《You are my medicine》Shopping..


Shivanya sees pragya who is hugging her knees to her chest and weeping like a child...

She goes near pragya and says," pragu...I know some memories never fade away and some pain never goes away..but pragya now you are going to marry abhi.. now if you are thinking about Ishaan then it will be like you are cheating on abhi and I know my pragya can never betray anyone...."

Pr: I promise you Di , i will always be loyal to this marriage but how can I be without thinking about my ishu...

Saying pragya cries...

After venting out her pain, pragya comes out with Shivanya..

Ranbir nudges abhi to look at pragya,so abhi turned to see pragya ...

Abhi's pov;

I don't know why but whenever I see you I can only see your pain....why there is so much pain in your eyes... stop it abhi... don't show concern for her...all women are same...first they make us to feel bad then to fall for them...

Pragya comes and stands near abhi ...

Abhi puts the ring on pragya's finger...

Prachi excitedly gives a ring to pragya

Pragya gets that and stares at the ring for sometime... Shivanya tells," pragya..."

Pragya looks at her sister with a painful face... pragya then looks at simar and Prem..the both souls suffered a lot because of her.. seeing their happy faces pragya slips the ring on abhi's finger...

After their engagement abhigya never talked, talking is far they didn't even look at each other...

Next day....In shopping mall..

Prachi: bhai... please...

Ab: fine I will stay ....but only for ten minutes ..

Prachi smiles at her...he can do anything for his little sister...

Abhi is glancing through the sarees without any interest,at that time someone bumped into him from behind...


Abhi turned to bash them but stopped seeing pragya...

Pr: sorr....

She stunned seeing him there....she knows her in-laws will be here but never expected him...

Pr: I am sorry

Abhi nods and turned to see others giving him teasing glances..

Irritated abhi asked," what?"

Ra: nothing

Then all are selecting dresses for abhigya's wedding...

Pragya tells something in simar's ear and received an angry glare in return ...this is seen by Ragini

Ra: what happened pragya...you can tell me

Pragya nods negatively without moving her eyes from her mother ...

Ragini pats her head lovingly and says," you need not fear for your mom, because you have two moms now...if she scold you then this mom will scold her ....so tell me what happened"

Simar and Prem smiles hearing Ragini's words...they felt very happy...

Pragya softly whispers," I am feeling suffocated here so can I go out for sometime.."

Ra: of course beta...you should have said this to me instead of simar ...

She turns to abhi and says

Ra: abhi....take pragya out...

Pra: no no maa....I will go alone..

Ne: why should you go alone...he is standing here simply right,he will come with you...

Abhi tells pragya

Ab: come

Saying he walked front whereas pragya followed him..

Ra: super maa... atleast now they both can spend some time with each other..

All smiles..

Abhi walks fastly whereas pragya literally ran with her little legs to match his speed..

Suddenly she heard someone calling Ishaan and stopped in her tracks...she shook her head and turns to find abhi nowhere..

Pragya's pov:

Now where did he go... can't he walk slowly..god...why is he so tall..but pragya this is also good let him go somewhere...

Thinking she went to order juice for her and gets shocked to see abhi standing in the next counter..abhi looks at her


Abhi's pov;

She came here also ....why is she like this...

Then they both buys juice and sees no place to sit...

At that time a couple gets up from a two seater ... abhigya without any other option goes and sits there..

Abhi took his mobile and started doing his work whereas pragya glanced at the people around them...

After sometime Ragini called abhi and said them to come back..

Abhi gets up from there and without looking at pragya says," come"

Pragya gets up and follows him frowning...

Pragya's pov;

Why is he always ordering me..

Ragini showed two sarees Infront of abhigya and asked

Ra: which one did you both like...red or green...

Even though Pragya's favourite colour is red, she immediately said green as it is ishaan's favourite colour...

But at the same time abhi said red...

Simar says," pragya beta you like red colour right"

Pragya nods lightly...

Ne: it's okay if she likes green we will finalize that ....

Shi: no papaji... green will not look good for her... red is meant for her..

Then all selects red saree...

Next day morning , whole house is decorated for abhigya's mehandi..


To be continued....


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