《Awakening》Chapter 26
As Caliope was slowly waking up, Amra was holding her and slowly caressing her arms. They were both naked and barely covered in sheets. She smiled and turned her head to find his lips and kiss him "Good morning love..." his voice was raspy and sexy, she felt herself shiver and she ventured to kiss his body making him lay on the bed and close his eyes. It was magic on its own, each inch where her lips rested brought a sigh or a moan out of his mouth.
Later, both walked to the Hotel's restaurant holding each other's hands, Pronab was waiting for them already at a table, and both looked as Elaine in the distance was talking to a manager. After they joined Pronab and ordered something light for breakfast, Caliope was tugging herself in the coat Elaine borrowed her when Pronab pointed out the weather outside "It is going to be very cold here the next couple of days, you should get some more suitable clothes, we are staying here at least three more days."
Amra looked at him "We can go shopping before the meeting."
"They are already waiting for us but I do not see why you would care much, am I right?"
Amra smirked and nodded just as Elaine joined them, smiling and putting her phone on the table "Good morning my dear ones, how did you both sleep? Did you sleep?"
Caliope blushed "At some point we did..."
Elaine and Pronab chuckled then ordered something to take on the way. Amra put an arm around Caliope and she turned to look at him with a smile. He on the other hand was a bit more serious, but his eyes met hers and his face softened some more 'He is here, Rawer. He makes me want to do bad things to him.' he admitted. Caliope responded 'No. please don't. I noticed finally yesterday, I am truly safe. I have nothing to fear anymore... my initial reaction was only because I was caught by surprise, but I am safe! I do not fear him anymore, I have you.'
Amra smiled more and this time leaned to kiss her. At the distance, Rawer took a single table and frowned as he watched the scene.
"Would you like to go shopping today sweetie? You will need warmer clothes. I could go with you and we let the boys do the first meeting."
Pronab shook his head appalled "Me? And those cold noses? I take the shopping instead, unless you are there, I could hit the face of Falshore just as a greeting."
Elaine sighed and Amra perked a brow looking at Pronab; there were not many people who brought out that side of him, especially in public.
"Cold noses?" Caliope asked with intended curiosity.
Elaine Clark smiled at her "They are a bit... special..."
Pronab shook his head "Cold noses, they believe they are the elite."
Amra chuckled and turned to Caliope holding her tight, while Elaine raised her hands giving up "Ok, you can go shopping with Caliope..."
"Caly... you all can call me Caly..." she added with a smile.
Elaine smiled back, unable to hold herself "Caly, adorable... well, you both can go shopping and then we meet for lunch, is that ok?"
"I am not fine with leaving her but I guess we have to do some sacrifices."
"There are only two other people in the earth, besides you, with whom I would feel safe enough and one of them is going shopping with me, so I will be fine!" she tried to assure him.
Amra looked in her eyes and gave her a smile "Ok, you convinced me..." Then he looked back at Elaine "But after lunch we are not taking separate routes again, I hope." Elaine shook her head "No, there should not be any change of plans either."
Pronab looked at Amra and smirked as he took the glass of water from the table "I don't want to miss any good shows so please don't banish anyone until I am there... specially if it is Falshore."
Elaine frowned but the others laughed. After they stood up and headed to the Hotel's front door, Amra pulled Caliope to his arms and gave her a long and deep kiss. She blushed and gave into his embrace, snuggling in his arms where she could be lost for countless hours.
Two cars headed separate ways; at the distance, only two blocks away, Elaine and Amra left their sight. Pronab was smiling as he sat next to Caliope and gave orders to the driver "Take us to any good shopping mall, we want to buy fancy and expensive stuff..."
Caliope chuckled and blushed as she looked at him. The driver got a bit confused at first but then headed towards a destination only he knew. Pronab pulled the separate window up giving them privacy. and then smiled at her "I hate shopping, but I hate cold noses even more."
"So is a male thing, not just for humans, but angels too..."
Pronab smirked "Perhaps it is, but we are very simple, we do not need to buy new things to show off."
"I see... well, will you let me buy you something?"
"What would you buy me?"
"I still don't know, but something... so I don't feel bad about buying just for me."
Pronab shrugged and nodded "Ok, I guess..."
