《The Devil On My Dick》Chapter 1


Dean sent me to get food since he can't drive with his cast and I seem to be fine.Emphasis on 'seem', because how can anyone be fine when friggin Lucifer is riding shotgun. I mean it's bad enough I let him out of his cage but I thought I fixed that when I rode him back into hell, and now I'm hallucinating the guy. I can't even take a damn shower alone anymore!

I know he's not real, but the hallucinations, the psychological torture, they feel so real...He feels so real. At first he kept trying to convince me that he was real, that we were still in the cage, and that everything that has happened has been a hallucination. But thankfully I have Dean and the cut on my hand to keep me sane.Now he just follows me around trying to annoy me in anyway possible. His favorites consist of singing to try and distract me, reading to me and yelling obnoxiously loud if I start to fall asleep, and for some odd reason, almost constant contact. Do you know how hard it is to have a conversation with your brother when Satan is sitting in your lap?! Or go for a walk that turns into you giving the Devil a piggy-back ride while he sings show tunes?! I didn't think so.

Anyway, I'm currently in the nearest grocery store looking for the food Dean wants me to get. Lucifer is sitting in the cart like an over grown child, trying to get me to talk to him. I won't though. At least not now. There are people nearby. They would probably think I'm crazy.

"What are you thinking about Sam?" Lucifer asks, but I don't answer. "Awe come on! Say something! If you answer, I promise I won't bother you anymore." Ha! He must be pretty stupid if he thinks I'll fall for that! "I'm not stupid Sammy." I look around to make sure the coast is clear before saying, "Don't call me Sammy."


"So you finally talk.Now, will you tell me why we're here?"

"You're asking me why we're in a grocery store? Can't you put two and two together?"

"Of course I know why we're here. I just wanted to hear your lovely voice." Lucifer says with a wink.

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, ever since Lucifer found out that I'm pansexual he will not stop flirting with me. I highly doubt he means any of the things he says. He's just trying to get me flustered or something like that.

"Sam, you are aware that I can hear your thoughts right?" Lucifer asks.

"You know what? I think I'll go back to ignoring you." I say, turning back my full attention back to the groceries that I'm supposed to be getting.

Coffee. Check. Beer. Check. Salt. Check. Pie. Gotta get the pie. Dean has been texting me nonstop, reminding me not to forget the pie. I've only done that once...okay twice but when the demon who killed your mom is abducting you to battle it out with other psychic kids to see who deserves to be Satan's vessel you're not exactly thinking about pie.

"Don't be bitter, Sam, it's not attractive." Lucifer says.

"I have every right to be bitter!" I say a bit too loudly, drawing the attention of the old lady behind the counter. Luckily she didn't say anything about my little outburst, she just hands me the pie.

One more thing left. Milk. Dean likes his coffee black, I like mine with a little bit of milk. "Wow, Sam , great commentary." Just ignore him, Sam. Get the milk then we can go.

As I go to put the milk in the cart, I feel an overwhelming pleasure rip through my body. I drop the milk in favor of gripping the cart until the waves of pleasure subside.


"I will NOT be ignored that easily." Lucifer says, wrapping his arms around me from behind, palming my dick through my pants.

"Damn it Lucifer, couldn't you wait until we got back to the car?" I whisper, not wanting to draw anymore attention. "I suggest you hurry and pay. I'm not a very patient man." He replies in a lust filled voice. Not wanting to waste time, I rush to the checkout and pay quickly. Not quick enough for Lucifer it seems.

"You better hurry Sam." He says sliding his hand into my pants, past my underwear,grasping my cock, "I'm getting VERY bored." I collect the change from the cashier, grab the bags, and rush to the Impala.

As soon as I sit down in the drivers seat Lucifer appears, straddling me as he grinds his crotch down into mine. I bite my lip to keep an embarrassingly loud moan from spilling out, before saying, "Lucifer get off me. We are not about to fuck in the parking lot of a grocery store. At least let me find some quiet dirt road or something."

"How romantic." Lucifer says sarcastically.

(Hey guys it's me! What do y'all think so far? The updates might be all over the place sometimes. School. Blame them. Anyways that's all. Bye!)

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