《Calamity Falls》Chapter 12


"Come on Daniel, Lee. Please eat" I begged tears clouding my vision. They shook their heads. "When Mary comes back home we'll eat. Till then we are eating nothing" they pressed their lips to form a thin line. I sighed dropping the spoon in an attempt to feed them which proved difficult

"Why can't you just understand? WE WON'T EAT TILL SHE COMES" I was shocked by Lee's sudden outburst. "Ugh" he yelled frustrated and before I knew it the plates of food were scattered on the floor, broken in pieces

I broken down in tears "They hate me. They hate me so much" I kept muttering, my hands held my head as I shook in tears. I felt someone rub my back and knew immediately that it was Jace. "What will I do Jace? It's been weeks since she has gone and the boys won't even eat and if they do they nibble on their food, eating just little. I'm concerned Jace and my fucking condition is not making the situation any better" I said to him watching as he looked down at me with a pitiful expression

"Please don't leave me" I pleaded burying my face in his neck, making his neck wet with my tears. "Shhh, I won't" he reply still repeating his earlier actions of rubbing my back. "Promise?" I sniffled breathing in his scent which only made my heart thump faster against my rib cage making me wonder if he could feel or hear it. "I promise. Now sleep" he whispered in my ear

Unknown's POV

"Good afternoon" I plastered a big smile as she looked at me. "Good afternoon. Who do you request for?" she asked eyeing me and the men behind me. "Oh no one. I'm actually interested in seeing you" I said

"What's this for?" she examined the vile containing a flaming red powder. "Doesn't matter all I need you to do is add it to your boss' food" I explained.

"SHE'S WHAT?" Lizzy shrieked making me glare at her. "Sorry" she apologised her cheeks tinting pink.

"She's missing" I said again.

"But how? When? Where? Who?" she ranted running her hands through her brown hair.

"We honestly don't know. A search party has been going on though, we've informed the police since three weeks ago and they've found nothing. If it's not the fact that I'm not an idiot I'd say she disappeared from the surface of the earth" I said rubbing my temple

"Yes, she would just disappear" she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes

"You didn't have to be harsh about it" I mumbled.

"How's Rie?" she asked biting her lip

"Bad and with her current condition I'm worried" I sighed running my hand through my hair

"Condition?" she gasped. "Is she pregnant?" she asked, her blue electrifying eyes moving around in panic

"No, No, she's not pregnant. She had an accident and now she can't walk. It's been a month, she should be able to walk in a month from now" I explained

"W-What? A month? And she didn't tell me?" she whispered as tiny droplets of tears began to accumulate in her eyes before rolling down her cheeks, wetting her face

"She didn't want to worry you. You had your problems to face, she didn't want to bother you" I said regretting I ever brought up the matter.

"Bother me? How can her well being bother me? That's low key" she scoffed angrily, wiping the tears off her face.

"I'm so sorry Lizzy. I tired talking her to calling you and telling you and the others what happened but she was adamant" I tried explaining, I didn't know I was adding more fuel to the already burning fire.


"Of course. You know if I were the one in that situation, I wouldn't hesitate to call her but in her case I was nothing" she said, her face red in fury

'What have I done?' I thought in fright. "That's not what I meant, she just-" I was cut off

"You now what never mind, if she thinks I wouldn't have cared then maybe I just won't care" she said tucking her hair behind her ear

"What? No, you can't do that. You'll add to her already heightened emotions, please Lizzy for my sake" I begged looking at her.

"That's my final decision Jace and nothing can change my mind. You don't have to tell her, I'll break the news to her" she said.

"But-" I began

"You should go back to your post Mr. Norman" she said shifting her eyes to the magazine in front of her before picking it up, disregarding my presence.

I sighed before leaving the company to my post just as Shelby approached me

"Hey Jace. How you doing?" she asked skipping over to me

My mood instantly changed "Hi Shelby. I'm cool how about you?" I smiled brightly at her as she stood in front of me.

