《Jockstraps to Bra-straps》Chapter 17


Sorry for the late update, been having horrible writer's block and personal issue plus a horrible head cold. Please enjoy the new chapter and I will do my best to get the next one up soon!

Also, had a bunch of people on Wattpad commenting about how I was it possible for Izuku to get pregnant without getting a period and here is my thoughts on it: I'm going with that because as a boy he was fertile when he changed to a girl his fertility was transferred over, and she hasn't had a chance to get a period as it would have taken a while for her body to adjust fully for it and of course the leagues messing with her birth control and stuff messed with her body more making it so she didn't have a chance to have one. So because as a male she was fertile as a guy she was automatically fertile as a girl.

oh, and I put translations for the french parts in the endnotes.

Reaching my 3rd trimester was horrible, horrible pelvic ache and hip pain started a few days in and my belly was huge I felt like a waddling penguin or beached whale not to mention I no longer fit any of my paternity clothes. Clothes for women carrying twins was seriously lacking, I really needed to plan a shopping trip but I also really didn't want to waddle around in a large crowd of people. I sighed looking out the window of my room lost in thought. A knock at the door broke me out of my trance.

"Come in! It's unlocked." I called turning my chair to face the door.

"Bonjour mon cher ami*, I come bearing gifts. Mes parents sent more clothes for you and your growing belly, along with some baby clothes for your bundles of joy, they wanted to let you know they are sorry for missing the fêteprénatale.* But hope that they can make up for it with these clothes and all-expense-paid photoshoots! For both paternity and newborn." Yuga called cheerfully as he entered the room arms full of bags and boxes he dropped them on the bed before going back to the door and bringing in more.

"Oh, Yuga! You and your parents are so sweet, I feel so spoiled." I said opening a box and taking out a beautiful flowing dress in a lovely emerald green.

" Oh, ce n'est pas un problème,* my parents love to help others. It makes them feel like heroes themselves." Yuga smiled as he placed the last of the bags and boxes.

" I would love to meet them one day, the sound so lovely." I said pulling him into a hug.

We spent the next hour talking and looking at the lovely outfits they had sent me, I quickly changed into the emerald dress, it was light and flowy, covering my large belly and swollen ankles.

"Vous êtes belle*, do you mind if I take a picture to send my parents?" Yuga asked placing a flower crown on my head.

"Of course go ahead." I smiled as I reached up to adjust the crown bit, taking in the soft fabric of the fake flowers. There was the sound of his phone's camera going off and a pleased string of french that I couldn't follow as he messed with different filters if the continued french was any indication.


"Voila, tu es si belle ma chérie*." he exclaimed happily as he handed me his phone. I could feel tears forming in my eyes as I looked at the picture, he had captured me feeling a petal of one of crowns flowers, while subconsciously holding my belly, the dress gracefully hanging off my form. The light from the window creating a gentle shadow on my posters which blended in well instead of taking over and looking gaudy.

"Can you send me a copy of that please I would love to share it with Kacchan and Kiri." I asked wiping the tears away as I handed his phone back.

"Mais biensûr ma chère, n'importequoi pour toi*" he said taking his phone and sending the picture to my phone which pinged loudly from its place on my desk.

"Merci, vous avezété un si grand ami.*" I said carefully trying not to stumble over the foreign words, looking at Yuga for a sign of messing up and saying something wrong.

"Merveilleux, tu l'as parfaitement dit.*" He said pulling me into a hug. We sat a talked for while longer, going between french and Japanese so I could practice. It was close to dinner by the time we said our goodbyes. I checked my phone pulling up the message from Yuga and sending it to the guys, our parents, and Ochaco, before moving onto the boxes of clothes and finding them a home. It wasn't long before there was a knock at my door and a tuft of red hair poking through a crack of the slowly opening door.

"Hey, your awake, though you might have been taking a nap." Kiri said pulling me into a hug and kissing my head.

"No just lost in thought as I put clothes away." I chuckled leaning into him.

"Well if you are done dinner is ready downstairs, we all pitched in and got pizza to celebrate the break starting." He said placing a hand on my belly in hopes of feeling a kick. He smiled happily when he was rewarded with one. Moving his hand I moved from his arms to put on my sandals.

Once in the common areas, we were greeted by the sounds of cheerful conversations and movie playing loudly in the background.

I split form Eijrio and moved over to the table with food on it taking a few slices I went and sat down with Kacchan and Eijiro. Eijiro seemed to be trying to tempt Denki into shocking someone ( I missed who exactly). Denki wasn't going for it adamantly ignoring Eijrio and claiming he was quite happy sitting there charging Jiro's phone. I chuckled the fact that Denki would allow any of us to put a charging cord in his mouth and charge our phones never ceased to make me laugh; Present Mic had even used him a couple of times, Midnight has done it once or twice as well.

"NO WAY, I don't care what you bribe with me, there is no way I'm going to help you 'shock' Aizawa. I mean come on do I look that dumb to you?" Denki said trying his best to speak around the cords in his mouth. A skill he had gotten quite good at since school had started.


