《Jockstraps to Bra-straps》Chapter 15


Note: sorry for being gone for so long, life has been crazy but please enjoy the short fluff chapter as I try to get back into the grove of writing :)

It was a week into my second trimester, and I was already over the whole bringing life into the world. My back was hurting and my belly was starting to show which was making it harder and harder to wear my own clothes. I was also alway hungry nothing seemed to fill me, it felt like I was eating something every few minutes. Recovery Girl had me strick gentle exercises, and I was no longer allowed to do combat training or quirk training beyond light weight lifting.

Now that the babies were getting bigger I was starting to feel movement which was amazing and annoying at the same time. I had quickly learned not to say anything unless I was willing to let anyone within earshot come to touch my stomach. It got old very quickly.

Kacchan and Eijiro also wouldn't leave me alone. Every time I turned around one or both of them was there. I was starting to feel smothered. Luckily today I had managed to sneak away and hide while they were in quirk training. I was bound to hear it later but I was willing to deal with it if it meant 5 minutes alone. I was hiding in the forest just off my dorm leaning against a tree enjoying the sun and getting some homework done. I felt like I could finally breathe and relax. I was just starting English when I heard the bushes rustling on the other side of my clearing. Looking up I was greeted by the ever bored face of Shinso come through the foliage.

"Oh, hey didn't expect to see anyone out here." He said rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"Ha, yeah I just found this place, I just really needed to get away from everyone for a bit." I said gesturing for him to join me.

"Oh yeah hear the rumors, the League really has it out for your class doesn't it." He said trying to subtly look at my belly.

"Yeah, definitely didn't see myself in this predicament so soon." I sighed sitting up so he could get a better look. "Don't worry about staring, I'm used to it at this point." Shinso blushed lightly and chuckled.


" I bet, first the whole being turned into a girl then, kidnapped and forcibly made pregnant. You are having one hell of a year." He said leaning back and looking up at the sky. It was at that point I noticed the plastic bag at his side.

"So what brings you out here?" I questioned giving a small nod to the bag.

"Oh, nothing special." He looked around. "Here let me show you." He smiled pulling out a small can and opening it, the quiet clearing quickly filled with the sound of a cat's mewls. It got louder and louder till two tinny kittens came running out from under a bush and straight to him climbing over his legs to reach the treat.

"Aw, they are so cute." I cooed reaching out and picking one up, putting it my lap as Shinso handed me can which the little thing immediately started chowing down.

"Yeah, their mom abandoned them a few weeks ago so I've been doing my best to care for them." he said stroking the little gray ball of fluffy in his lap. " I would take them back to my dorm but a few of my classmates are allergic."

I thought for a second looking down at the cuties, they were so small and helpless. Shinso couldn't just expect they would be ok out here alone and it was going to be winter soon. Then it hit me. Present Mic let it slip the other day that Arizawa loved cats.

"I know just the person to take care of them." I said handing him the kitten as I gathered up my books and papers before standing up. " Follow me he should be back at the dorm by now."

Shinso looked at me curiously but still stood up and followed me handing me back one of the small critters as we walked. The common area was empty luckily as we walked through and straight back to the teacher's housing. I knocked on Arizawa's door hoping I was right and he was back. It wasn't long before the sound of the door unlocking could be heard and the tired face of my teacher looked out at us.


"Problem child, Hitoshi Shinso what brings you to my door." He asked sighing as he looked between us. I smiled and held out the small bundle in my hand to him, Shinso following my lead and doing the same with his kitten.

"Come in." Arizawa said stepping to the side. I quickly walked into his room moving over to his small couch and sitting down, Shinso close behind and looking confused.

" Who let it slip." Arizawa said sitting down in his office chair.

"Present Mic." I happily chirped handing him the kitten.

"Should have guessed. So what's the plan." A small smile crept onto his face and he held the purring ball of love up to his face and gave it a snuggle.

"Well, since Shinso can't have them at his dorm I thought you might want them, it's getting too cold for them outside and he said that their mom abandoned them." Shinso handed him the other kitten. It was easy to see we didn't need to convince him to take them.

"Fine, I will take them. But if I have to leave campus for an extended period of time, it will be your guy's job to watch them, understood." I nodded happily in agreement taking on of them back and giving it love. We spent the next hour sitting around talking about names and playing with the kittens.

It wasn't till Present Mic came bursting in that we noticed the time. Leaving the two teachers to talk and coo over the kittens we said good night and Shinso said goodbye heading off to his dorm, saying thanks for helping him with the kittens. I waved goodbye before heading to the kitchen grabbing a jar of pickles and Nutella before joining my friends and boys on the couch in front of the tv.

"Deku, there you are, you ok?" Uraraka said taking a spoonful of my Nutella as I leaned against her and draped my legs over Kacchan.

"I'm great I just spent the last hour playing with kittens." Smiled smearing a pickle with the Nutella and taking a bite.

"Dude, no your cravings are getting out of hand." Eijiro said looking at me in shocked disgust as I took a dramatic bit of my concoction.

"Shut up, E you will just make her do it more. You should know this by now." Kacchan said shaking his head. " and where did you find kittens?"

"Shinso found them in the forest, he had been feeding them since their mom left." I said taking another bite, Eijiro gagged and I smiled smugly.

"E, seriously don't encourage her." Kacchan growled giving me a dirty look to which I stuck my tongue out at. "I miss when you had a dick, you were less cocky"

"Hush you two I want to hear more about the kittens. Where are they now? You didn't leave them outside alone did you?" Uraraka said taking another spoonful of Nutella.

" We took them to Mr. Arizawa. Mic let it slip he loved cats so it seemed like the perfect solution." I said smiling.

" Oh so they are here, I will be back in just a little bit. I have to get the girls and go see them." She said sliding out from under me and running to the dining area, where loud squeals could be heard followed by the sound of footsteps rushing to Arizawa's room. I let out a giggle as I turned to lean against Kacchan smiling.

"Your realize he is going to work us extra hard as payback for that, right." he said looking down at me as I offered one of my Nutella pickles.

"Yup." I said smiling as Kacchan look between me the pickle and then Eijiro.

"No! Bakugo don't you dare." Eijiro said looking on in horror as he opened his mouth and took a bite.

"UGH, NO. I'M OUT YOU TWO ARE THE WORST." Eijiro said jumping up and walking away. I burst out laughing calling for him to come back and that we loved him. I smiled as I felt Kacchan chuckle. I couldn't help but smile as I thought how lucky I was.


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