《Jockstraps to Bra-straps》Chapter 21


Note: Sorry for the long break, I had stressed induced writer's block due to the shutdowns and not being able to work for the last 3 months, but I'm starting to get back into the grove and can't wait to start posting more again. Thank you for all the patience, stay safe, and enjoy. :)

The twins are 5 months old now! They are growing so fast, Akio and Kanna could both now roll over and were starting to get into hold themselves up when on their bellies. Kanna has such a strong, goal-oriented mind; if she wants something she will find a way to get it, be it by screaming till someone gives her it or helps her get it as she seems to enjoy being independent. Akio, on the other hand, is much more laid back and easygoing. He is happy to just lay on his back and chew his toes for hours, which Kanna finds frustrating when she decides it's time for him to play with her.

Kacchan finally got his Provisional License, and we had started a work-study with Todoroki at his father's agency. The twins started at the UA's new daycare center, our parents took turns watching them on the weekends when we had work studies, and on rare cases would spend time in the office at Fat gums agency. They would get unbelievably spoiled there with Eijiro, when the pickup schedules wouldn't quite match up. Fatgum loved Eijiro and having two little Eijiro's to hold and cuddle, was heaven for him, and quickly earned the title of uncle Fatgum. Of course, today mom had to work a double shift , the Bakugo's were out of town, and Eijiro had a mission so he couldn't take them like he normally would on a weekend. Uraraka volunteered to watch them after her work-study, but she wasn't off for an hour after Kacchan and I started. So Todoroki made a quick call to his father explaining the situation and got approval for us to bring the twins in till Uraraka could get them.

"So you are sure, your father won't mind us having the twins here?" I asked Totoroki as we walked into the office.

"He lets other heroes and sidekicks do the same when needed, he said, "It works out since he wanted to teach us how to do some paperwork and other things that are important for the office." He continued shrugging.

"THERE YOU BRATS ARE!" A loud voice yelled from across the office and in a flash Usagiyama was in front of us smiling. "These must be the little tikes that Fatgum keeps bragging about, it's about time you bought them." She joked, reaching out to pull a giggling Kanna from my arms. "Go put their stuff in the break room, I'm going to go brag that I got twins first!" She beamed as Kacchan handed her Akio, knowing there would be no denying her a chance to go brag.

"Geez, she has way too much energy." Kacchan growled, stretching his arms now that they were child-free.

The sound of the twins quickly filled the office as Usagiyama hopped around showing them off to the others currently in the office.

"At least they will be tired when Ochaco gets here to pick them up, smiled, heading to put the baby bag away. When I came back out, Endeavor was standing with Todoroki and Kacchan, arms crossed as he watched the #5 hero with the twins.

"Ah good you're back, now come let's get started on proper paperwork filing." He said starting before Usagiyama was in front of him, smiling smugly as she stood there with the twins.


"You're getting slow, old man, I beat you to these little cuties." She bragged holding out Kanna to him with a big smile. Kanna and Endeavor took each other in before she reached out for him, enchanted by his flames. Endeavor took a second before granting Kanna her demands for him to hold her. She was instantly reaching for his flames, giggling and cooing as they danced around her fingers. He obviously had amazing control of his fire's temperature; seeing his sister in the arms of Endeavor prompted Akio to reach out as well, now that he knew the man before him was no threat and had earned the approval of his twin. Taking a quick look around, I saw the other pros sneaking pictures of their boss holding the small children while trying to hold back 'Aws'. Endeavor seemed to ignore his employees' actions around him, taking in the two children in his arms before turning and walking in his original direction before the distraction.

"Let's go, this paperwork won't get done by standing around all day." He said his tone much lighter than before, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. The hour went by fast and Endeavor spent most of that hour holding both twins, only relenting one up at a time to appease Usagiyama, who wanted to hold them as much as she could before they left. We were just finishing up our paperwork when Ochaco arrived.

" Hey Deku, sorry I'm a little late, a small villain attack delayed the train." She said bowing, before pulling me into a hug.

"That's alright, I don't think Endeavor even noticed," I said looking over at the large hero holding the two small children, a small smile easy to see on his face as he spoke to them. Todoroki was watching him with them from across the room, an unreadable look on his face. I directed Ochaco to the break room with the bag before walking over to Todoroki.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked him to placing a hand gently on his shoulder.

"I'm not sure. I can't help but wonder if he was ever like that with me and my siblings. You know, before our quirks..." He trailed off. I looked over at his father and then back to Todoroki.

"I would like to think so. He may not have done the right thing while you guys were young but he loves you guys in his own way, and I can tell from the way he is holding the twins, that is how he once held you and I would assume your siblings." I said, giving him a slight smile. He nodded, taking what I said in before walking over to his father. I gave them a minute before joining them.

"Hey sweeties, auntie is here to take you home." I cooed, picking up Akio as he reached for me.

Endeavor looked up at the clock, furrowing his brow.

"Has it been that long already? Well, I guess you little ones should come with me to say goodbye to Rumi, or I won't hear the end of her complaining for days." He said, bouncing Kanna on his knee as he stood up. I handed him Akio back before going to help Ochaco.

Not long after saying goodbye to the twins, we were in our costumes doing patrols on the streets, Kacchan and Todoroki had gone with Endeavor to cover the upper part of town, while they partnered me with Usagiyama covering downtown. It had been uneventful so far, and I found that Usagiyama was splendid company. I could see why she was the #5 hero on the charts.


"So you're telling me, you broke your arm fighting Muscular all by yourself just to save a kid who punched you in the sack!" She cackled loudly, earning a few stares from people walking by. "You are one badass little bitch, I can't wait to work with you as a pro. You have officially earned the title of my favorite student!" she slapped my back, pulling me into a side hug.

