《Jockstraps to Bra-straps》Chapter 7


Note: This chapter is now editedwoot! Fetusfluid69 thank you for all the hard work :)

In the morning I was woken, by the uncomfortable heat coming from the two men beside on either side of me. I moved their arms, careful not to wake them as I shimmied to the foot of the bed before standing up and locating my clothes for school. I made my way to the shower. Last night had taken a different turn than expected. I knew that Eijiro went both ways and had admitted to liking Kacchan when they had first met but never could tell where he stood and moved on. I was in a similar situation. I had, at one time, feelings for Kacchan; I learned in middle school I was gay and he was my first crush. Of course with how he treated me over the years, I kept it to myself and accepted that it would never happen. Of course, last night fulfilled a wild fantasy. I smiled looking into the mirror, groaning as I noticed new marks forming. Both boys had a thing for biting, and while I wasn't complaining I wished they would bite in places easier to hide from the other girls. The last thing I wanted was being cornered again and asked those embarrassing questions. I froze remembering the discussion with Momo. I cussed quietly as I realized neither Eijiro or Kacchan wore a condom. I stepped into the water muttering, going over all the possibilities and outcomes. I wasn't sure how long I had stood there in the water because the next thing I knew both Eijiro and Kacchan had joined me.

"Dude, what's wrong you're muttering up a storm! You look like your brain might explode or something." Eijiro said wrapping his arms around me.

"For once he's right about something spill nerd." Kacchan said turning up the temp up a bit more before stepping in and joining us.

"We forgot condoms." I said looking down at my toes blushing.

"Oh shit, fuck, fuck, fuck . We forgot the first time too and in the shower. FUCK, my mom will kill me." Eijiro said as his panic set in.

"We should talk to Recovery Girl. She will be able to give us options and resources, plus the chance of Izuku getting pregnant is still 50/50; the tests done after the accident can't tell if the change made her able to bear kids or not." Kacchan said taking a deep breath trying to keep himself calm, though you could still see him panicking slightly by the way he was breathing.


"Right that sounds like a good plan, shall we go before or after classes?" I asked looking at them.

"Let's finish up here, and go first thing, or I won't be able to concentrate at all." Eijiro said Kacchan, and I nodded in agreement.

" Ummm , also, I had a question. Where does this all leave us after last night? It was really fun, and I wouldn't mind if we did it again or something, I don't know....." I trailed off, face flushed red as the words escaped my lips.

"Please, you are now both stuck with me because it's quite obvious that you two nerds would be lost without me." Kacchan said a smug smile on his face.

"Hell yeah, man. Let's break the walls of socially accepted relationships!" Eijiro said jumping, only to then fall as his feet met the wet floor slipping and hitting his head.

"Well, now we have two reasons to visit Recovery Girl." I shook my head and helped him up.

Luckily, we had woken up earlier than the rest of 1-A and made it to the Nurses office without running into anyone. We knocked on the door as we entered, announcing our presence.

Recovery Girl turned her chair to face us as we grabbed some stools and at down.

"Well, I don't see any broken bones or burns; So what did you 3 do?" she said eyeing us.

" Umm well, we may have messed up and forgotten to... to... use protection while being intimate." I looked at my toes before looking back up to see her reaction.

"Well you three are far from the first teenagers I've had in here for the same reason; But in your case Midoriya it's more complicated. I've gone over the test from the lab, and while they say the chance is 50/50 we won't know till you have a period, or get pregnant." she rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "To start, I'll give you Plan B and send you back to the dorm to rest. It's unknown how it will affect you. I will also put in an order for some birth control and condoms. While you're resting , I want you to 'research' the different types and let me know which you would like." She hopped down from her chair and went to the cupboard, pulling out a box and handing it to me. "Follow the instructions, and take it easy these two will be in charge of checking on you during breaks, and reporting to me so I can keep an eye on you. I will inform your teachers you are taking a day to rest; no need to go into details." Recovery Girl smiled warmly "You are only young once after all." She added with a wink before shooing us away.


The walk back to the dorm was quiet, I had tucked the box into my school bag so no would see it.

"So, we need to make sure we are careful from now on." Kacchan said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah definitely, the world wouldn't be able to handle another one of either of you." I laughed taking Eijiro's hand as we continued walking.

"Right, and can you imagine Mr. Arizawa reaction, thinking about it I would be more scared of him than any of our parents!" Eijiro shivered at the thought. "Any way you guys head up to the room and I will grab us some food." He said giving us a smile and a kiss before splitting off from us and heading for the kitchen.

Kacchan and I continued up to my room. Once there, I pulled out the box and placed it on my nightstand. Sighing, I flopped onto the bed.

"If I was still a guy, we could have just done anal and be done, no worries about reproduction." I said with a small laugh.

"Well, technically you can still do anal." Kacchan said sitting beside me. "But hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, not for just causing all this, but for how I've treated you all these years. I was horrible to you. I didn't know how to handle my feelings, I was probably afraid of them, to be honest, and then there was you. You were never afraid of your feelings, hell you let them guide you and look where it got you. Your dream school, one of the top students and tons of true friends who love you for you; Not because of your quirk. That's one of the reasons All Mightchoose you. I... I think I hated you for that, but then at the same time, I loved you for it. More than I should have and that scared me more than anything." He paused taking a deep breath. "What I'm saying is hope you can forgive me and give me a chance to prove myself not just to you but Eijiro as well." He looked at the ground, I could tell he was waiting for me to respond.

"I do forgive you, but there have been things said and done that will take time to get past, but I want to get past them." I said kneeling in front of him and taking his hands in mine. He stroked my scares and gave me a rare and small smile, before leaning in and giving me a small kiss.

"Thanks." he said pulling me into a hug.

"AAAWWWW!" the sound of Eijiro gushing filled the room. "That is the most romantic and sweet thing I have ever seen. So manly of youBaku-bro!" he said placing my food on the desk before joining us in a hug.

"All right shitty hair time for us to go, We will be back later with lunch and stuff to check on you. We will also text you between classes." Kacchan said pulling me in for one last kiss, Eijiro doing the same thing, leaving alone to take the pill. I opened the box reading the information:

The morning-after pills use progestin to stop ovaries from releasing an egg. It's most effective if taken within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex, but continues to be effective up to 5 days to help prevent pregnancy. Effectiveness decreases over time, so it's better to take sooner than later.

85-90% within 72 hours

at drug and convenience stores

take a single-dose pill

doesn't provide protection

contains progestin

isn't affected

aren't caused by this method

isn't affected

spotting, breast tenderness, nausea, or vomiting

The side effects made Recovery Girls staying home and resting instructions understandable, and with my case who knew how else it would affect me. I continued on to the instructions. They stated that you should take 1 white pill within 72 hours after unprotected sex and 1 more white pill 12 hours later. Each dose has 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel. The two pills are identical; it does not matter which pill you take first.

I took out one pill grabbed a water bottle and swallowed the pill, I then moved on to the plate and ate the food that Eijiro brought up. I then pulled out my homework deciding that I should at least a little productive while stuck in the dorms. It was about an hour in when I started to feel queasy and a strong need to throw up. I moved over to the bed and laid down, sending the boys a text with an update. I laid down for a nap after setting an alarm for my next dose.

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