《Jockstraps to Bra-straps》Chapter 23


Note: Hi, hope everyone has been safe and happy in these crazy times. Life has been crazy but here's a short chapter to help get me back into the flow of writing, the rest of the story was will be full of lots of fluff and sex so don't worry about any more dark stuff ;) thanks to everyone for sticking by me and I hope you enjoy

I was in and out of consciousness for days, my time awake was like a dream and I remembered very little of anything said to me by Dr.'s or anyone else. I remember my mom being at my side at one point and possible Kacchan and Eijiro; but I was too out of it to be sure. I was under constant supervision as several of my wounds had become badly infected; I didn't dream much, but when I did it was filled with images of Dabi towering over me, and I would wake in a screaming, crying fit and till the Dr or nurse sedated me.

After about a month my infections cleared and started to heal, I was becoming more conscious of things going on around me, which the Dr.'s took as a sign to start me on therapy to help deal with the trauma I had gone through.

They allowed My mom to visit me for a few hours each day, she would bring letters and gifts from my friends, Kacchan and Eijiro. She would also bring me pictures of Akio and Kana who both grown so much in almost a month in the hospital, I was soon allowed to start video chat and text upon being cleared mentally for my phone. Talking to Eijiro and Kacchan was emotional the first time, with all 3 of us crying. They had been put in therapy as well because of the kidnapping and video and pictures they were sent. I tried to tell them how sorry I was, but they both shut me down, telling me nothing that happened was my fault and they were just happy that I was alive. More tears followed this mostly on mine and Eijiro's part, but I saw a few tears slip from Kacchan as well. The next call I got to talk to twins they cooed and made noises at the laptop screen as I spoke to them. Hearing them laugh and gurgle, lifted my mood and daily calls made my day.

Half way through my second month the Drs cleared me to be released into the schools custody. It was the middle of the day when I arrived at dorms, everyone was in class: my mom and Mitsuki had the twins for the day, allowing me a quiet mid-morning and afternoon to rest and adjust to the dorm before going back to class the next day.


It almost felt weird being home, but was such a welcome change from the stark white walls and bright lights of the hospital. I plopped down on the couch turning on the tv to fill the room with sound. Looking around the room was pretty clean ; most likely Kacchans work, Eijiro tended to be quite messy. I smiled as I grabbed a small stuffed bunny from the pillow beside me, holding it close to my chest. Suddenly feeling exhausted I laid down closing my eyes and letting sleep take hold of me.

I woke to a small hand gently slapping my face and small quiet coos; opening my eyes slowly I smiled and sat up grabbing Akio and giving him a hug.

"Well good evening to you too sweetie, where is your sister?"

I got an excited giggle as he wiggled from my arms back to the floor and crawled away toward the kitchen.

"Hey sleepy head, how are you feeling? You were out like a light." Kacchan said looking up from his spot on the floor surrounded by homework and baby toys on the dining room floor.

"Feeling a lot better now that I'm home." I sighed sitting down beside him "where are Kana and Eijiro?"

"Down stairs the girls have been kidnapping Kana twice a week for girl time and Eijiro goes as supervision, I don't trust those damn extras alone with my kid but I also can't stand them so this was where we compromised." Kacchan said with a small growl "They should be back soon but I can text them to come back now if you want." he said pulling my head onto his shoulder and kissing my messy hair.

"No it's ok, I would hate to throw of Kana's schedule." I smiled over at Akio as he picked up a toy and shaking it, laughing as it jingled. "It feel so nice to be home, the last few months have been so insane I just want to have a seminormal school life with you guys." Kacchan gave me a side look, " Hey I said seminormal, I haven't given up on being a hero or anything, but just a month of normal and not fighting for our lives or dealing with psychos who want to fuck me."

" I think you need more therapy nerd. Do you realize how fucked up what you said is?" Kacchan said, trying to hide a chuckle as he shook his head.

"Says the guy laughing; if I need more therapy, you belong in a straightjacket." we both chuckled, not long after we heard the door open followed by an exhausted-looking Kana and equally exhausted Eijiro. I stood up taking Kana and giving Eijiro a kiss before scooping up Akio.

"I'm going to put these two down, you guys relax."


