《Wake Up Δ Walker》chapter sixteen


It's nighttime and Colton left earlier, before anybody else got home. Cordell and his kids are currently gathered around their table, playing a game of Clue. The kids are impatiently waiting for Cordell to do something.

"Look, dad, I-I'm gonna pull out the timer." August says.

"Any day, now." Stella says.

"Yeah, I'd like to go to bed tonight." Janie says.

"Okay, there's no time limit on due process. I mean, you claim it was Mr. Green in the conservatory with the revolver, but the time and place suggest a crime of passion. He doesn't fit the bill." Cordell says.

"Okay, I'm not treating it like I'm in an episode of Criminal Minds, so can we not treat this like you're working" Janie asks.

"Yeah, you're seriously making me regret agreeing to amend the game for a more layered experience." Stella says.

"I told you not to. This is your fault." Janie accuses.

"Wha--" Stella starts before August holds her phone out to her.

"Hey, DJ's calling you." He informs.

"That's random." Stella says, taking her phone and walking off.

"Wh--" Janie looks at her retreating sister as Cordell takes his phone out.

"It's still your turn, dad." August says.

"one sec, bud." Cordell says.

"Oh, come on, it's already been, like 900 million seconds." Janie grumbles and Cordell looks at her. "Sorry." She shares a done look with August.

Cordell taps the phone screen before putting his phone to his ear.

"Trey. Hey, what's up?" Cordell asks and the twins watch as his face grows more serious.


The Walkers get to the emergency room and find Trey pacing in the waiting room.

"Trey. Hey. Is he--is he--"

"Hey. No. No, no, no." Trey cuts the ranger off. "I haven't heard anything yet. I know they just rushed him into surgery, but that's... that's about it."

"His, uh, his son called Stella." Cordell says.

"Yeah. Yeah, I know. I-I... I got his family info from Connie and I reached out." Trey says.

"Are you okay?" Bonham asks.

"Yeah... yeah." Trey says, looking down at the blood on his clothes. "Yeah, yeah, no, no, no, I'm-I'm... I'm good. I-I didn't get hit. But this whole thing just happened so fast. I..."

"What the hell happened?" Cordell asks.

"Trooper Jackson here. I responded to the scene and was set to watch over Trey Barnett before the incident." The woman standing next to them informs.

"Yeah. Uh, HQ updated me." Cordell says. "We have any news?"

"From what little your captain gave us and Mr. Barnett's account, we're not currently able to discern motive and target. Didn't get an ID and no one saw the license plates."

The door near them opens and a nurse walks out.


"Is he okay?" Stella asks.

"The family asked that I update you all. Thankfully, the bullets bypassed any major organs and arteries." She informs. "He'll be out for a few more hours, but I'm positive about his prognosis. As soon as he's in a room, I'll have someone get you. Please have a seat."

"Thank you." Bonham says and she nods, shutting the door.


The twins, Stella, and DJ are in a part of the waiting room. Stella is sitting on the floor, Austin is laying on the couch with DJ sitting on the arm of the couch, and Janie is in an armchair next to them.

"Do you guys ever just wish your dads had a regular job?" DJ asks, walking over and sitting in the armchair on the other side of the couch.

"I used to. But, um, no, not anymore. You know, even after everything that's happened, it just kind of makes sense, you know?" August says.

"Plus, can you imagine my dad with a briefcase?" Stella asks making all four of them laugh.

"Ridiculous." August says.

"God, it's horrid." Janie agrees.

"Yeah. I mean, I guess I know he's where he's supposed to be, but sometimes I just wish I could press pause." DJ says. August groans in pain as he sits up.

"Hey, do you guys remember the sleepovers we used to have as kids?" Stella asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, the-the poker nights, right?" August asks as Stella gets up and steps in front of the vending machine. "The parents were always so loud."

"And you used to get us caught by sneaking down to watch 'em play." DJ says to August.

"I was just trying to learn." August defends.

"By blowing our cover." DJ says.

"It was pretty smart." August says making DJ laugh.

"Classic Augie. Can't lie to dad, can't stay hidden." Janie says, her and DJ laughing while August glares at her.

"We didn't learn the rules, but we came up with our own." Stella says, walking over with a bag of candy.

"Oh, my God." DJ mutters, the four laughing as Stella sits next to her brother. "We even had our own chip system."

"So we played with Rainbow Snaps." DJ recalls, looking at the back of candy in the redhead's hands.

"I can't press pause for you. But maybe we could pretend for a little while." Stella offers.

"I'll get the cards from the gift shop." August says, Janie following.


August and Janie are working at The Side Step and they see Geri putting up a poster looking for bands.

"Calling all bands?" August asks.

"Yeah. Figured I'd offer The Side Step as a venue for all Austin songbirds. Might bring in a little money, too." Geri says.


"Oh. So that means I'll get a raise." August says.

