
people. At some points she was a rag doll being thrown around due to the crowded streets. She was tempted to drop kick some of them, but decided against it. It would be rude to cause such a scene.

The Steen National Bank was a block away. Teddy could see the gathering of people in the front of the building. All those poor people who are being fed false information. As she was crossing the street a car zoomed passed her, nearly hitting her.

"Asshole!" She yelled at the car, earning looks from people around her.

Teddy kept her head high, ignoring the stares and made her way across the street. Her head turned every so often as she tried to look for Credence. As she walked over to the large crowd of people, she bumped into a women eating a hot dog.

"Oh, uh, sorry ma'am." She glanced at the women and noticed it was Tina Goldstein. Tina worked with her father, sort of. From what Teddy remembers Tina was removed from her position as an Auror.

"Teddy? What are you-"

"Don't mention this to my father. Please." Teddy cut her off before Tina could finish.

"Tina... please." Teddy pleaded.

"Fine. But if you get hurt..." Tina was unconvinced of her friend and Teddy knew, but she needed to be here.

"I know what I'm doing, Porpertina. I won't mention this to my father either." Teddy grinned.

"Tell him- tell him what?" Tina lied.

"That you're watching the Second Salemers again. And you shouldn't be. Especially after the incident." Teddy lowered her voice, just in case someone heard.

"You know, you're up to something and I don't like it." The Goldstein looked at the Graves.

"You don't need to know everything, Porpertina. To-da-loo." Teddy waved and then pushed past some people, trying to find Credence.


She was able to locate the Barebone, who was in the front passing out leaflets. Teddy grinned and quickly walked up to him and took a leaflet.

"Hi, Red." Teddy says quietly so only Credence could hear her.

"Teddy, you-you made it." Credence stumbles over his words, glancing at the women before looking back at rhe leaflets.

"Of course I would, I always try." She grinned and softly patted his shoulder. "Now I got to go pretend that I'm paying attention."

"That's okay." Credence kept his head down, continuing to pass out leaflets.

"I'll see you around, Red." Teddy smiled and then made her way towards the front of the crowd and stood among them.

She rolled her eyes as Mary Lou spoke. It was utter bullshit. Every word coming out of the hateful womens mouth made Teddy angry. How hateful someone could be against a certain kind was just appalling to her. She's thankful that Credence wasn't brainwashed like his Mary Lou.

Suddenly Teddy stumbled forward, but kept her ground before she could kiss the ground. She turned around to find a chubby man on the ground and another man watching. Teddy immediately helped the fallen man over and smiled small.

"Thanks, doll." He said to her and then turned back to the man, who Teddy guessed tripped him.

"So sorry, my case." Teddy perked up as she heard the man speak in a British accent. She glanced at the man and saw a large brown suitcase on the ground next to his feet.

The chubby man sighed, "No harm done." And made his way up the stairs of the bank. "Ah, excuse me."

"You, friends," Mary Lou pointed to Teddy and the British man. "What joined you to our meeting today?"


"Oh, I was just passing." The Brit answered as he gave Mary Lou an uneasy smile.

"I was curious." Teddy replied, giving Mary Lou one of her fakest smiles.

"Are you a seeker? A seeker after truth?" Mary Lou asks them.

"Depends on what I'm seeking." Teddy shrugged, bringing her coat closer to her body.

"I'm more of a chaser really." The British man confessed. Now Teddy has heard that somewhere, but she couldn't figure out where.

Teddy felt something tug at her wrist. Her hand flew to her wrist and began to panic. Her bracelet was gone. She looked around quickly and saw a furry creature out of the corner of her eye.

Her eyes widened at the creature as the man next to her stood there in shock as well. He must know something about this. Teddy thought to herself.

"Excuse me." The British man ran up the stairs quickly.

Teddy knew that Tina was watching her every move, but at this point she didn't care. This creature took her bracelet. His creature took her bracelet. Her beloved bracelet.

Teddy ran after the man yelling, "Hey, you Brit!"

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