《DILF 》fp jones》prologue


She was different to the rest of the Blossom family. She didn't sport the infamous vibrant red locks. And that was just one of the reasons Cherry Blossom was kept hush hush to anyone outside of the family, they believed they were at risk of her tarnishing the Blossom name.

According to Blossom ideals, Cherry was a wild child, a juvenile good-for-nothing, and if they could they would of disowned her from the clan by now. But she knew too much for them to do that. She knew the dark secrets that was buried deep in the family history and she knew the secrets that were shimmering on the surface, disguised.

Cherry Blossom knew too much to be sent away without the watchful eye of a Blossom member, so by her parents who had now given up on trying to set her straight sent her to Riverdale, in hopes that Clifford and Peneolope, known as the strictest Blossom parents, could finally sort her out.

But Riverdale was much more welcoming of Cherry than she expected.

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