"You sure?" Eijiro asked.

"Yeah, I have missed so much; I don't want to miss anymore." With that I went about getting the twin ready for bed. The bath was easy as they both enjoyed it but getting dressed was another story. The twins decided that now was the perfect time to want different things and different ends of the room while I was trying to dry and dress them. An hour later I had them quietly snoring in their cribs and I could finally leave the room.

"How did it go." Eijiro said smiling smugly as I entered the living room.

"Haha Eijiro, you guys could have warned me they have become such pills at bedtime." I said hitting him on the shoulder as I sat beside him.

"You just seemed so happy and excited how could I burst your bubble." he said laughing "Katsuki went downstairs to get some drinks to go with dinner, hope you're hungry he went overboard on making katsudon for you." Eijiro said moving so he could lay his head in my lap.

"I thought I smelled something yummy cooking out here. You guys spoil me." We fell into a comfortable silence watching tv as I played with Eijiro's limp hair, he must have gone downstairs to one of the shared bathrooms and showered. Kacchan came back soon after and we all sat down to eat a late dinner, they caught me up on everything going on at school and with our friends. It was nice to hear that everyone had stepped up to help with the twins, while I was missing and recovering.

"Break is coming up, I know you are taking some extra classes to make up for the time you missed, but when that's done I made plans with some extras for a little vacation to the hot springs. Our parents have already agreed to watch the twins." Kacchan said taking a bite of his food.

"That sounds really nice. I haven't been to a hot spring in forever." I said a large smile creeping up on my face. "Sounds like the perfect thing to help things get back to normal for us."

"Who else is going? When you say 'extras' it could mean anyone." Eijiro laughed, shaking his head, a toothy grin on his face.

"Shut up shitty hear!" Kacchan growled " But the others joining us will be: Round face, Dunce face, four eyes, Pony tail, soy sauce, raccoon eyes, and a few others." he continued standing up and taking the empty dishes.

We stayed up talking for a bit and doing homework before calling it a night. It was so nice to lie in my nice soft bed with the boy's arms around me; I had been worried that I would have a panic attack and not be able to share a bed with them but I was actually calmer with them holding me.

Laying there I had a hard time falling asleep, all I could think was how I wanted them to touch me more. How I wanted them to make me forget what happened and just fall into the bliss of them deep inside me.

I turned my body and slipped my hand into their pants slowly massaging and stroking the hardening members. They both let out a quiet moan as I continued.

"Fuck, Deku are you sure?" Kacchan said, placing a hand on my wrist.

"Yeah, please don't push yourself because you are thinking of us..." Eijiro trailed off.

" No this is me being selfish. Please, I need you both. I need to feel you guys inside." I felt myself tear up. " I need to know this isn't a dream, I need to know that I'm really here with you guys."

They didn't say anything else as they adjusted themselves kissing me, striping me of my clothes and I striping them of theirs. Their hands touching every part of me they could reach. Their members getting harder and harder pressing against my exposed skin. I gasped as Kacchan slid his fingers into my entrance, sliding along my clit. Eijiro slid a lube covered finger into my ass, the cold liquid causing me to shiver. Their fingers found a matching rhythm within me. I continued stroking their cocks massaging the pre-cum around their heads. I enjoyed the feeling of them twitching in my hands; I moved my hand up and down starting slow before gathering speed. The moans that left their mouth were like music to my ear I couldn't get enough, it was sudden when they switched things up; Kacchan below me cock pressing into my pussy; Eijiro behind kissing my shoulder as he started pressing into my tight hole, Kacchan pressing into as well. I moaned and kissed Kacchan and they fully sheathed themselves in me. They paused allowing my body to adjust before they started moving; with a roll of my hips they started thrusting into me fast and hard. The feeling overwhelmed me, a quiet scream left my mouth as I threw my head back, Eijiro biting my neck as I did so. Kacchan latched onto my breast sucking my nipples, throwing a few nibbles in every few sucks. Our bodies thrusting into each other was the only sound to fill the room, our climaxes getting closer and closer. The moans we let out as we reached our peaks was guttural and primal. We fell into a tangled pile on the bed panting as we lay there; sleep quickly taking over our bodies.

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