《BTS ONESHOTS》Translator




As Jin steps out of the plane, his eyes starts to wander different places.

"So this is America." he said, he was a transferee. His father has a long term project there, so they had no choice to move to America. He was nervous since he can't really speak in such a language.

Jin enterned his new classroom and he noticr straight away that he looks different from his classmates.

I'm really nervous, I probably won't make much friends.

As the teacher introduced me to my classmates, some already gave me looks, like they're not comfortable with me being korean.

I bowed and introduced myself, "Hello, I am Jin, from Korea. Let be us friends, thank you." Damn, I hate my english skills.

As the teacher started the lesson, I can't understand much, it's too deep for me. Aishhh I need someone who can help me.

I was planning to spend my lunch in the next class I'm going. I rushed my walk and accidentally bumped someone.

"Ow!" I said, "I'm sorry I didn't look to where I was going." he said in english.

"Ohh, uhh, my english not good, sorry." I said embarrassed. He looked at me confused, then I saw realization on his face.

"You're korean." he said, Finally! Someone I can talk to!

"Yes." I said with my smile. I can finally talk in my korean with someone.

The bell rung and we said goodbyes.

His smile.

His voice.

His eyes.

It's so....


I was staring at the window, thinking how I can get a translator.

Luckily, it was a language class, and more, the language is korean.

"Okay class! You guys have a new classmate in this class. Introduce yourself." she said as she gestured me to come forward. But, her other hand gestured from door.


As I came infront, I saw him...

My heart started to beat faster. What is this feeling?

He introduced himself first, "Annyeong, my name is Namjoon, I'm korean. Please be friendly to me." he said and bowed.

Namjoon... I love his name.

"Hi my name is Jin, also korean, let's be friends." I smiled and bowed.

We got to sit beside each other. I was tense, I was feeling wierd. Like there are butterflies in my stomach.

I was walking home when I heard a voice.


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