Caliope smiled and squeezed the coat around her tightly as she looked some snow on the window. Suddenly a warm breath on her ear brought chills on her body.
"Just make sure it is something I can show off with..."
Pronab was whispering in her ear and she almost gasped; he smiled then caressed her cheek with the back of a finger. There was electricity on her body and she turned around to face him. He was also surprised. They both stared at each other.
"What... was that?" she asked confused. "I... don't know..." He replied as he turned his head to the window yet she kept staring at him in silence. That electricity was intense but harmless; each fiber of her body felt it, and it caused her all different types of sensations, good and wrong ones.
The car stopped at the entrance of an immense building; the driver opened the door for her and after that he opened the door for Pronab as well, who gave the driver a few orders and then signaled Caliope to walk inside. The building was by far one of the biggest she had ever seen before. For sure she would get lost easily if she was alone. "I would let you walk around and see more but the shops we are looking for are on the top floor." Pronab's words were as cold as the snow outside. She lowered her head and walked to the elevator where he hit the top floor and the door closed. Once the doors opened again, they headed to several stores, in each she was amazed by both the designs and their prices. After seen the 4th store without buying anything, Pronab sighed and finally spoke "Money is nothing for us, use it... don't be afraid of it."
She sighed as she looked at him, relieved he was speaking again, and also a bit more secure about wasting so much money. At the 5th store, she picked a pair of boots that were warmer and more comfortable, a set of wool and leather pants and a turtle neck shirt. On the next two stores she picked three coats and a warm hat that Pronab found funny.
She was happy he was being fun and easy again, enough for her to forget why they stopped talking an hour ago. She let him convince her that she needed one more pair of shoes before they headed back to the Hotel. Once they picked the right pair, they decided it was time to get back. Pronab was carrying the bags even though Caliope insisted on carrying some of them "I want to go to the ladies room before we return, please?"
"There is one over there, I will wait for you next to its entrance."
As she headed inside the bathroom, she walked by the male's bathroom entrance and then a big room made for babies care. She was staring at the mirror while the warm water washed her hands, she smiled when she remembered where she was. By far, a year ago, she wouldn't have dream of such changes in her life.
When she headed towards the exit of the bathroom area, right as she was passing by the baby's care room, a hand pulled her violently inside. She gasped and before she could scream, a hand was covering her mouth. She could smell the whiskey stinging on her captor's breath.
"I couldn't believe my luck when I saw you pass the men's bathroom... its fate baby..."
He turned her around and released her as she hit her back against the wall. She put her hand on her mouth and he got angry.
"What do you think you are doing?"
She had no time to reply, Pronab was approaching behind him scared her more, and every fiber in her body was shaking. The look in Pronab's eyes were of anger and pain at the same time.
"Talk to me damn it! you whore!"
She gasped again as Rawer raised his hand at her as if he was going to hit her, and she saw Pronab pull his chains in a final step, reaching to Rawer's throat, pulling him away from her. He yelped and kicked the air. His face reflected surprise, fear and anger at the same time. Slowly the kicks started to become weaker and his eyes went blank. Caliope looked up at Pronab and saw his eyes closed and a calm smile in him that made her shiver.
"Pronab, stop!"
He snapped his eyes open and looked at her, his hands lifted and the chains burned up and vanished in thin air. Rawer coughed and felt to the floor. Their eyes locked, Pronab was standing still, and Caliope watched him both in surprise and shock.
Just in time, two security officers rushed in. After watching the scene they questioned them both. Pronab lifted both arms and held them in sign of no resistance.
The first officer spoke slowly, as he approached Pronab "What happened here?"
Pronab was calm, and kept his hands in the air for them "This man was attacking her, I only stopped him."
The second officer looked at Caliope and observed her trembling hands and knees "Is that true Miss?"
She nodded, swallowing hard before she could speak "Yes... he is... he is my ex-boyfriend, officer... and he cornered me here, I think he is also drunk".
The second officer kneeled and took a sniff, then quickly stood up, nodding at his partner who replied "Are you ok Miss? Do you need to have a nurse take a look on you?"
Caliope shook her head "No officer, I am just shocked..."
