《Wake Up Δ Walker》chapter four


The sisters are sitting opposite of each other at the kitchen table as August is standing at the end of the table while Cordell is standing by the counter.

"Um, do we have all the headlamps?" August asks.

"Uh, check." Stella states. August reaches over and checks for himself. "What is the point of doing this if you're just gonna do it yourself?"

"Look, I'm just trying to make sure we don't repeat that 2017 fiasco, all right?" August says.

"Augie has a point." Cordell states.

"He does." Janie agrees.

"Who thinks a picnic blanket is a hammock anyway, right?" Cordell asks the twins while motioning to Stella.

"Mom! Mom did it." Stella insists.

"Oh, mom." Cordell sarcastically says.

"Yeah." August sarcastically agrees.

Cordell's phone rings and he answers it.

"Hey, uh, emergency at the Side Step." Cordell tells them after he hung the phone up.

"Would you look at that. A last minute case." Stella says.

"Yeah, that's a shocker." Janie mutters.

"There's no case. I'll be right back." Cordell tells them before leaving.


"Then turn left after the giant oak tree. Yeah, we're almost finished packing." Stella tells the person over the phone before hanging up. She's in her closet while the twins sit on her bed.

"I, uh, thought you already finished packing." August says.

"I only had one evening look, and this top isn't going to work by the lake and a campfire. And a flannel just seemed too off message." Stella says as August stands up.

"Off message for what? The trees?" Janie asks.

"Yeah, what exactly is the message here?" August asks.

"Honoring mom." Stella states.

"Yeah, she would fine with you wearing the same one or two shirts." Janie states.

"Well, we need someone to get there cause neither one of us can drive." Stella says.

"Well, that's your fault." Janie says and Stella glares at her.

"Look, camping was mom's favorite thing, and I'm not gonna waste this day just cause dad bailed." Stella says.

"Come on, you don't know that." August says and Stella gives him a look. They both look at Janie.

"I'm on either side, honestly." Janie says.

"Hey." They hear and turn to see their grandpa walk in. "Bags in the van. Oscar Mike in 15."

"Gramps, this isn't Nam. What are you even talking about?" Stella asks.

"Yeah, I didn't get that either. Are we meeting people?" Janie asks.

Bonham laughs at the two of them.


"August." Bonham motions for a bag.

"All right." He says, tossing the bag to the older man. "Oscar Mike. "On the move."" August informs his sisters.

"You. You just might make it, kiddo." Bonham says.

"Wha-- I'm your twin, you're supposed to explain stuff to me." Janie says and August only shrugs.

"Your dad got held up a little." Abilene states, walking in.

"Okay, cough it up." Stella tells her brother and he reaches for his wallet.

"He's not canceling." Bonham states.

"He's gonna meet us at the campground." Abilene states. "So leave the attitude and pack your flannel."

"Wait, you guys are coming?" Stella nervously asks.

"Nothing slips past this one." Bonham jokes.

"Um, I kind of already made my own backup plan." Stella says. They hear a horn honk outside and Stella grabs her bag. "Excuse me." She mutters and Abilene moves out of the way letting her walk out.

The grandparents rush to the window and look out of it while August and Janie stand behind them, seeing Stella and her friend talk.

August and Janie share a look before backing up.

The four make their way outside where Trevor and Stella are.

"Gramps, Mawline, this is my ride." Stella states.

"Bonham Walker." He holds his hand out.

"Trevor. Nice to meet you, sir." Trevor tells him. He holds his hand out to Abilene.

"Thought this was a family trip." Abilene says. Trevor lowers his hand.

"So, you're the one I have to win over." Trevor says.


"Well, last stop before the campsite." Bonham says as they sit at a picnic table for lunch. Bonham, August, and Janie are sitting on one side and Stella and Trevor are on the other.

"Here you go, son." Bonham hands a sandwich to Trevor.

"That's Cordell's." Abilene states making Trevor not take the sandwich.

"He's not coming." Stella states.

"We don't know that. These are counted. I want your dad not to go hungry." Abilene says.

"He can grab some food on the way. And you're just gonna let him go hungry?" Janie asks, glancing to Trevor.

"I agree with Janie. Cordell's a grown man. He can figure it out for himself." Bonham states. "There you go, son." He hands the sandwich to Trevor who takes it.

"Thanks." Trevor smiles.

"All right, uh, you know what?" August asks, trying to diffuse the tension. "I spy with my little eye something that starts with a T."

