《DILF 》fp jones》3.


The Blossom mansion was perfect, sturdy, elegant and that pissed Cherry off. She lay on her bed staring at the ceiling, squinting her eyes, in hopes that if looks could kill then her stare would create a crack in the plaster. But the ceiling remained crack free, only perfect paintwork like it had just been painted. The mansion was perfect and it pissed Cherry off because the family that resided there were far from.

Cheryl was humming beside her, also staring up at the ceiling, but not in the way Cherry was. Cheryl was lost in thought. "I don't want you to leave." Cheryl stopped humming and said into the silence.

"I know, Red."

"I don't want to leave because I don't want to be alone." Cheryl was almost whispering, and Cherry knew why. The walls in this house had ears and the floors and chairs had eyes.

"You won't be alone, you have Jason." Cherry thought for a moment. "You'll always have Jason. I'm the one that'll be alone, Red. I'm the one that'll always be alone."

Cheryl moved on her side and stared at Cherry's profile. "That's the think Cherry. I don't think JJ will be with me forever." Cherry followed suit and moved to her side. "He's been secretive lately, which is so unlike him. He's been sneaking out and not telling me where to. He's been ignoring me and ditching school most days. He locks himself in his room and doesn't let me in."

Cherry placed her hand on her cousin's cheek. "I think he's hurting." She rubbed her thumb along Cheryl's perfect porcelain skin. "He loved Polly, you know?"

Cheryl sat up, looking down at her cousin. "No he didn't!" She stood up of the bed, her face was red almost matching the vibrancy of her lipstick. "He didn't love her, he hurt her and that isn't my Jason. He's not the same anymore." She stormed out of the girl's room, slamming the door.

The twins' rooms were opposite each others and Cherry stood in the middle of the two closed doors. To her left was Jason's, to her right was Cheryl's.


Cherry knocked on the bedroom door and Jason answered, his ginger head was scruffy and his eyes were tired. Cherry stepped into the room. "When was the last time you slept?" She tilted her head. The bed was perfectly made and when she sat on it it felt cold.

Jason shrugged. "A lot of things have been on my mind lately, I've not been able to."

He pulled a plain t-shirt out of his cupboard and pulled it on over his head.

"Cheryl's worried. What's going on with you?" Jason sighed and joined his cousin on his bed.

"I know, Cherry." He whispered so quietly he barely moved his lips. Cherry furrowed her eyebrows. "I know everything. Everything you know." Cherry stood up shaking her head. She looked towards the only exit, it was shut tight. Jason stood up and grabbed the girl by the upper arms. "I know why you're being sent away." He shook her slightly as her eyes glazed over. "I know about the family secrets."

"How?" Cherry choked out. Jason Blossom was too young to carry the burden of the Blossom name. Both the twins were.

"My father told me. He wants me to take over." Jason refused to look into his cousins eyes, it was too painful to see the look of disgust she held. Was Cherry the only sane Blossom member?

"You can't!" She wanted to scream, to shout, to punch her Uncle in the face.

"Don't worry." Jason grabbed his cousin's wrist as she grabbed the doorknob. He stared as his cousin hoping he could tell her everything without a single word coming out of his lips.

Cherry's face softened. Her limbs relaxed. She looked at Jason Blossom and finally saw the real him, the Blossom descendant who had a mind of his own, not controlled by money and not tainted with the pursuit of power. She saw a boy with morals and a man who wanted an escape, just like her.

"I need to talk to FP, Cherry." She nodded. "I have a plan."


"You need to tell Cheryl."

"No!" Jason stood in front of her restricting her access to the door, "I love my sister. I love her more than anything else in this world, but I can't risk her knowing. She still things the sun shines out our father's arse."

"She's worried Jason." Cherry whispered. This conversation was private and this house was far from the right place to discuss is.

"Please, Cherry. She won't understand."

The clock struck twelve and it chimed through the entire Blossom mansion.

Cherry was already waiting for him by the door. "It's a school night kid, you sure you want to go hang out with the serpents?" She smirked as she saw him descending the stairs in his bright blue and gold Letterman jacket.

He ignored her and walked past her out the door.

"You look nice." He said once she had caught up with him. "I don't suppose it's for anyone in particular?" He winked.

She tucked at her leather jacket in a huff. "If you're hinting at FP Jones, then I don't need to dress up for him. He likes it better when my clothes are off anyway." She smirked and walked faster ahead of him.

Jason began to walk slower the closer they got to the Whyte Wyrm. She chuckled when she looked over to him and saw his adam's apple bob heavily once the pub came into sight. "I've never been this deep into the southside before." Cherry smiled and grabbed her cousin's hand, pulling him towards the pub.

The vibrant and pristine Letterman jacket contrasted heavily against the rough leather and smoke of the gang, and it didn't go unnoticed.

Jason gaining a dose of idiotic courage, stood in the center of the pub and called out to whoever would listen. "I'm looking for FP Jones!"

Cherry glared at him and pulled him down to her level to shut him up.

There was a few laughs from the men that surrounded them, embarrassed for the boy.

"He's upstairs." A serpent close to Cherry said over to her, chuckling at how the ginger boy had made a fool of himself. Cherry smiled at the man in thanks, then tugged her cousin away from the bar and towards the stairs.

"Cherry!" FP hissed when she came barging into the office. Jason stayed in the doorway, anxious to cross the threshold of the serpents office. "What are you doing here? You can't be here!" He stood up seeing Jason and his flaming red hair behind her. "Especially with him!" FP growled and Cherry had to hold back a pathetic moan at the sound of his dominance. "If the boys realise who he is he'll be eaten alive! You'll be eaten alive!"

Cherry ignored her favourite client and saunted towards the old leather sofa that sat at the end of the room. Her body bounced on it as she lay down, her heels kicked on the arm rest. "I told you I'm moving away." She looked down at her freshly painted jet black nails, something she stupidly did for him, but he never noticed. FP nodded then looked over at Jason, grimaced, and pulled him into the office and closed the door to block any nosy serpents from entering. "Well I've changed my mind to where I'm going. Clifford and Penelope," her voice turned sour at the sound of their names. "Want me to go to this boarding school across the country." She waved her hand in the air, like she was visibly dismissing the idea. "I've decided not to." She smirked, sitting up to face the polar opposite males in front of her. "I'm tired of running from Blossom to Blossom. I'm tired of being watched, mistreated, and not living." She crossed her leg over the other and FP's eyes wandered down her leather clad pins to her black stilettos. "So I'm leaving on my own accord. And I'm not going alone."

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