"Thank you Usagiyama, I work forward to working with you more too." I said, beaming up at her.

"Call me Rumi, no need to be so formal. Now tell me about how you and Shoto saved your man from the LoV." She ruffled my hair as I began telling her the details of that night. We had only walked a block before an explosion up the road, called our attention. We rushed to building flames billowed out the windows, calls for help could be heard from the upper floors.

"OK, DEKU! YOU GET THE UPPER FLOOR CLEAR OF CIVILIANS AND I WILL GET THE LOWER LEVELS AND KEEP PEOPLE CLEAR OF THE SITE. YOU WITH THE HORNS CALL FOR HELP GIVE THEM MY NAME AND OUR LOCATION, GOT IT!" both I and the bystander nodded before doing our assigned task. My quirk crackled to life as I slept to the 3rd floor using concentrated blasts of air to start clearing the smoke and quell the flames calling to the people within telling to stay low and keep talking so I could find them. I worked quickly and soon I could no longer hear people calling for me after pulling out at least 15 people, handing them off to paramedics before moving back into the flames. I was doing one last search. Most of the large flames were out, but the heat and smoke made it hard to see. Seeing no one and hearing nothing more than the crackling of flames I started making my way back out but was stopped by the sounds of footsteps to a room further down the hall, but I had just cleared those rooms, I didn't see anyone. I was sure of it. I called out cautiously made my way back, I reached the last room and looked in a blast of blue flames shot out at me, I was barely able to dodge it in time, a fist quickly followed grabbing the hem of my shirt and yanking me into the room.

I grabbed the arm and twisted, using the force of falling forward to flip the attacker in an attempt to gain the upper hand. The cloud of soot and smoke was more intense with the sudden addition of more flames and movement, but it was easy to see who the attacker was. Dabi stood before me, having saved himself from slamming into the ground by letting go of me. He wasted no time moving in for another attack, his hand enveloped in a scorching flame, I dodged and swung out my leg landing a kick to his chest sending him stumbling back a few steps. I had to make sure to keep my quirk's output low. The building's supports were weak, and I didn't want to risk causing the floor above us to collapse. Dabi shot out more flames blocking my way out, he sent a ball of flame at me; I dodged but felt the heat scorch my side; I did a quick check to make sure I wasn't on fire before sending a blast of air at him hoping to clear his fire as well so I could make my out and get back up. He flared the flames, using my blast to fuel his fire. He lunged at me, grabbing my wrist and twisting it behind my back and a flaming hand at my neck. If I had more room to move I could have dodged, but the crumbling fire-damaged room was small, and too many risks limited my movements. I growled at him as he started walking backward, pulling me with him.

"Behave and do as I say or I won't call off the Nomu I have hunting down your dear Kacchan." He growled in my ear. I tensed, glaring at him, but I stopped fighting back and allowed him to lead me away. A bag was placed over my head and my hands were quickly bound as I was tossed into the back of a van. I felt tears gathering in my eyes as I thought of my twins and their fathers. I couldn't risk angering him and send one of those monsters after the infants. I stayed laying down in the back of the van for what felt like hours, the awkward angle of my tied wrists was starting to ache and the hard metal floor of the van wasn't helping. The van lurched to stop sending me sliding into the back of a seat head first, I groaned in pain before I felt a hand grab my ankle and pull me towards what I can only assume was the back of the van.

"Walk and don't think of trying anything. We are too far for you to get help from anyone. The bag was pulled off as we walked, and suddenly I understood what he meant. All around us was nothing but forest. In front of us stood a rundown cabin. It was still liveable judging by the outside, but it had definitely seen better days. Dabi quickly led me inside, locking the door behind us before undoing my ties on my hands.

"Strip and put this on." Dabi said his tone was unreadable as he tossed me a simple tee-shirt and shorts. I gulped but did as he said, working quickly so I could be covered again as soon as possible.

"Good, now lay down on the bed in the corner, hands above your head." Dabi instructed, following close behind, ties instantly around my wrist once again as soon as I was in position.

"So what do you plan to do now?" I growled at him. He smiled at me as he pulled a chair closer to where I was tied down.

"Now, we wait till I get my next set of instructions, but that could take a few days." He said an ominous look falling over his face sending shivers down my spine. He gave a small dark laugh as he stood up and went to a bookcase in the room's corner, pulling a book off the dusty shelf before sitting down in his chair once more. I glared at him as he started reading, trying to come off braver than I felt. The anxiety of not knowing if Kacchan and Eijiro were ok; if the twins were ok. Tears gathered in my eyes as all the what-ifs ran through my head. This seemed to annoy Dabi as he sighed and stood up placing his book on the table before grabbing a bag out from under it. There was some rustling, as I looked over to see him pull out a bottle of pills. I clamped my lips together, shaking my head as more tears gathered. I knew what he was planning.

" Look bitch we can do this the easy way or the hard way. I have permission to do whatever I please, I won't hesitate to hurt you if you don't listen." He growled as he stepped closer. I turned away from him. I heard him open the bottle, before roughly grabbing my cheeks and turning my face to meet his, a small white pill lay on his tongue and he leaned forward connecting our lips. I felt sick as he pressed harder on my cheeks forcing my jaw and lips apart so he could shove the pill into my mouth with his tongue, before removing the slimy appendage and lips. I could feel the pill start to dissolve on my tongue, as the saliva built up in my mouth as I tried not to swallow, but soon I had no choices as he pinched my nose and I wouldn't be able to breathe and not swallow the now mushy pill and saliva.

"Good girl." he said moving back to his book. I felt the effects of the pill in a matter of seconds as the room became blurry and my mind clouded over. The last thing I saw before the darkness swallowed me was Dabi's piercing blue eyes watching me with a sick smile on his face.

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