《Water | Minsung》17.


They entered the garden and looked at the scenery in front of them. It was so beautiful. The cherry blossom petals were flying around and reflected in the small lake, like in a mirror. There were many sakura trees, which were already old, but still beautiful.

Minho was surprised, that they were still blooming. It was the middle of the summer.

He looked at Jisung who was enchanted by the sight of the beautiful garden. Minho found it cute, how could the boy get so easily lost in the charm of nature.

They walked around the lake, among the trees. When their hands intertwined, Minho's heart fluttered a little.

When he first met Jisung, he didn't want to get involved with him, because he didn't want him to get hurt, but later on, he found out, that it was impossible.

He enjoyed and treasured the moments they had spent together so much, that now he couldn't imagine his life without him.

He wasn't sure if Jisung was feeling the same though.

Suddenly Minho stopped walking, Jisung noticed it and turned around, he just saw, that they had been holding hands the whole time and he flushed red. But he didn't let go of it.

One sakura petal, that was flying around, landed in Jisung's hair.

Minho leaned closer and Jisung's eyes widened. Their lips met. Jisung closed his eyes. Minho's kiss was sweet, like cherries. When they pulled apart, Jisung's face was bright red and Minho was blushing too.

"S-sorry, I-um, you, I-I just wanted to say that you're cute and funny, and I-I like you, would you like to go on a date with me sometimes?" asked Minho and smiled sheepishly.

Oh wow, Jisung thought, he's stuttering as much as I do, he's nervous... wait, wAIT, WAIT, WHAT DID HE JUST SAY. Jisung finally processed the meaning of Minho's words.


"akhshdjdhwaitomgomgisthisreallyhappeningoramidreamingyouactuallylikemeimcryingofcourseyesiloveyoutoomarrymeplz," Jisung quickly answered, his mind stopped working.

"I-I mean, really I like you too and I would love to spend the rest of my life with yo- I MEAN I WANT TO GO OUT WITH YOU TOO," Jisung was panicking and heavily blushing.

Minho smiled even brighter. Jisung thought, that his smile is the most precious thing in the world, it was shining like a sun.

"Oh wait, I just remembered," said Minho and reached his hand to Jisung's hair, to take the pink petal, "you know, there's a saying that goes around, it says that when you catch a petal of a sakura tree, you can make a wish and it'll come true." Minho gave it to Jisung.

I have many wishes, thought Jisung, but I wish for me and Minho to be happy togethe-

All at once, a strong wind blew and the petal flew away.

"Oh well, it's okay, when I have you, I don't need any wishes," shrugged Jisung and smiled. He was so happy now and he felt like nothing could ruin his happiness when he had Minho by his side.

Minho took his hand and they left the garden.

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