"I am bored" she whined.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked taking a seat on the chair near-bye. She copied my actions, sitting on the chair opposite mine

"I don't know. Do you have anything in mind?" she giggled

I chuckled at her childlike behaviours "Honestly I don't have. Maybe cards?" I asked

"Anything will do at this point" she shrugged. I went in the security house where I usually was, fetching the small packet of cards I found when I was looking around before going back to Shelby.

"Here they are" I said bringing them out of the packet. Then I began shuffling it, before distributing five cards between the two of us then placing a random card at the middle of the table

"Let's say we put a little bet on this" she smirked

"Ok, but mind you I know I will win" I smiled triumphantly before placing a twenty dollar bill on the as she did the same

She scoffed "In your dreams"

"YES! I win. In your face Norman" she screamed before grabbing the money placed on the table

"Wow, I'm proud of you" I faked crying

"Mhm, you're just sad I won and you didn't" she stuck her tongue out like a child. I couldn't help but admire her. Her eyes twinkled in excitement more or less like a child buying an ice cream cone. Her big nose was cute then down to her lips. They were small but pink.

I licked my lips 'I wonder how they taste'. My eyes moved down to her perky breasts, they were so full it seemed to almost pop out of the tight pink shirt she wore. I couldn't look further due to the table obstructing my view so I looked up to her dark brown forest of hair before I was broken off my trance

"Why are you staring at me?" a voice said. I realised it was Shelby who spoke

"Did you know you're so beautiful?" I smirked. Her cheeks were suddenly painted red making her look even more cute, if that's a word

"Thank you" she whispered tucking a loose strand of hair that fell from her bun, behind her ear. "I should get going" she said getting up

"Yeah, see you later" I waved at her watching as she walked away from me swaying her hips. I bit my lips 'Damn'


I felt something extremely soft underneath me making me moan in content. I pried my eyes open, looking around to find out that I was in my room. I lifted myself up with my hands to take a look at the surrounding. The window was open and the sky was dark notifying me that it was night.

Beside me was my wheelchair, so like usual, I pushed myself up and gently guided myself unto the chair. I was starting to feel my leg and I could move it, slightly. I wheeled myself over to the door before pulling it open. I rolled down the hall till I got to the stairs then yelled for Melody.

She came as quick as she could. She looked at me from the bottom of the stairs as her eyes twinkled in realisation. She came over and carried me, laughing slightly as she placed me to sit on the couch "Come on" I pouted knowing she was laughing at my light weight.

"Sorry I couldn't help it. You're just so light" she said carrying my wheel chair, placing it in front of me before carrying me on it.

"Thank you" I said. "So what are you cooking for dinner?" I said looking at the time as it read eight forty-six pm. She shrugged then walked to the kitchen with me on her tail

"I was thinking of casserole" she said turning to face me to which I shrugged

"Whatever you wanna make" I said

After a while she was done and was currently setting the dining table. "The table is ready, I'll go get the kids" she said before leaving the diner room. Minutes later she came down with Lee and Daniel's hands in hers

She sat them on the chair "Thank you, you can go home now" I smiled at her.

"No problem. See you tomorrow" she said and I watched as she left the house.

I sighed "You boys have to eat please. If you don't eat I won't eat and do you want something to happen to me?" I asked. They looked at each other then looked at me before shaking their heads no

"Good now please eat up" I smiled urging them to pick up their spoons. They sighed before scooping a decent amount of casserole on their spoon then eyed it as if it were a forbidden object, before placing it their mouths.

I watched as they chewed and swallowed. They repeated their actions till the plate in front of them was void of food. "Do you want more?" I asked pointing at my untouched food. Daniel shook his head while Lee nodded.

