《Don't Forget You're Mine || Jerrie》6


Jade wakes up from her sleep at the sound of her alarm. She cuddles closer into Perrie, taking in her scent and running her hand on the blonde's soft skin. Jade kisses Perrie’s cheek, then whispers words in her ear.

"Wake up," she says. "We've got a big day." Today, the girls are scheduled to perform with Taylor Swift. They need to get to the venue early in order to run a soundcheck, and Jade had set an alarm yesterday night just so they could get there in time.

"No, Jeed," Perrie protests with a sleepy voice and rolls to face away from her bandmate.

"Pez," Jade continues whilst getting out of the bed. She walks around to the other side of the bed and places a soft kiss on Perrie’s lips. "We really have to start getting ready," she says. Being able to kiss Perrie whenever it is just the two of then has recently become one of Jade's favorite things. They touch and kiss quite frequently when they are in private, and it makes Jade feel loved in a way she missed for so long now. She is enjoying every second of this new aspect of their friendship, but is a bit careful as well. She finds herself thinking about Perrie all the time, even when they are apart for the shortest periods of time, like when one is taking a shower. Sharing a bed became a pleasant habit, and it scares Jade. She is careful not to get used to stuff like this, not to catch feelings.

Perrie slowly opens her eyes, and is instantly met with a pair of brown ones. This sight makes her smile, which surprises Jade.

"Did Perrie Edwards just smile? At seven AM?" she jokingly asks and laughs.

"I'm always happy when you're here," Perrie replies and gets out of bed. She sleepily pours herself a glass of water, then sits on the hotel room floor next to her suitcases. Jade watches with admiration as Perrie opens each of her three big suitcases and tries to find proper clothes for today in them. Jade shyly smiles, thinking of how Perrie probably will not ever know how simply breathtaking she is. The brunette goes into the bathroom, where she changes out of her pyjamas and brushes her teeth. Then, she returns to find Perrie in the same spot on the floor, still looking through her suitcases.

"Do you think we need to bring Taylor something? Like a gift?" Jade asks as she sits next to Perrie on the floor.

"Oh Gosh," Perrie replies, stops her actions and looks at Jade. "We didn't think of that! And we don't have time to buy something now," she says and covers her face in her hands in frustration. "This day is going to be a fucking disaster."

"You're just tired, babe," Jade says with a laugh. She pulls Perrie into a side hug and takes in the smell of her hair. "Today is going to be really fun, don't worry. And about the gift, maybe there's something we brought from home that will do." Jade thinks about everything she has packed while scanning Perrie’s open suitcases with her eyes. They hold some odd things - except for clothes, there are CDs, photo albums and even a few kitchen tools in them.

"What is this?" Jade asks, laughing, as she picks up a clear plastic box which consists of two small statues of foxes.

"Salt and pepper shakers," Perrie replies.

"Why would you bring them in your suitcase?" Jade asks, clearly amused with Perrie’s randomness. "I've never seen anyone pack like that." Jade stops laughing when she sees that Perrie is not joining in. The blonde appears a bit sad when she provides an explanation for the shakers.


"I told you that the day before we flew here I went to get my stuff from the dickhead's house, and I didn't really have anywhere to put them. I didn't want to fill my mum's house with all of my stuff. So, I don't know. I packed everything I could," a smile finally creeps to her face when she realizes this whole scenario is quite funny. "We could gift these to Taylor, I don't really care."

"I'm sure she will love it," Jade replies and laughs. A knock on the door is heard, and Leigh-Anne steps into the room without waiting for an answer. She tells Jade and Perrie they need to hurry up, and just an hour later all four girls are already in the venue. They meet Taylor as well as the other guests for tonight, Joan Baez and Julia Roberts.

"You got to see this," Perrie says, excitedly stepping into Little Mix's dressing room after checking out the stage. She takes Jade's hand and leads her outside, to the stage.

