《It was always you》1


"You've all been an awesome crowd tonight!" Beca yelled out to the crowd as they all cheered.

"Since you've been such a great crowd I've decided to play you guys a new song I've been working on." She'd say as someone would bring out her guitar and a stool.

"This songs called Her World or Mine"

As the last cord rang out through the arena the crowd went crazy. Beca wiped the tears from her eyes that threatened to spill.

"Goodnight Miami! Drive safe and enjoy your night!" She'd yell before walking off the stage.

"Good job tonight Bec" Jesse would say walking up.

"Just get me home Jess" she'd say as she walked past him.

Jesse became Beca's best friend after their first year at Barden. The boy originally tried to flirt with Beca but once he found out she was gay he insisted on being her lesbro. She tried pushing him out but it didn't work out in the end. She's happy to have that dork with her.

"Mitchell nice set" her manager Mike said.

"Thanks Mike, is the bus here? I just want to go home" she said.

"Yep right out back" he informed her and she left.

She got on the tour bus and immediately went back to her room. She sat on her bed and stared at the picture of her and Chloe she had on her nightstand. She picked up the necklace she once gave her. She missed those days.


"Bec!" The bubbly redhead would yell as she ran down the sidewalk.

"Hey Chlo" Beca would manage to say before being engulfed in a hug by her girlfriend.

"I missed you" Chloe would mumble against her neck.

"Babe I was gone for two days" she'd say chuckling.

"Still, it felt like forever" she'd say as she pulled away.

"I got you something" Beca would say.

"Ooh what is it?" Chloe would as excitedly.

"It's in my bag so let's go inside so I can give it to you" she'd say before walking towards the Bellas front door.

"Beca!" They'd all yell as she walked inside.

She'd laugh as she was pulled into a group hug.

"Okay, okay! I need to breathe y'all" she'd say laughing.

"We missed ya shortstack" Amy said.

"I missed all you nerds too but I was only gone for two days." She'd chuckled.

"Two days too long" Stacie said.


"I've got to go unpack so I'll be down in a little" she'd say before heading upstairs, Chloe following.

"What's my present?" Chloe would ask once they got to Beca's room.

"Close your eyes" Beca said and Chloe listened.

She felt something be placed into her palm.

"Open" Beca would say.

She'd opened her eyes and looked down to see a little heart necklace in her hands. She turned it over to see 'It's always you' carved into the back.

"I love it Bec" Chloe would say as she traced the words.

"It's always you Chlo, it's always been you. No matter what happens, or where I go, I'll always come back to you." Beca said as she clipped the necklace around Chloe's neck.

"I'll hold you to that Mitchell" Chloe smiled before turning around and kissing her.

End of flashback

Beca wiped the tear from her eye as she looked down at the necklace. She traced her finger along the words on the back.

"It's always you Chlo" she'd whisper to herself.

She still remembers the day Chloe gave the necklace back, well, threw it back.


"Chlo? Can we talk for a minute?" Beca would ask nervously.

"Sure what's up?" She'd ask as she got off the couch.

"Let's talk in my room" she'd say as she lead them both upstairs.

"Is everything okay? You're worrying me Bec" Chloe would say as she sat down on the bed.

"You know how I got a record deal?" She'd ask and Chloe nodded.

"You know how I've been working on a solo album with them?" She'd as and Chloe nodded again.

"Well the albums finished and they want to release it. They want me to go on tour to promote it" Beca would say.

"That's great Bec! When are they planing it?" Chloe asked.

"Tomorrow. They want me to leave for tour Monday." Beca told her.

"Bec it's Friday. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Chloe asked hurt.

"I wanted too, I tried, but every time I'd try I'd chicken out. I wanted to talk about this with you. " Beca said.

"When did you find out?" Chloe asked a little angry.

"Two weeks ago" Beca answered.

"You kept this from me for two weeks?!" Chloe yelled.

"Yes but Chlo-"

"No! No but Chlo! You lied to me! You kept such a big secret from me! How could you!" Chloe would yell as she started crying.


"Please just hear me out" Beca would try but fail.

"What is there that I need to hear out? You've lied to me for two weeks about this tour! How long is it?" She'd ask again.

"Four months" Beca would answer looking down.

"Four months?! What the hell Beca! You didn't think to tell me, your girlfriend, that'd you be leaving for a tour that lasts four months when you found out?!" She'd yell.

"Listen to me please" Beca would beg but Chloe wasn't having it.

"You said we were forever! You said it will always be us before everything else! When did that change!" She'd yell.

"It never did Chlo please listen" she'd beg.

"No Beca I'm done listening. I'm done with you. Don't talk to me ever again. I fucking trusted you and you lied to me. I'm done" Chloe would yell as she ripped the necklace off her neck and threw it at Beca who caught it.

"Chloe baby please" Beca would beg with tears in her eyes.

"No! You don't get to talk! I'm done" she'd say before storming out of the house.

Beca collapsed onto her bed crying.

Chloe didn't come home for the rest of the weekend. She wouldn't answer and of Beca's calls or texts. Nobody knew where she went. Sunday night Beca wrote her a letter.

Dear Chloe,

You never came home, I can understand why. This letters mostly an explanation and a apology.

My manager emailed me two weeks ago telling me the album was done and that they wanted to release it Saturday. In that email it also stated that I was required to go on at least a four month tour promoting it. They wanted me to start the Monday after the album release but I argued it.

The reason I didn't tell you right away was because I was fighting to get the tour pushed back to when summer started so I didn't have to worry about classes and most importantly, you could come with me.

Friday night when I told you, I was hoping to discuss you coming with me on tour this summer. They were going to allow me to push it back if I really wanted too. They were going to allow you to come as well.

I'll admit, I didn't start off that conversation well, and I probably should have talked to you about it right away but I didn't and that was stupid of me. Please know that I wasn't choosing my career over you.

Chlo you said that I lied about you being my forever. I want you to know that what you said is one hundred percent not true. You will forever be my always. It's always you, it will always be you. You will hold my heart until the end of time.

Since you were pretty clear about not wanting to see me again, I've allowed my manager to schedule the tour to begin next week. I'm flying out to L.A tonight to help plan things. I'll be back for graduation, then I'm moving out to L.A permanently.

I hope by then you will have forgiven me, but I'll understand if not. I love you so much Chlo, I can't imagine my life without you in it. I don't want to leave but I don't want to burden you with my presents either. I've left you mixes for Bella's performances if you want them.

Goodbye Chlo, I hope to see you again someday. I love you will all my heart. It's always you Chloe, it's always you.



After finishing the letter, Beca packed her things and went to bed in one of Chloe's hoodies. Then Monday morning she caught her flight to L.A and left.

End of flashback

Chloe sat on her bed reading Beca's letter once again. She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of one of Beca's hoodies. She's not sure if she left them on purpose or not but she's glad she did. Chloe remembers coming back Monday afternoon and finding the letter. She remembers reading it and crying for hours because of what it said. She remembers feeling like such an idiot for not letting Beca explain. If she would have just let her talk then maybe Beca would still be here, laying next to her.

All the Bellas miss her too. Chloe not only caused herself pain but the Bellas as well. They didn't sound the same without the little brunette she was so in love with. There was a week until Beca came back for graduation. She knows Beca thinks she moved on. She's heard all the original songs Beca's performed for each stop. She's just hoping that maybe they can fix things once she's back.

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