《Wake Up Δ Walker》chapter eighteen


The siblings are at the Side Step and all hanging out with their respective friends at different tables.

"August." Janie turns to her brother's name being said, seeing Denise get his attention. "Hey."

"Hey, Mrs. Davidson. Um... yeah, Colton isn't here right now." August says, standing up. Stella and Janie share a look, both paying attention to the woman.

"Oh, no, um... I've been trying to reach your dad all morning. Is he here?" Denise asks.

"I haven't heard from him all day." August informs.

"Well, in that case, would you mind if I asked you a couple questions?" Denise asks.

"Sure. I mean, do I need a lawyer or something? Like..." August chuckles.

"A lantern was stolen off my property a couple weeks ago, and you have been named as a person involved in the incident, so would you have any idea where it could be?" Denise asks.

Stella and Janie immediately get up and go over to August.

"Okay, you're really gonna confront a kid like this?" Stella asks.

"I have been trying to find your father." Denise tries to defend.

"And catching Augie on his own is pretty low. We're not the bad guys here." Stella says.

"August, I just need you to answer that one question." Denise says.

"What's going on here?" Geri asks, walking over.

"You know what? This doesn't involve you, so just..." Denise motions for her to walk away.

"Well, when you're in my place of business, talking to kids who are practically my blood, I would say, yeah, mm-hmm, it does concern me." Geri says, nodding.

"Okay. Why don't we find some neutral ground then?" Denise suggests. "How's Ranger HQ?"

"I don't think that's gonna be necessary." Geri says.

"Yeah, no, that-that-that's fine." August says making Geri and his sisters look at him. "Let's just, um... get this over with."

"Great." Denise says. "Great." She smiles.

"Augie." Geri whispers.

"It's fine." August assures.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Geri says.

"You know what? You are not his legal guardian, but don't worry, he'll be in good hands." Denise says, Janie wanting to smack the smile right off her face. "Let's go."

August grabs his bag.

"Augie." Geri whispers as he walks past her, following Denise.

"Wh-- what the hell was that?" Janie asks, looking between Janie and Stella with panicked eyes.

"Dad's not picking up. It's going straight to voicemail." Stella says. "I told him to come earlier, so maybe he's on his way."

"Okay, you stay here in case he does. You guys hold down the fort." Geri says.

"Wait, where are you going?" Stella asks.

"I'm gonna go find that damn lantern." Geri states.


The girls are sitting at the bar, both on their phones, hoping for any notifications from Geri, their dad, or brother.

"Stel, Jane." They turn to see Liam walk over to them.

"Have you heard from Augie?" Stella asks.

"No, your father has it handled." Liam states.

"He never should've taken that stupid thing." Stella says.

"He never should've gone to the freakin' barn in the first place." Janie adds.

"We told him not to, but he just had to show off, and then I know Colton got involved somehow." Stella says.


"Okay, okay, let's--let's get you guys home. Okay?" Liam says, bringing both of them into a hug.

"Mm-hmm." Stella hums.

"Okay." Janie whispers. The girls grab their things, turning to leave, only to see Dan and Colton walking in.

"Stella, don't." Liam says as Stella walks to them.

"Hey." Stella stops them. "I know our friendship doesn't mean anything to you anymore, but you really didn't have to sell out my brother to your mom." She tells Colton.

"I'm-I'm sorry, what?" Colton asks.

"And what the hell did we do to make you hate us so much?" Stella asks.

"You're a Walker. Okay, I'm a Davidson. I guess this just wasn't meant to be." Colton says.

"You don't mean that. You, of all people, wouldn't believe that. But, hey, I guess you weren't really who I thought you were."

Dan whispers something to Colton.

"Stella." Liam walks up to her, Janie following. Stella just waves her uncle off.

"You know, the only thing I wanted when we moved here was a home." Colton tells his dad. "They're taking our ranch tomorrow, and I know, I know you and mom aren't happy. There's nothing left to fight for anyways, dad." Colton leaves.

"Stel." Liam calls as Stella walks out.

"Stelly." Janie quickly follows her.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Stella states, getting in the passenger seat of Liam's car.

"Okay." Janie mumbles, getting in the backseat. She leans forward and holds her hand out to Stella. The redhead considers, but holds her younger sister's hand.


Janie knocks on August's door, not waiting for an answer as she opens it.

"Why do you knock if you just walk in anyway?" August asks from where he lies on his bed.

"Cause I like annoying you." Janie says, a small smile on her face, attempting to lighten his mood, but it doesn't work. "How you doing?"

"I'm fine." August tells her as she sits on the bed.

"You sure? You don't look fine." Janie comments.

"I'm fine, Janie." August tells her.

"Okay." She nods. "Whatever you say."

"Look, I just... I just want to be alone, all right?" August tells her.

"You sure?"


"Fine. But if you want to talk--"

"I know where to find you."

Janie lightly pats his cheek and gets up as he swats her hand away.


The twins were forced to stay in the house while the Walker and Davidson families had the horse race. Cordell didn't want them around the whole situation, especially after Denise interrogated August.

Cordell ended up losing and Bonham was arrested for the death of Marv Davidson. Now, the Walkers are forced to pack up all of their stuff and move out within a few days.

They're now in court for Bonham's hearing. Abilene, Stella, August, Janie, and Cordell are sitting in the front row of the courthouse and Liam is acting as Bonham's defense lawyer.

"Bonham Walker is guilty, your honor." Denis declares. "He perpetuated a fraud. And not just against my family, but the people of this city. 25 years. The Walker family have built a business, a legacy, on their good name."

"In the coming weeks, we will lay out witness testimony, financial transactions and evidence that prove the defendant was inside the barn at the time of Mr. Davidson's murder, struck him in the head with a lantern, and then buried his murder weapon so that his crimes could never be unearthed."