"We. We'll get a raise." Janie corrects.

"You'll have to negotiate that with your dad." Geri says.

"Oh." Janie mumbles.

"Hey. Why don't you audition?" Geri asks August.

"Okay. That's-that's real funny." August laughs.

"No. No, no, no. I'm being serious." Geri says. "I mean, you were a hit over the holidays. Show everyone you can play more than just "Jingle Bells".

"It's--It's tempting, but... no. I mean, you said you wanted to bring money into this place. The last thing Side Step or Austin needs, for that matter, is for me to headline a band." August says.

"You're in a band?" They hear and turn to see Faye with a couple of her friends.

"Uh, h-hey, Faye." August says. He sends a panicked look to Geri and Janie, the two motioning for him to confirm. "Yeah... yes. Mm-hmm."

"And you're playing this Friday?" Faye asks.

"Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah. We, uh... we are. Yeah, totally." August nods as Geri and Janie walk away with amused smirks.

"Would it be cool if I came and recorded some content? For my YouTube channel?" Faye asks.

"Uh... okay. Yeah. That'd be cool." August nods.

"Thanks, Augie." Faye smiles.

"Yeah." August steps aside, letting the girls go inside.

"What the hell did I just do?" August asks himself, failing to notice Janie by him.

"You just made a spontaneous decision because of a crush. And now, maybe even people outside of Austin -- or maybe even Texas -- will see you headline a band." Janie says, patting him on the shoulder. "have fun with that. Remember me when you're famous."


Cordell gets to Side Step with stuff August asked for, his teenage son quickly getting the things from him and going back to the stage to set up.

"Ranger!" Geri exclaims, seeing Cordell.


"What's up?"

"Well, uh, I was summoned." Cordell says, motioning to August and Colton on the stage. Cordell looks over, seeing Stella and Todd laughing while they study. "Um, hold on, am I... am I missing something?" He asks.

Cordell looks around, finding Janie and Peter laughing while they share a plate of fries and are playing Go Fish.

"And when did that happen?" Cordell asks, pointing over to his youngest.

"Let me catch you up to speed." Geri offers.

"No, Lab Rats is an underrated show and it was my favorite childhood show." Janie states.

"I've never seen an episode." Peter admits making Janie's jaw drop and he laughs.

"Well, then I guess that's what we'll be doing next time we hang out." Janie states.

~ ~ ~

"All right, all right, all right. I-I get... I get Augie and Faye. And, Janie and Peter, okay. But... Stella, on the other hand, uh..." Cordell trails off.

"Yes, okay, I get it. But at least she's not going for another guy at community service." Geri reasons. "Right?"

"Oh, yeah." Cordell slightly laughs.

"There's that." Geri says.

"Yeah." Cordell mumbles.

"What?" Geri asks.


"Come on."

"Okay. You know, I mean... look at 'em. I mean, even after all they've gone through these last couple years, they're still thriving."

"Well, they're from good stock."

"Yeah, yeah, thanks. Um... but I mean, um, I'm thinking I can't help but worry, Ger. Uh, with a guy like Serano on the loose, it's just scary to think that my world could come crashing down again, you know, like that."

"Well, it could. Or Stella will graduate. Augie will continue to steal hearts. Janie will continue to be the best dancer in the family. Hey. You do realize that your kids are lucky to have you as a dad, right?"


Janie and Peter are watching Lab Rats on her phone, keeping the volume low, but loud enough they can hear since neither of them have headphones.

"Leo's definitely the funniest character." Peter says. "And then Adam. They should really believe Leo about Marcus, though."

"Yeah, kind of always felt bad for Leo at those times." Janie admits.

"Hey, uh, I like your bracelet." Peter says, pointing to the threaded bracelet on the girl's wrist.

"Oh, thanks." Janie smiles.

"Did you make it?" Peter asks.

"Yeah, um... I picked up the hobby to help with my anxiety. Doing something repetitive, you know? It kind of calms me down. I have, like, 600 back at home and I gave my family some."

"Do they wear them?"

"Sometimes. There's no special meaning, I'm not, like offended if they don't or anything. Stel wears them the most, though." Janie says.

"Can you make me one?" Peter asks.

"Sure." Janie nods, using her hair to hide the blush on her cheeks. "Come on, let's watch the next episode."


"All right. Let's get this show started." Geri announces, standing on stage, getting everybody's attention and they applaud. "Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for coming tonight. We hope you enjoy this very special performance from Austin's own Sucker Punch.

Everybody cheers as Geri leaves the stage and Todd walks up to the mic.

"Thank you. This performance is dedicated to two special ladies in the room who brighten our day." Todd says.

August starts playing the piano and Todd begins to sing.

As the song ends, everybody cheers and applauds. After the performance, the siblings, Todd, Faye, and Peter spent the rest of the time at the Side Step hanging out.

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