《Wake Up Δ Walker》chapter two


Janie sits at the counter, opposite of her brother, eating her breakfast while Bonham shows August stuff that Janie is tuning out. Abilene is packing a lunch box while Liam makes a smoothie.

"Good morning." Cordell greets, walking in.

"Honestly, Bonham, I pit my fruit on that counter." Abilene says.

"Well, I've been edged out of the space my shop formerly occupied, so..." Bonham says.

"There's plenty of space for you to take up on this ranch." Abilene tells him.

"Stella Blue!" Liam calls and Stella walks in.

"Hey." Cordell greets, not getting a reply. "Soccer." He says, looking at her gym bag.

"Big game tonight." Liam says.

"Yeah. No, yeah. Uh, yeah. Of course." Cordell acts like he knew, but they can tell he didn't. "Uh, hey, where is my coffee mug? I've only had the same mug here for 17 years."

Janie looks to Stella who subtly shakes her head.

"You know, you make a good point. This has always been your home, right? That's why I thought you'd be happy out in the farmhouse." Abilene says.

"It's great what you've done, but it's not our house." Cordell says.

"Your children have been here nearly a year. A little stability. Think about that." Abilene says.

"I am thinking. What I'm thinking is that we should ease back into things on our own terms, mama. You know, back to normal and all that. But thank you, of course." Cordell says.

"Does it even matter to you where we want to live?" Stella asks, but doesn't give him time to answer. "I got to go. Uncle Liam?"

"I can take you." Cordell says, but Stella ignores him taking the drink Liam gives her and getting her bag, leaving the house.

"Uh, we kind of hit a groove." Liam says.

"Yeah, she's just like that lately." August says. "She actually goes back to the old house sometimes."

"Really?" Cordell asks.

"Yeah, uh, to think about stuff, I guess. But I'm good wherever you are, dad."

"Me, too." Janie agrees.

"Great." Cordell says, looking at his ringing phone.

"Uh, you know, actually, we got to get to school, too." August says. "We're starting that one project, "What Texas Means to Me.""

"Yay." Janie sarcastically cheers.

"Oh, yes, I remember that project." Liam says.

"It's been a thing that long?" Janie asks.

"Yes, and you will have fun." Liam says.

"Right." Janie mutters, walking out.


The siblings are sitting in the farmhouse, watching August's What Texas Means to Me project on the laptop.

"Come over here, buddy! Keep it up." Their mom says on the video. "You got it, buddy. You got to keep your heels down. Look forward."

They hear the door shut and look up to see their dad.

"Dad." August pauses the video. "Uh, it's not finished yet, but want to watch it?" He asks.

"Of course." Cordell says after a moment.

"I was just thinking about mom. She was just starting to teach me." August says as Cordell walks up to them and puts a hand on August's shoulder. He puts one on Stella's shoulder. "So I... wanted to start with what she saw."

"Okay, um... go ahead and roll it, buckaroo." Cordell says, sitting on the back of the couch, squeezing Janie's shoulder for a moment.

August hits play and the video starts playing, showing videos their mom made as they grew up.


They all watch teary-eyed.

One video shows of when they imprinted their hands on a cement stone leading up to their house. Janie remembers how her and August had to be careful and shared the same side of the block, her hands under his by about an inch. She had to write her name tiny so it would fit between their handprints.

The memory transitions to them getting in a water fight while Cordell helped them clean the cement off their hands.


"As she approaches the watering hole, and after a long day of braving the elements, the young doe wastes no time announcing that she is in heat." August says in an accent as the three siblings leave school.

"Haven't heard the Attenborough in a while." Stella says. "Can't believe I missed him."

"Ah, you see-- the senior herd pay no notice as the sophomores and freshmen evade in hopes of ensuring their survival for another day, while the junior flock welcome the doe as one of their own. But there really is no telling their true agenda in the harsh realm of the animal kingdom."

"Hey." They hear and turn to see a couple of Stella's friends walk up to them. "Bonfire tomorrow night. Want a ride?"

"Oh, uh, probably not the best idea to go with a court date looming." Stella says.

"Get your dad to take care of it. He's, like, an elite Ranger guy or whatever." The blonde says.

"Yeah. And he totally owes you for not being around last year." The brunette friend says.

"Yeah, but he's actually being kind of cool. Don't want to rock the boat." Stella says.

"And skip out on the best party of the year? I'm calling BS." The blonde laughs. The brunette laughs and Stella forces a laugh before the two friends walk away.

"Could it really be? Could this spry gazelle be going against her true nature?" August asks in the same accent as earlier. Stella shoves him before walking away. "Unbelievable." August scoffs, Janie chuckling along.

"Hey, are you going to the bonfire tomorrow?" They're stopped by a brunette.

"Ruby! Nah. Not really my thing." August says. "Oh, uh, are you going?"

"Yeah. Last year was a blast." Ruby says.

"Yeah. Totally. Last year." August says, scoffing. "Totally wish I was there."

"So you should go, then." Ruby says. Janie looks at her brother with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah. I-I'll be there. Can't wait." August says. "Probably be there early, you know."

"You know, freshmen have to bring a bottle of booze." Ruby tells him.

"Yeah, I heard." August says.