Rawer growled at them both, screaming "Lies! I was only asking her how she was!" he coughed as he rubbed his throat "...and this guy attacked me with a weapon!"
The second Officer gave a step back and questioned them "A weapon? What weapon?"
Both officers were now looking at Pronab in a different way. He remained calm and even smirked "He is drunk, go ahead, search me... I have nothing to hide."
The first officer started to search quickly on him and found his passport; after reading it he gave it back to him and took a step back "If you had showed us your passport we would have asked less questions Sir."
Pronab smiled, finally lowering his hands "Like I said officer, I have nothing to hide."
The second officer pulled Rawer up in handcuffs as he proceeded to pull him away "We will take him down to the security room of the Mall, you can press charges directly there Miss, and he will be properly dealt with."
Caliope closed her eyes and shook her head "I just want to leave officers, thank you... just have him locked until the alcohol in his body is gone, I will be safe now."
She pointed at Pronab and both officers nodded, giving room for both of them to walk out of the room. As they did, he picked up again the bags of the things they bought, and in silence they headed towards the same place where the driver left them.
Only once they got up in the car, Caliope looked at Pronab and whispered "Thank you." He looked back at her, surprised and relieved, and replied with a nod. She chose not to go further, the image of Pronab so close to take Rawer's life was disturbing, unsettling but also of relief. She was hoping it would be enough to keep him far from her from now on, at least until they leave for the next destination.
When they arrived at the Hotel, Amra was waiting for them outside. Even with the snow, he seemed flawless standing like a guardian statue. He felt calm when Caliope walked down the car and as he opened his arms she ran to him. He squeezed her and kissed the top of her head "I am glad you are safe, you should have press charges on him."
Caliope closed her eyes and whispered "You knew?"
He nodded and looked at Pronab who nodded at him back and headed inside with the bags "As soon as I felt you were in danger... I saw through your eyes... I am glad you had Pronab there with you, I am sorry it wasn't me."
She lowered her head and shivered, she could still remember Pronab's face, his delight on taking away Rawer's life. Amra gently pulled her inside the Hotel and once they got into the restaurant, he sat next to her. They were alone, neither Elaine nor Pronab were anywhere near. Tables around them were empty as well, and she just knew it was by special request.
"I would have done the same, and perhaps would have not stopped as Pronab did."
Caliope turned her head and looked at Amra as he was staring at the menu without really paying attention to it. "Aren't you Angels supposed to guard human's lives?"
Amra looked at her "I am guarding a human life, much more important than his."
She blushed and looked down again, confused but touched at the same time. He sighed and dropped the menu on the table, half turning towards her. She was staring at her hands and he put an arm around her as a hand took hers "There are many laws on how to act and what to do for us... attempting to any human's life is against many, if not all our rules... but when it comes to our loved ones, it becomes the exception to any and all the rules... we are known to have fought wars in the name of our loved ones..."
She looked up at him and leaned her head on his arm, nodding slowly as his words made sense to her. He continued "Pronab did what I would have done... he was there to protect you..."
"You saw what I saw..."
"Are you worried because of the pleasure he was feeling when he was about to kill your ex-lover?"
Caliope nodded.
"He comes from a dark background, in the past he would have enjoyed it more, and perhaps, he would have not stopped... but he did, you made him stop, and he did not hesitated... I must admit, I wanted him to kill Rawer..."
Caliope gasped.
"I dont like him, besides your past history, he is creating new bad memories and moments for you... I see only sin in him... and he won't stop either, he wants you, he will try something else."
"How do you know that?"
"I know... I have seen it... he is trying to think of a way of getting you alone, and when he does, he will try to harm you... I will not allow it of course... but he is in rage, and he has money to buy his means to reach to you."
"What should I do? I feel like nothing I do is going to help in any way."
"Don't worry... he might try something, but you have to know, he might not live his next attempt to harm you..."
A tear ran down her cheek and he caught it with his thumb "Today's event were unfortunate and unplanned... the next one won't be... and I will not allow that."
She nodded slowly at the truth of his words. She belonged to his world now, and in his rules, in his universe, Rawer was an inconvenient piece that needed to be eliminated. She leaned against him and he held her again, both waiting in silence until minutes later Elaine and Pronab both joined them.
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