"Wow," Jade says as she looks around, truly understanding the size of this venue for the first time. They walk on the stage, reaching its edge. Perrie holds Jade from behind, smiling because her bandmate's happiness brings joy. Jade spreads her arms out, and Perrie’s hands slip to Jade's waist. They are both laughing, as Titanic has become their private joke a few days ago, when a bug got into Jade's hair during the performance, and after Perrie tried to 'save' Jade, Jade had said you're the Jack to my Rose. Perrie kisses Jade's cheek, feeling truly happy, though then footsteps are heard, and Perrie lets go of Jade.

"It's tough, isn't it?" Taylor asks Jade and Perrie while handing them microphones for the soundcheck. "In an industry like this."

"What is tough?" Perrie asks in response. Jade and her are both wearing slightly puzzled faces.

"Being in the closet," Taylor replies with a soft smile, making Perrie laugh and Jade's cheeks redden.

"Jade and I aren't together," Perrie says, amusement on her face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just thought by the kiss-" Taylor apologizes.

"It's nothing," Jade is quick to point out.

"Yeah, we're just friends," Perrie says, then turns her gaze to Jade. "But we like to have fun, don't we?" She chuckles. If Jade could choose the moment she would stop existing on this Earth, she would have chose this exact one. Embarrassment is taking over her, and she cannot hide it. She dislikes how Perrie jokes about their growing friendship all the time, because it is not a big deal to her, but maybe it is becoming one to Jade. Jade feels bad for starting to want more, for not being satisfied with the touch and the kisses. She knows that there will never be more, therefore she should not wish for it. Yet she does.

Leigh-Anne and Jesy step out on the stage and join the three women, and by doing so, are saving Jade from the rest of the conversation. The soundcheck is over quickly, and soon after Taylor stops by the girls' dressing room and brings Perrie flat shoes, as the blonde is not confident she can dance in the heels she is currently wearing. The four girls give the salt and pepper shakers to Taylor, and she actually seems quite excited, since she thinks they are cats and not foxes. No one wants to ruin her amusement, and she leaves the room satisfied.

The performance itself is great, and the girls learn a lot. They enjoy the adrenaline rush, which lasts throughout showering after the performance and boarding Taylor's private jet to Los Angeles. Everything seems so fancy and surreal, and the five women have a chat during the hour long flight. The conversation eventually turns to romance, as befits an all girls discussion.


"Jade is single!" Jesy randomly points out, the same way she has been doing for a while now every time someone else says they are not taken. She then asks Taylor if she has got a man in mind for Jade, but Jade speaks before a reply can be heard.

"Not so fast, Jesminda. I think I might have someone," Jade says. She is completely aware of the fact that the words that are about to come out of her mouth right now are lies, but tells herself it is okay. It is worth it. She cannot have people, like Taylor, thinking Perrie and her are a couple, because that is simply not true. She needs to show Taylor, and everyone on this plane, that her thing with Perrie does not mean much to her, either.

"What?" Leigh-Anne asks in disbelief. "Who is it?" She excitedly continues.

"Jed," Jade says, faking confidence in her words.

"Jed?!" Jesy asks. "You looked a bit down that night you met in LA, I thought that didn't work out!"

"No, it did," Jade replies. "I just didn't want to rush anything. We said we sould hang out, you know, as friends." Jade comforts herself thinking that at least that was not a complete lie.

"Wait," Perrie's voice is finally heard. "Can someone fill me and Taylor in? Who's Jed?"

"A friend of Jake's," Jesy replies. "Plays the bass, very hot, very sexy." Jade cringes at the thought of Jed described with these adjectives, but does her best to hide it. "I'm going to text Jake right now. You two are going to go on a date soon, I'll make it happen."

This is exactly what Jade wants - to make everyone believe she likes Jed, and that he likes her. It is not like she might be into Perrie or anything; but at the same time, it is not what Jade wants at all.