"Do you actually want an answer to that?" Kacchan asked turning his attention from the tv to the blonde phone charger across from him.

"Rude, dude. Just rude." Denki pouted crossing his arms and turning away. I laughed almost choking on my bite of pizza.

"Oh, Deku! I loved that picture you sent me, I can't wait for that pregnancy photoshoot. Aoyama was just telling about his family's baby shower gift." Ochaco said plopping down on Kacchan's lap and placing her head in my lap.

"Hey who said you could sit on my lap round face." Kacchan growled at her.

"Oh hush, I would sit on Izuku's lap but her lap is full." she stated ignoring the angry look and middle finger he flashed her. I rolled my eyes at them.

"I am hoping to get the pictures done over break, you will have to help me pick the best ones, lord knows that these two have no tastes, Kacchan still wears his pants half off his ass." I giggled as I ran my hands through Ochaco's hair.

"You have no room to talk Deku, you and your comic sans tees, they are so stupid. Who wears a shirt that says 'plaid shirt'." Kacchan snapped back growling lightly as he shifted to be more comfortable with Ochaco on his lap.

"At least I can still walk like a normal person with my shirts though." I shot back sticking my tongue out at him.

"Yeah well, at least I know how to tie a tie, nerd. " he growled sticking his tongue out at me in response. It was at this point that Eijiro looked over at the 3 of us.

"Dude put that thing away unless you want to lick something." As a sly smile fell over his face, giving a small brow wiggle for effect. Ochaco snorted, her body shaking as she tried to hold back her laughter at the confused look that fell over Kacchan's face before he put it together.

"Shut up! Shitty hair I can do whatever I want with my tongue, you don't own it!" he growled again, turning back to the tv with a humph.

"Are they always like that?" Ochaco asked once she got control of her laughter.

"They are 10x worse, I swear it a who can be the bigger pervert contest." I sighed shaking my head.

"Hard to picture Bakugo like that but it's entertaining to try and picture." She laughed scooting her hips so she wouldn't keep slipping off Kacchan's lap. I watched his body stiffen as he looked down at her a light blush creeping across his face. I tilted my head at him before looking down at Ochaco, trying to figure out what was making him act like that. Reaching her hips I realized what was happening; I tried to control my need to laugh at him, the glare he sent me was withering but the effect was cut down due to his darkening blush. Ochaco wiggled again, and Kacchan once again stiffened, a subtle shiver running up his back.

I gently elbowed him getting his attention so he could see my knowing smile, he flipped me off and he turned away trying to ignore the girl on his laps rubbing him just right.

"Hey, Ochaco could you get me another slice of pizza please?" I asked giving her the biggest puppy dog eyes I could. She nodded in response before sitting up fully in Kacchan's lap making him growl sending me a pointed look.

Once Ochaco had left I leaned over to him smiling innocently.

"Her ass is warm and soft, isn't it? Should we invite her to join us sometime, I'm sure Eijio wouldn't mind." I giggled kissing his cheek as he glared at me.

"No thanks, I have enough trouble taking care of you two idiots, not to mention these two that are due in just a matter of weeks." he said rolling his eyes, but a small smile was tugging at the corner of his mouth that didn't quite reach his eye. Instead, I saw worry and stress. I leaned back and gave him a look.

"Hey, are you ok? You look...." I paused looking for the right word. "Tense; and not because of what just happened." he frowned as I spoke. I took this time to grab his hand and lead him to a more private spot.

"Alright, spill Kacchan, what's wrong." I said giving his hand a squeeze.

"It's just me be stupid, but it's just hit me how quickly the due date is coming and I can't help but wonder what will happen if they don't turn out to be mine, or to Kiri if they are? Where does it leave us?" I could see his temper flaring as he spoke. I pulled him into a hug (well the best I could with my belly) and kissed him.

"The babies will still be of your just as much as Eijiro's blood doesn't matter. Its the love we share for each other and the lives we all created. You love these children just as much as Eijiro and I do; that's all that matters." I pulled away looking up at him, tears had gathered in his eyes. He was trying to stop them from rolling down his face as he leaned down and pulled me into a sweet and needy kiss. He then knelt on the ground rubbing and saying random sweet things to the small creatures growing within me. That was how we stayed till Eijiro found us, an understanding smile on his face as he joined us, pulling us into a hug before we all retired to our room.

Bonjour mon cher ami=Hello my dear friend

douche de bébé= baby shower

ce n'est pas un problème,=this is not a problem

Vous êtes belle=You are beautiful

tu es si belle ma chérie=you look so beautiful my dear

Mais bien sûr ma chère, n'importe quoi pour toi=But of course my dear, anything for you

Merci, vous avez été un si grand ami =Thank you, you have been such a great friend.

Merveilleux, tu l'as parfaitement dit=Wonderful, you said it perfectly

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