"Tire iron." Trevor guesses.


"Where do you spy a tire iron?" Bonham asks.

"There's one in the trunk." Trevor says.

"That doesn't count." Abilene laughs. "Do you know the rules?"

"Yes, ma'am. Is it tire iron?" Trevor asks August.

"It is not." August answers.

"How about trees?" Stella asks.

"How about trespasser?" Abilene asks, sitting next to Bonham making the other three have to move over slightly, Janie halfway off the bench until August keeps her from falling.

"She was supposed to sit by Stella." Janie mumbles.

"Yeah." August sighs.

"Uh, topsoil. We're standing on it." Trevor says.

"I like this kid." Bonham states.

"I spy smoke." Stella states.

"Uh, it's still my turn." August says.

"I'm not playing. There's smoke coming out of the hood." Stella tells them, her, Bonham, and Abilene racing to the vehicle.


They got back to the Side Step and now it's only Cordell and his kids here after the other three left.

"You know what? It has a very interactive theater feel to it." August says, holding the animal head. He shakes it towards Stella and a tooth falls out.

"Ew! Dude." Stella jumps back. August turns to Janie.

"Don't even think about it." She tells him.

"Yeah, I failed this place. But I failed you three even more. I needed to honor today, not run from it. So... what better way to celebrate your mom than camping right here." Cordell says.

"Her favorite thing at her favorite place. Feels right." Stella says.

"Actually, it wasn't your mom's favorite thing. Your mom hated camping. But she always said it's important to know that "not all things have to be good for them to be good.""

"Okay, that just hurt my head." Janie says.

"Are you sure? That doesn't sound like a thing people say." Stella says.

"Your mom did. Yeah, she-she had some, uh, some nonsensical phrases, but she always looked on the bright side of things. For instance, she may have hated camping, but she loved the confused look on Augie's face when he woke up."

"Hey, you know, it-it takes me a while to remember where I'm at." August defends.

"She loved that you would stay up as late as possible watching fireflies... and would fall asleep while watching them." Cordell tells Janie who smiles a little, remembering that. "And when you two--" He points between the kids. "Refused to sleep unless you were in the same tent when you were little."

"Well, if an animal's gonna attack, it has to eat August first." Janie says, grinning a little.

"Hey!" August looks at her, offended.

"And she loved how you always found new ways to set up a tent." Cordell tells Stella.

"I did crush it with the improvised picnic blanket, by the way, but nobody seems to remember that part." Stella says.

"Yeah, well, she does. Or, she, uh... she would have." Cordell says. "All right, let's get set up."


It's the next morning and August is cooking breakfast.

"Before we dig in, there's one more thing." Cordell says, pulling out a skillet and he tears the foil off of it. "Voila." He reveals a skillet cookie. "A skillet snickerdoodle." He puts it on the table. "I had mawline pack it. Um, your mom made that the day before... um... your mom made that..."

"Here. I got it." August says, taking the skillet and putting it on the small stove.

"So, that's the last thing that she ever left us." Stella says.

"Yeah. Yeah. I suppose so. Uh, it's freezer burnt. And it's probably gone bad, so I understand if you don't--" Stella cuts her dad off.

"No. It's perfect."

"Geri." Cordell calls once he notices her walk in. "I can explain."

"Wow." Geri's jaw drops, but she smiles seeing the kids. "Hi!" She hugs them. "Easy fix, huh? Just one beam? Did he tell you that, too?"

"yeah, so, the thing is, there were these, uh, cheap old brackets--" Geri cuts Cordell off.

"It's fine. The guy made an offer. It's a complete teardown, building condos. For all I know, you just gave him a head start." Geri says.

"Wait, they're gonna tear this down?" Stella asks.

"I wouldn't if I bought it." August says before realizing something. "Wait, what if we bought it? With the money from mom's life insurance. I mean, there'd be enough to redo the place. And it's not so bad."

"Yes, it is." Janie nods.

"Well, it is, but we could fix it." Stella says. "Turn it into a family place. It's what mom would've wanted."

"We'll match the bid." Cordell tells Geri. "What do you say? Sounds like you got another office."

"No. It sounds like I got a better one." Geri says. "Will you just take care of her for me?"

"Oh, and, uh, don't worry. I'll make sure that Denise doesn't go anywhere." August says.

"But-- Denise, I thought I finally got rid of you this time." Cordell says. Geri tosses Stella the keys before leaving.

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