《Abyssal power》Invasion


It's been a while since I got home

Alice (the base) has taught me how to make Abyssals and to use my long range cannons properly (he was firing them fast in the last chapter if he does that for to long his guns explode and power gets reduced when fast firing)

"Ex get some rest it's been a long day your need it for tomorrow" she said pointing to the center of the island where a man made structure was

I nodded and started heading over there but had a very serious thought "um Alice can I even go on land?" I asked

She just chuckles "yes you can, anyone above heavy cruiser can" she says demonstrating waking off land and back on it

"Ok see you in the morning!" I take off running towards the structure

As I get closer I noticed it's some type of communication build

How did I noticed? The big freaking radar dish on top is how

As I was about to make my way in a wo class carrier comes running

When she gets here she asks "may I?" Gesturing to the building

I nodded my head and follow her in

The place had a communication radio with two bunk beds set on the far wall with a ladder to the second story

I swipe my finger against the radio station

A big portion of just floats up at the sudden movement

"When was this placed last used?" I asked while turning to the wo class carrier

She noticed the large amounts of dust that my swipe collected

"Don't know, long time?"

I simply look back to the radio but decide against it "I don't know how long it's been here it might be broken"

I feel a tap on my shoulder

I look behind me to find the wo class pointing to the bunks "need sleep, you different, no sleep" she said that last part pointing to herself


I node "I guess I need some rest" " I do feel tired"

I make my way to the bunks pull the covers of the bottom bunk and shake the dust out and re make the bed

I then pull the blankets up and lay down in the bed

After closing my eyes for a bit I feel a warm object to the left of me

I quickly open my eyes and look over to find the wo class snuggling next to me with her eyes closed smiling

"uh wo? What are you doing?" She jumps a bit thinking I was asleep

"I-I was, .........." she just looks down a bit then back to me "c-can I?"

Sure there's a girl wanting to sleep in a bed with me but since I was newly hatched? I didn't know the context of such trivial matters and how much pain I got my self into if I agreed to it but alas I did

"Sure!" I smiled which caused the wo class to blush

I shut my eyes to sleep while the wo class snuggles into my arm

"Wonder what's tomorrow going to be like" I thought while the sweet embrace of sleep overtakes me

I sat in the command room waiting for the report of our invasion fleet

"Sir transmission coming in.......the invasion fleet has confirmed a base abyssal located at Elwin's island" ??? Said

"Thanks Sasha patch me into comms"

She just nodded and after a few seconds she gives me a thumbs up

"This is the admiral speaking, our main objective is to capture the new abyssal and study it for more information...." i pause looking at sat info

"......a great deal of abyssal have showed up on sats feeds they are trying to protect the new abyssal......no matter at what costs we must capture it, but do not die out there and come home safe admiral out" I say while doing a hand motion to signal to cut the transmission


I look at the map that has hundreds and hundreds of Abyssals show on it "why?" I asked while looking at the center high energy dot "why are you important?"

As I direct our forces to secure this area more since we got him back I got a notification from one of my sub scouts reporting a large group of enemy's heading this way

"Damn they must be trying to capture ex"

I sat there thinking on how to protect my treasure and son (all the Abyssals see him as a rare treasure/bother/son or "coughs" lover "coughs"

I decided to send some forces to try and stop the fleet but leaving some to protect us just in case

As I was doing this I noticed a certain wo class carrier was missing "where did she go?" Looking around

As sudden thought struck me "No she can't have" looking at the building

I make my way towards the build and approach a window only to find the wo class snuggling with ex

I just smile at her boldness and send a prayer her way for good luck

As I start leaving I notice all the other girls eyes on me

I look around but find no one around an I just shrugged and just walk back to my spot not noticing all the other girls run up to the window

Some blush while others just have a look of determination in their eyes but slowly they get back to work

I wake up to a huge sound and a very scared looking wo class hugging me tightly

"Shhh it's going to be fine" I hug her and gently pat her head calming her down

I look at the door and back to her " look I'm going to have to go outside to see whats going ok?" I give her a smile

She nods but as I was about to get up she holds me down "stay safe" she then kisses me

Now you think since I just hatched a awhile ago I would freak out but it's the total opposite I shut down

After a few moment a she breaks the kiss and looks at me scared thinking she messed up but I returned the kiss abate short " I have to go know stay here where it's safe" I say surprising myself since my mind is like gel right now

She nods and lets me get up with a happy face

As I head out I suddenly thought of something "you remember what I said about names?"

She looks at me curiously but nods "how about you be the first to get a name?" I asks her

She then basically throws her arms around while her mouth keeps on closing and opening with a expression of pure shock

After calming down a bit she then answers "y-yes"

I nod "ok how about....Willa?"

She nods happily at her new name suddenly a pink strip goes through her hair and her face slightly changes to a more noticeable face

Wha- ........never-mind I will ask Alice later but now I need to check out what's happening

After closing the door I head back to the beach to meet Alice

Then I noticed the giant fleet of girls attacking us angering me "you can't just attack my home!!!!" I start running full sprint down the hill to start protecting my home

"Even if I die I will protect it!"

(That's it! And yes I accidentally published my chapter a bit earlier than expected (stupid cats and pushing buttons) any ways hope you guys liked this chapter and stay tuned to find out what happens next! Next time on dragon ball z!!)

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