《You are my medicine》Good son in law


Next day morning abhi came out of the washroom after bathing and sees pragya sleeping by hugging two pillows together...

Spoiled my sleep and sleeping peacefully...he goes near pragya and says," you shouldn't have married me...fine...your fate...get up..."

Seeing pragya not stirring, he gets irritated...

Ab: get up....

Seeing pragya not moving a little, he Furiously thinks,"is she dead?...can anyone sleep like this.."

He pulls the pillows she is hugging, with closed eyes pragya says," simar first you go and wake Prem...I will wake only after he gets up"

Saying again she dozed off...

Abhi thinks,"the nerve of this girl.."

Abhi bends near pragya and in a louder voice says," get up"

Hearing his voice, her eyes opened automatically and she got up..

Seeing him glaring at her,she thinks," morning itself I am going to get nicely from him"

At that time Prachi knocks the door ...

Ab: come in Prachi...what is this new habit...

Prac: now you are married...so...I can't barge in like before...

Abhi rolls his eyes

Then she turns to pragya and says," Bhabhi...you got up so early? Function is after two hours so if you want you can sleep.."

Pragya smiles at her and about to lay back ,

Prac: anyways you must be tired because of last night

Saying she giggled...

Pragya looked at abhi akwardly...

Pragya gets down from the bed..

Prac: arey you can sleep Bhabhi

Pr: no...I am fine

Prac: maa said me to help you in getting ready..

Pr: it's okay Prachi...I can manage

Prac: no formalities Bhabhi...

Saying she pushed pragya inside the closet and got in...

After sometime all are waiting in hall for pragya...it is her mooh dikhai ceremony...


She came down with her face covered with a veil.. prachi tells in pragya's ears," my bhai is staring at you"

Pragya thinks," he must be scolding me in his mind... why is he always so rude to me...he is nice to Prachi...oh common pragya you are not his sister..."

"But I am his wife, he should care for me more than his sister", her heart argued back....

Seeing her thoughts going in wrong track she shooks away her thoughts...

Then prachi made pragya to sit on the couch...

Ra: abhi first you go and see pragya's face..

Ab: maa...I have seen her already..

Ragini glares at him...he sighs and goes near her..

He sits near her making pragya nervous..

He lifts her veil and looks at her...pragya who is looking down slowly looks at his eyes and for the very first time their eyes locked ...

Story behind wounded eyes are too hard to tell...

Pragya's pov;

What are you hiding from this world? I can see only pain in your eyes ...

Abhi's pov;

Your eyes are trying to tell me something but what is that?

Pragya drops her gaze as she doesn't want him to read the pain in her eyes...if she can't give him happiness then she also didn't wish to give him sadness either..

On hearing others laughter abhi came back to sense and gets up from there...

Then after sometime...one lady said Ragini," Ragini your bahu is very beautiful"

Ragini smiles...

After that lady went, Ragini goes to Neil and says," everyone's eyes are on pragya...I should remove all evil eyes from her"

Saying she walks near pragya..

Then abhigya are going to pragya's house for pag phera ceremony....... in car,

Pragya continuously stares outside through the window..


Abhi looks at her...

Abhi's pov;

Again she is lost in her own world...

Then abhigya reached pragya's house...

Prem and simar are very happy to see their daughter...

In kitchen,

Si: how is your marriage life going

Pr: simar...I just married yesterday..

Si: you can't hide anything from me pragya.... I will tell you only one thing...after marriage your husband's happiness should be your first priority...I know you can't love him so soon but you should atleast try...

Pragya nods lightly...

Then after sometime,

Ab: then we will take a leave..

Pr: we just came now..

Abhi looks at her...

Ab: I have one important meeting,..... then we will do onething you stay here, I will send you a car...

Si: no no...abhi... it's okay...

Pre: pragya ....he is saying right,you go now...we will meet some other day..

Pragya's eyes brimmed hearing that...

Pre: as your marriage is over I thought my daughter is a big woman now, but it seems I am wrong...

Pragya smiles at him lightly and after hugging her parents she got inside the car...

As soon as the car crossed their gate, pragya broke down into tears ....

She wipes it before abhi sees that, but her tears are not minding to stop...

Hearing her whimpers , without moving his eyes from the road, he takes a tissue and forwards it Infront of her ....

Pragya gets that and wipes her tears...

Pragya's pov;

I am no more welcomed in that house..

Thinking about that , she started crying more...

Ab: enough... for how long you are going to cry...

Pragya looks at him...

Ab: should I turn the car back to your house...

Pragya softly whispers," they are not happy to see me in that house"

Abhi looked at her shocked

Ab: you are wrong

Pr: they are scared that I will again go back to their house..

Ab: that is your house too...

Pragya nods negatively...

Ab: if you want I can stay with you in your house till you feel good,then we can come back to our house..

Hearing him saying our house warmed her heart ....

She wiped her tears and smiled at him...

He immediately turned away...

Abhi's pov;

What are you doing abhi...Don't be kind to her....all women are same ...

"But pragya is different" ,his heart argued back...

Then both remained silent....the silence between them is broken by pragya

Pr: thank you...

Without looking at her abhi asked," for what"

Pr: for this

Saying she showed the tissue to him...

Ab: you left your family and came to live with me, you are my responsibility now..I can't be a good husband to you but I can be a good damad to your parents...

And then in a dangerous tone he says," don't expect more from me"

Pragya looked at him for sometime and then looked away with a smile in her lips..


To be continued...


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