《fanboi | taekook》001


Taehyung's pov (hey, I actually hate writing and reading in first person, so I'm sorry for this shit y'all)

21st of February 2016

I've liked bts since their debut in 2013, but I never knew I would end up as a hardcore fanboy. Maybe I actually knew that, but I would've never thought that I would have the chance to go to their concert. The concert is only in a month and I should feel happy, however I feel a bit nervous and excited, at the same time.

A sigh escaped my lips, probably because of my own thoughts, which is really sad. I pull the thick, white blanket over me and unlock my phone. As soon as I opened the twitter app, I could see that I've gotten a lot of Twitter notifications.

"Why do they want me to make a YouTube channel?" is a thought going trough my head, but if I have to be honest, I'm kinda popular on Twitter. I got a "few" thousands followers, something most people wouldn't consider THAT popular, but I consider almost 100k followers something. Maybe they enjoy my tweets? Or perhaps maybe my face? I'm really handsome, according to my mom and a lot of followers. However, it could also be my 10 seconds long BTS covers.

I'll never know.

"Taehyung, dinner is ready!" my mom yells, so at least I know the dinner is ready.

Jungkook's pov

28th of February

"He's so good!!" Hoseok squeals.

"And handsome, damn," Jimin adds.

Hoseok and Jimin are watching some video, I didn't know what video it is, or I can hear some singing at least. Since I didn't know exactly what they're watching, I started walk over to the two, so I could find out what the video is.

"What are you watching?" I ask, and look over at the phone in Hoseok's hands. All I could see is a handsome boy with brown hair and slightly tanned skin, and he's also singing our song, 'I need u.' "He's good," I say quietly, but I'm sure the others could hear my voice clearly.


Also, I said good, but I meant amazing.

"I know right!" Jimin takes the phone out of Hoseok's hands, which caused the elder to pout, something both Jimin and I ignored. "He's the second cutest thing I've seen so far in life."

"Second?" Hoseok and I ask at the same time, however Jimin just nods with a smirk on his lips.

"Who's this anyway?" I ask, mainly because I like to stalk my fans, especially if they're good at singing— I hope he's a fan at least.

"I can check," Hoseok takes his phone back from Jimin and looks for the username. "His name is, uhm, V? But his Twitter account says Taekook..." I wonder if Taekook really is his name, because it sounds like a mix of Tae and Jungkook. Cough cOUgh

🅱️ I hope I'm his main hoe.

"Is he a fanboy? Oh my god, what if he is a fanboy?!" Jimin asks, or I would rather say fanboying out loud. "I hope I'm his bias."

@/BTS_twt ・1 hour ago

We discovered a fanboy today wow




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