《Water | Minsung》1.


"HYUNJI-" Seungmin yelled when his boyfriend threw him in the pool.

Jeongin, who was sitting near the pool on a deck chair was laughing because the situation was really funny.

Jisung, on the other hand, didn't laugh, he glared at Hyunjin.

"Why did you throw him in the water, he could have drowned."

"Nah, he's a good swimmer. By the way, why don't you come to the pool with us, I don't think you've even stepped in the water, since we came here."

"No thanks, I'm better off here, on the ground."

Jisung hated the water.

It didn't matter if it was the dark scary infinite ocean or just a little raindrop.

He hated it all.

When he was younger, he was taken to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with aquaphobia.

Of course, there were many reasons behind his childhood trauma, but let's not talk about it now.

"But now, really, if you can't swim just tell us, we won't make fun of you... maybe." Hyunjin pointed at Jisung.

Jeongin patted Jisung's hand, he knew his friend was scared of the water because of things that happened in the past and he was one of the few who really knew the whole story.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt if we just sat on the edge of the pool and dipped our feet. It's getting really hot this afternoon after all." Jeongin gave Jisung a cute smile.

Jisung smiled, the younger was adorable: "Well, I guess you're right."

And so, they sat on the edge of the pool. When Jisung dipped his feet in the water, he froze, not only because the water was quite cold but also brought back bad memories.

After an hour Seungmin and Hyunjin finally climbed up from the pool.


"How about we get some drinks?" Seungmin suggested.

"Oh that's a good idea" Jeongin and Jisung stood up.

"Yeah, I guess we all could use one drink or more," said Hyunjin while stretching his arms.

Jisung was standing right on the edge of the pool.

They were joking around when Hyunjin burst out laughing and slapped Jisung on the shoulder. "Lmao Ji-"

But he slapped him a little bit too much and accidentally pushed him off the edge.

Jisung was falling, shock and horror were written all over his face.

He sank in the water.

For a second, everyone was shocked a nobody could say anything.

Then a high-pitched scream cut through the air.

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