Two nights later, Perrie, Jade, Leigh-Anne and Adam are out with the dancers. They had a day off today, which was an absolute treat. It is after the Teen Choice Awards last night, in which they took home an award and succeeded in their complicated performance. Due to these events, everyone is quite hapy. Jade is, too, but these past past two days she was a bit tense as well. She watched Perrie closely, hoping to get a reaction from her after bringing up Jed. Nothing happened, though. All remains the same. Perrie does not seem offended or even slightly jealous, she actually wants to listen to Jade talking about Jed. The two women keep kissing in private and sharing the same hotel bed, and nothing really changed.

Jade feels like she is cheating on Perrie with Jed and on Jed with Perrie, even though she is not in a relationship with either one of them.

Jade and Perrie are currently sitting at the bar, each sipping a drink. They are chatting about home when Perrie checks her phone, then closes it and dramatically looks at her bandmate.

"Jade," she says with a disbelieving smile. "Nick Jonas just liked another photo of yours!"

"Oh, that's funny," Jade replies, wishing that the subject would change back to South Shields. Talking with Perrie about guys feels really uncomfortable to her.

"He has been doing it for so long now, I think he likes you," Perrie states with a knowing smile.

"No, no. It's probably just his manager or something, trying to create gossip. It's nothing, really," Jade tries explaining, even though she does not know the truth herself.

"Oh, I see what's going on," Perrie replies. "You don't want him to like you because you like Jed! Jed? Is that his name?" Jade nods. "Oh, Jade and Jed. What will be your ship name? I mean, if we're called Jerrie, then you two must be... Um, Jadjed! Wait, no. How about Jedde? With an emphasis on the D?"

"Sounds terrible," Jade says. She would have laughed if she did not really think even the ship name is horrible. "Perrie, I don't really want to talk about guys."

"Why? Jadey, you are fittest most amazing person I've ever known in my life, it's just luck you need, in order to find what you're looking for. You don't have to be shy about that."

"No, it's no that," Jade says. She takes a deep breath before continuing to speak. "It's just that I..." She wants to say that maybe she is not looking for a relationship right now, but Perrie would be shocked, as Jade has been saying she wants a partner for so long now. Instead, she says something more vague. "I'm good, I'm not desperate. I like being with you, even though it's just for fun. I don't want to jump into anything before it feels right."

"You're right," Perrie replies, then smiles. She looks around, and finds that everyone is drunk at this point of the night and is dancing and minding their own business. Perrie turns her gaze back to Jade, then speaks again. "There's no one watching, don't worry," she says. Before Jade can react, Perrie leans in towards her and connects their lips. A few moments later, when she leans back again, she sees Jade's smile.

"Perrie Louise Edwards, I just might choose you over any boy," Jade says and laughs.


The next night, the girls go to perform at the Late Late Show with James Corden. Jade almost cannot contain her excitement and nervousness as she is standing next to James. She has the girls with her, Perrie by her side, but she is unable to stop playing with her fingers and act comfortable. When he calls her name and directs a question towards her, she manages to reply, even though she is sure no one will be able to understand her accent.

"Now, Perrie," James says and pulls Perrie towards him. He switches Perrie and Jade's places, so the blonde is standing next to him. "I want to make sure, are you okay? It's been a tough three weeks, are you alright?"

James pulls Perrie into a hug, which Jade definitely is not happy about. She feels something she has never felt before that way towards Perrie. She is jealous. She keeps her hand on Perrie’s waist the whole time, making sure Perrie does not go anywhere too far.

"Do you know what?" Perrie replies with a smile. "I'm good. We are having an absolute blast in America, things are going so well, and I just wake up every day and I thank my lucky stars I have these three girls." Jade's heart races even faster when Perrie points at her and pulls her for a light hug. She keeps her hand on Perrie’s waist, then drops it when she reminds herself she is being filmed. Moments later, though, the temptation becomes too much and she places her hand back there again. If only she could do this whenever without being afraid.

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