《Abyssal power》The Awakening


Darkness.......as far as the eye could see

Suddenly light filled the darkness and the world became visible

"Ugh my head" I said standing up while clutching my head in pain

I wait a bit to let the pain go away then I take a good look around me

"Ocean.....more ocean.....and more ocean "sigh" why do I have to be stranded out here in the middle of nowhere?!!" While yelling at nobody

Suddenly I noticed I was in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight "wait how am I standing?" I look down at my feet to find that I am currently hovering/gliding on the ocean surface

I start to mentally freak out "WTF how am I floating?" I mentally yelled

"Ok calm down.....that has to be everything.....right?" I asked as I started looking at my hand only to find a very long cannon barrel attached to it

That's when I passed out

???" Come on!! How far do we have to go?!" A girl wearing what looked like battleship cannons and floating across the water said in a very bored tone

???" Not much further......" another girls said with a bow and arrow and a very short replica of a runway on her arm

???" What's soo urgent that they send a carrier, a heavy cruiser, and a battleship with a escort of a nuclear sub?" Another asked She had two big turreted guns on her sides

"I don't know Medusa but what ever it is it spooked the higher ups with that energy spike" another girl said she wore a missile silo on her back and a small turreted cannon on her arm

Medusa " surly they don't think I could handle it right Athena?" She said without turning around


Athena narrowed her eyes "just because your better at scouting doesn't make you invincible" she scoffed

??? " quit it you two the higher ups sent the best of the heavy hitters just Incase it was hostile so stay frosty" the carrier said sternly

Medusa " well we should be getting close how about send a recon plane for us kamizi?"

Kamizi "sighs" "fine we are in range so everyone hold positions" she said while stoping to aim her bow

She then shot a arrow that flew for about a few feet before turning into a scout plane

"There happy now?" Kamizi asked while looking at Medusa

"Hphm" " Yes so just go back to controlling that plane" she said while glaring at her (as you can tell they really don't like each other)

Kamizi just sighs and stays still signaling that she is controlling the plane

While the heavy cruiser just looks around while the rest of the girls get into a defensive position

I just woke up for the second time today still shocked and confused about everything going on

"Please no more surprises!" I pleaded checking the rest of my body

What I saw surprised me again

I had what looked like a giant missile launcher on my left side of my back with multiple small turrets around my body and a weird looking slab of metal on my right side on my back

Since I couldn't even check the slab I instead check my left hand to find the same looking cannon from my other hand but on my arm was multiple small turrets but not as small as the other ones around my body "huh....that's.....cool?"

When I was almost done checking my body I heard what sounded like a plane engine


That's when everything started to go into chaos

Kamizi finally opened her eyes and starred at the rest of the group with a unknown expression

"So what did you find" Medusa asked sacred at the face she was making

She took a minute to calm down and the next few words made everyone's shudder

"It's a abyssal" she said with no emotion in her voice

"And quite powerful to I saw at least two long range guns a missile launcher and what appeared to be a slab of metal"

"And what's worse is that there are multiple abyssal fleets moving in on its position"

Medusa "well let's take it out before it gets reinforcements if it is as powerful as you say then who knows what it might do" the rest of the fleet nodded and started to head in that direction very eager to take a high level threat to show there battle capability.

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