show. I know how close you Blossoms are." FP laughed and winked at the red head. Cheryl folded her arms.

"That was quick!" Cheryl exclaimed, deciding to ignore the serpent's inappropriate comment.

"Well you see, Tall Boy is very selfish when it comes to sex." FP butted in again. Cheryl didn't even look at him this time.


"Well who's next on the list?" Cheryl asked giddily.

"I haven't decided yet." Cherry raised eyebrows at FP who was watching the girl intently. "Maybe I'll give some guy something extra at work, there's always some fit older men that come in on Saturday nights." Cherry smirked and linked arms with her cousin.

"Goodnight, Mr Jones." Cherry winked as the two girls walked away leaving FP Jones with one thought in his mind, no matter how desperate he sounded, he had to show up at the Ho Zone tomorrow night.

"What were you doing with Jughead's dad?" Cheryl asked once the girls had left southside territory.

"Looking for dilfs." Cherry shrugged, laughing. "And FP Jones is definitely one."

"But he's a criminal, Cherry." That word felt so hypocritical falling from Blossom lips, but Cheryl didn't understand that word as much as Cherry did.

"So was the long haired serpent, more than likely."

"I'm worried about you, Cherry."

Cherry rolled her eyes. "You're not regretting the game already are you?"

"No! No, it's not that. It's you and the family and the serpents. They knew you in there. FP Jones knows you, and that's dangerous."

"Red, you grew up here, you were fed the lies and stories about the southside, about the serpents. I wasn't, I saw them as real people, with real lives. The rest of the world isn't like what you think Riverdale is, Cheryl. There's no good side and bad side. It's all bad side."

"Well, Daddy says the Serpents, are ruining the business." Cherry chuckled at how little Cheryl understood the words she was saying. "I just want you to stay away from them, or at least FP anyway."

"I can't promise you that, Cheryl, because unfortunately for you Forsythe Pendleton is pretty much top of the list of dilfs in this shitty town!"

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