"Well, I am sorry, Mr. Walker, but your 25 year fraud is over." Denise sits down. Janie rolls her eyes at the woman.

"Well, that was a remarkable string of fiction about everything other than why we're here, Madam D.A., thank you so much for that. Your honor, this is very simple. A 68 year old man has been charged on very thin evidence. This man has no priors. Not only is he innocent, but he's definitely not a flight risk."

"He's not a flight risk?" Denise questions. "He was just out destroying evidence last week."

"He tossed out a 25 year old lantern. Can we please stay on planet earth?" Liam questions.

"Oh, of course. Of course. He was just casually burying his own murder weapon." Denise snarks.

Janie's hands turn into fists and her jaw clenches, knowing she can't snap at the woman. Cordell notices her rising anger, and despite him feeling the same thing, he attempts to calm her down. Cordell puts his hand over one of Janie's, squeezing it gently. The girl appears to relaxes slightly, but still glares daggers at Denise.

"Your honor, if the defense is not able to finish a statement..." Liam says.

"Mr. Walker is correct. D.A. Davidson-Miller... tighten it up." The judge orders.

"Yes, sir." Denise quietly responds.

"Thank you, your honor." Liam says. "You know what, while we're at it, why don't we discuss this very wild conflict of interest? If the D.A. won't proactively recuse herself, then the defense will be filing a motion for disqualification. Can the bench please step in here?"

"There is not state law that specifically prohibits me--" Denise starts.

"I don't want to hear it." The judge cuts her off. "You're not gonna prosecute your own father's murder, Madam D.A. The defense's motion is granted."

"Thank you, your honor." Liam sits back down.

"This'll be your last hearing on this matter. Now, on the matter of bail. Given the previous attempts at destruction of evidence, bail is denied." The judge declares, hitting his gavel.

"Wh-- no. Daddy." Janie whispers, her eyes tearing up, turning to her father.

"Hey, hey, I-- it's all right." Cordell whispers, his hand gently placed on the back of her head. Despite his words, his face tells a much different story, giving the young girl zero reassurance.

They watch as a cop handcuffs Bonham and leads him out. Cordell grabs his hat and walks past his family, quickly walking out.

Janie shares a sad look with August, the girl slumping in her seat.


Janie and Stella are in the shed and packing things up. Stella moves, but her hip knocks into the small bucket of horseshoes, it falling to the ground, the horseshoes clattering to the ground. Both girls jump at the sound, Stella bending down to start picking them up as Janie continues to do her own thing.

"You good?" Janie cautiously questions.

"I'm fine, Janie." Stella says, though her tone says otherwise.

"Can you please be more careful, all right? Gramps is gonna get pissed." August says as he walks in with a heavy sigh.

"Dude, she just dropped some horseshoes. Relax." Janie mutters.

"You haven't said a word to me all morning, and now you're worried about horseshoes?" Stella asks her brother.

"Yeah, what's there to say?" August asks.

"I don't know. Maybe, "I'm sorry, Stella"? "I know I've been acting like a jackass all morning, Stella, but, hey.""

"Wait, wait, "I-I'm sorry"?" August asks. "No, this is happening to me too, you know?"

"Guys, could we--" Janie tries, but her sister cuts her off.

"You know what?" Stella asks. "Forget it." She dismisses.

"No, no, no. I want to know. I mean, are you seriously blaming me for grandpa?" August asks.

"Fine. Yes!" Stella states. "You just had to go and climb that barn, didn't you? You just had to impress Faye. You do realize that she only acts like she likes you half of the time, right?"

"Stel--" Janie starts.

"It's not just half the time." August states.

"What?" Stella asks. Janie looks down, her finger quietly tapping on the table.

"Look, Faye doesn't like me any of the time." August says. "All right. She broke up with me?"

"Did she say why?" Stella asks.

"Yeah, it's-it's... it's too much drama, Stella. Too many lanterns. It's not just about court. Plus, I think everyone at school thinks gramps did this too. It's real nice to know whose fault you think it is." August walks out.

Janie lets out a heavy sigh, looking at her sister who turns to her.

"Did you know? About Faye?" Stella asks.

"Mm-hmm." Janie nods. "You shouldn't blame him. It's not his fault. Besides, who's to say they never would've gone to the barn themselves and-and tried to fix it up or something and found the lantern themselves. This could've happened sooner or later. Don't pin it all on Augie. He's your little friggin' brother, don't be a bitch."

"So you don't blame him? Even a little bit?" Stella asks.

"No. No, I don't." Janie states. "But, you know, I also didn't blame you or dad for Trevor and his dad when they held us hostage and he shot Uncle Liam and killed Uncle Hoyt."

"Look, I-I know that you're going through it, too. We all are. But don't take it out on Augie. Be pissed at the people who are actually guilty. Whoever the hell that is."

"And who is comforting the mediator of the family?" Stella questions, looking at her sister.

"My journal." Janie states.

"You don't wanna talk? About any emotions?"

"Nope." Janie shakes her head. "It's all written down." She states.

"You know, if you want to talk..." Stella says.

"Would you be comforting or just blow up at me?" Janie asks.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't blame Augie, I-I know, I just... it's hard. I'm sorry." Stella says.

"Maybe tell him that." Janie says.

"But, seriously, Jane--"

"If I wanna talk, I'll come find somebody. Rather it's you, dad, Augie, one of the others. I know where you guys live, I got it." Janie says.

"Are you and Peter still together?" Stella questions.

"Yep. He, um... he's probably one of the few people who believe me. Lost all my other friends, though." Janie says. "Officially the loner again... just with a boyfriend."

"You have me and Augie." Stella adds.

"Yeah, but I've always had you two." Janie says.

"And you always will." The redhead assures making Janie softly smile.

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