《Water | Minsung》13.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the bar, a glass of water fell and shattered into a million pieces.

"FELIX WHAT HAPPEN-" Woojin ran to his friend who was trying to clean up the pieces of the broken glass.

"I don't know," started Felix, "but I think I just saw a ghost lol wtf."

Woojin shook his head: "You know that things like ghosts don't exist, right? How much sleep have you gotten last night?"

"More than Chan lol, that's for sure," replied Felix.

"You're both irresponsible, nobody can live on caffeine for two months straight," frowned Woojin.

Felix was Chan's childhood friend but Chan's family moved out from Australia and went to Korea. Chan studied in the same high school as Minho.

After graduation, Chan decided to move back to Australia and attend university there. Minho always wanted to visit Australia, so here are they. Being part-time job lifesavers.

Later Chan found out that the bartender Felix is the same Felix as his old friend. Well, because Felix isn't really a common name.

Felix's friend Woojin was working in the bar too. So he introduced them to each other.

Chan became really close with Woojin, that's why a lot of people thought they were dating. But in fact, they weren't. And they still aren't. Because, hm, well, Woojin is straight.

"Are you sure it was a ghost? Really?" Woojin was a bit concerned now.

"Yes... look! There he is!" Said Felix and pointed to the corner of the bar.

At first, Woojin didn't notice anything, but then he realized, that it's not actually a ghost, it's just a boy dressed all in black with pale skin, sitting in a dark corner.

"Omg Felix, you really scared me for a moment, don't worry, it isn't a ghost, it's just Changbin." Said Woojin, who was glad that no "ghosts" are flying around the bar.


"Huh, Changbin?" asked confused Felix.

"Yes, Seo Changbin, he's the son of the owner of this beach resort," explained Woojin.

"He doesn't really look rich to me, he seems more like an emo teen lol," said Felix.

"Well, I don't know about that, but you should clean this mess up, and please, don't drop any more glasses while looking at him," chuckled Woojin, "and rest more. Two hours of sleep a day aren't enough to live. Your brain cells are dying."

"Oof it's not like I had some in the first place," laughed Felix.

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