I pushed my food to him as he gobbled it down in minutes. "You're ok now right?" I asked to which they nodded. "Ok now go take your bathes and get some sleep" I kissed their foreheads. "Good night" I called out as they went up the stairs to their rooms

I sighed then rolled over to the living room and began flipping through channels. I heard the door bell ring, dropping the remote control, I rolled over to the front door before pulling it open. Jace smiled before walking in, I was surprised to see who was behind him

"Lizzy... What are you doing here?" I asked in shock watching as she entered the house with no readable expression on her face. I closed the door watching her closely

"Oh nothing I was just here to drop this. Bye" she said tossing a small white envelope at me. Before she left though she turned to me "If you didn't trust me enough to be your best friend you should've never trusted me to work at your company" she said before she slammed the door shut

I was confused before looking back at Jace who shrugged before walking up the stairs. I rolled over to the centre of the room then ripped the envelope as two pieces of paper fell out from it. I picked up the paper with the figure one on it

"Did you do it?" I asked her through the phone

"How did you get my number? I don't remember giving you" she said at the other end

"Ms. Hathaway, did you do it or not?" I gritted my teeth

"Y-Yes I did" she stammered

"Good" I hung up. "Let the game begin"

I walked up the stairs, heading for my room before stopping when I heard someone yelp. 'What the hell is going on?' I followed the moan of pain before ending up in front of the boys room. I opened the door in fear and what I saw almost made me give up my ghost

Lee was hunched over, holding his stomach as he kept vomiting out blood and there Daniel was at the corner hugging his legs in a foetus like position, rocking back and forth. "Help" Lee manage to say with blood dripping at the sides of his mouth

He held his stomach again before spitting out blood. I ran over to him before carrying him up not caring if he stained my shirt or not. I left the room with Daniel hot on my tail, crying his eyes out.

I ran down the stairs, his pyjamas were now stained with a red substance, his blood. Tears were pouring down his face as he couldn't bear the pain. "MOM" I heard Daniel scream as I got to the bottom of the stairs. I snapped my head up to look at Riele only to find her on the floor passed out.

My eyes were as wide as saucers, I placed Lee softly on the couch before running over to Daniel who was crying on a passed out Riele. My heart was thumping so fast in my chest, I rolled her unto her back "Riele" I shook her hoping for her to wake but she didn't

I brought my phone out of my pocket, unlocking it, I quickly dialed 911. "This is 911. State your emergency" the voice at the other side say

"Hello. I'm Jace and..." I paused. What do I call her? "My friend just passed out right now and her youngest son is lying here in the pool of his own blood. Please hurry up" I said still trying to wake Riele up

"Alright, your location?" the feminine voice asked

"No 2, Middleview street" I said. "Please hurry" I said in fear

"Yeah, we'll be there as soon as we can" then the line went dead.

"It's ok Daniel. Please stop crying" I said pulling the broken boy unto my laps, rocking him as he hiccuped, chocking on tears

Minutes later, I heard the sound of sirens getting closer. I shot up, pulling Daniel off me then hurriedly opened the door just in time for two ambulances to park up in front of the house. I went back in the house to carry Lee as two or three paramedics went in with a stretcher to carry Riele and some carried Lee off my hands rushing them into an ambulance.

I looked in the house as they carried Riele out on a stretcher with Daniel on their tail, then something caught my eyes a white paper on Riele's wheelchair. Out of curiosity I went to the chair and grabbed the paper, reading it.

It was a letter from Jade. I gasped when I finished reading it 'Why would she do this?'.

Dear Riele

How long? How long were you planning to keep it away from me? You could've died. If you had called I would've helped you. But 'not wanting to add to your problem' is no excuse Riele. I'm your friend, scratch that, I'm your best friend. You tell me everything and I tell you everything. I was one call away, no matter what happens to you, it is always my duty to care for you. We're best friends, your problem is my problem; We've been through so much together, why did you think I wouldn't care about you because I had 'my problems to face'.

This shows you can't trust me and if you can't trust me to care about you, then you can't trust me enough to work at your company. Check the other piece of paper, it's my resignation letter. You were better than this Riele, I'm glad we're parting our ways though. Don't try calling me because I won't respond. Oh yeah, you don't want to add to my problems do you? Goodbye Riele

Your ex-bestfriend


I pulled my hair 'she shouldn't have done that'. I threw the paper on the couch before running out of the house and locking the door. I entered the back of the ambulance with Lee in it. Daniel was in the other ambulance with Riele in.

My heart broke seeing Lee in that state. He was as white as sheet, loosing so much blood. I held his hand, squeezing it gently "Stay strong buddy" I kissed his forehead as my heart throbbed in pain

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