

After we had a nice hug I stared at them with an eyebrow raised. Them being Jason, Percy and Frank.

"Well?..." I asked.

"Well, what?" Jason said.

I groaned internally, "Well, I would like to know what happened!" I said.

"OHHH! Right!" Percy said. He and Frank looked at each other then turned to Jason.

"Why are you looking at me for?" Jason whined.

"Because you are the only one who knows what actually happened" Frank said.

"Yes," Percy continued, "I wasn't really paying attention and Frank was the one to get possessed so..." He trailed off motioning to Jason.

"Ok" Jason groaned.

"Basically, whilst you were doing checking the stability of the Argo II during the attack, a Hydra came along and attacked." Jason said.

"It was acting really wierd and when we chopped of a head, two more didn't grow, but it didn't get demolished either." Frank continued.

"Then it lunged at Frank and bit him, a strange thing passed between the two and then the Hydra just left, it seemed to have just vanished back to Tartarus." Jason explained, "After that the fight ended and Frank was acting really strange."

"That's when he went to your room and...yeah" Percy finished.

I stood there for a second trying to comprehend that.

"Ok...how did Frank get possessed from a Hydra bite?" I asked confused.

That's where Annabeth stepped in, "My theory is that the eidolon possessed the hydra which was why it was acting wierd, then through that bite you got possessed."

"i never knew that could happen!" i said.

"Neither did we" said Hazel.

"yeah, most of us didn't believe Annabeth at first" Piper said, "but it was the only explanation that makes sense."

The rest of them nodded in confirmation.

"ok" i said. I was about to go check up on Festus when Hazel and Piper grabbed my arms.

"Now come on," they said, "it is already 6PM and none of us have eaten yet!" and they pulled me out and dragged me to the dining hall.

"Yeah! i am starving!" Percy exclaimed as him, Jason, Frank and Annabeth trailed after us, laughing at his silly antics.

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