They soon say bye to Ruby and the twins resume walking.

"And the freshman, easily influenced by the cute young doe he's crushing on, will fall prey to high school parties." Janie says in the accent August used earlier.

"Ha-ha." August fake laughs and Janie laughs.

"You're not actually gonna do it, are you?" Janie asks, elaborating after seeing her twin's confused look. "Steal booze? You'd have to be insane to do that. Especially from grandpa."

"I don't know." August shrugs.

"Oh, well, you know what they say." Janie hums.

"What?" August says.

"Love makes you do stupid things." Janie says. August shoves her forward making her laugh.

"Oh, one more thing." She says, walking backwards.

"What?" August sighs.

"Ruby and Augie sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Janie sings. She dashes away when August goes to attack.



They're all at dinner, Cordell's old friend, Hoyt, joining them.

"Hoyt, thanks for the steaks." Abilene tells him, her and Cordell walking into the dining area with the food. "Wagyu? Must have cost you a fortune." She puts a plate down and sits in her seat between August and Bonham.

"No, I got a good deal on them." Hoyt says. "Supposed to slice like warm butter." He says as Cordell puts the plates down and sits in his seat between Liam and Janie.

Abilene smacks August's hand as he tries to eat.

"Hoyt, would you like to say grace?" Abilene asks.

"Mm. All right." Hoyt says and they all fold their hands together. "Dear Lord, I have no doubt you'll bless this food as we pig out." He prays, the teenagers all stifling their laughs. "But, uh, if you are up there, big guy, I hope you know how grateful I am for these people you brought into my life. And this wagyu steak. Amen."

"Amen." Abilene repeats and they all begin eating.

"Nice one, Uncle Hoyt." Stella compliments.

"Hoyt, what brings you to town?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, buddy. Anything special going on this week?" Cordell asks.

"Just your company." Hoyt says.

"Are you still working on the oil fields up in Lubbock?" Abilene asks.

"No, that dried out. I, um, did some offshore work. And then worked some trawlers in the Gulf. I actually sold cars in Somerset for a spell, till I saved enough to come home." Hoyt recalls.

"Man, you have the coolest life." August says.

"Not for everybody, I guess." Hoyt says, looking at Bonham.

"Sounds like you've been all over. You ever been to Clemens or Hutchins?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, or, uh, Briscoe?" Cordell asks. "Hilltop? I hear they're real nice."

"Is this, like, an inside joke?" Stella asks.

"Yeah, kind of. You see, those are all prisons." Hoyt tells her. "Now, from what I hear, I'm not the only outlaw in this family."

There's a slam and Janie flinches, realizing it was her grandfather.

"All right. I believe I'm gonna go eat out in the bunkhouse. Thanks for the steak, Hoyt." Bonham says, getting his plate.

"Bonham." Abilene calls.

"Not a problem, sir." Hoyt says. "Goodnight."

"Yep." Bonham grumbles, walking out.

"Yeah, family dinners are always fun." Janie mumbles sarcastically.

"Okay, so, you going to the bonfire?" Hoyt asks Stella. "Did you know your mom started that whole shindig when we were young."

"Really?" Stella asks.

"Mm-hmm." Hoyt nods. "Didn't know that, did you?"

~ ~ ~

Dinner's over and Cordell, Liam, and Janie sit on one side of the table while Stella and Hoyt are on the other side and Abilene and August are in the kitchen.

"I know you're nervous about your court date, but it's all about remorse, okay? You want the judge to show mercy, and that means acting." Hoyt tells her.

"Please don't take legal advice from a criminal." Liam tells his niece. "This is her first offense, there are no other charges but possession, you remind the judge."

"They're both criminals now, though. They speak the same language." Janie jokes, receiving a slap in the thigh from her dad and a scolding look, half serious half amused.

"Wear glasses, your Sunday best." Hoyt tells Stella. "Now, you've always been Meryl Streep when it comes to waterworks, so..." Hoyt clicks his tongue. "You know, have that arrow in your holster."

"Not the expression." Cordell says.

"Look, your best case is to bury them with paperwork, so you request documents, depositions. And learn these words: "constructive possession."" Liam tells her.

"Enough with the whole "devil and angel over the shoulder" routine." Cordell says, sitting up.

"I'm the angel." Hoyt says.

"He's the devil." Liam states at the same time.

"No, I know." Cordell says to his brother.

"Dad, they're just trying to help." Stella says.

"Yeah, but nobody benefits from the easy route." Cordell says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Stella asks.

"I think it means you did it so suck it up and deal with the aftermath." Janie says, earning another slap on the thigh from her dad.

"It means that court is adjourned." Abilene states, walking in with a plate covered by a cloth, August following her.

"Abby bear, are you growing that wacky tobacky in that garden of yours?" Hoyt asks. Abilene takes the towel off the plate to reveal multiple peppers.

"Welcome to the Annual Muy Caliente Competition." Abilene announces. "Who's first?"

The two brothers and two sisters instantly point to Hoyt.


"Come on, just go with me." August says.

"Why?" Janie asks. August has been trying to convince her to go to the bonfire for the past 10 minutes.

"You'll have fun. Besides aren't your friends going?" August asks.

"And that means something why?" Janie asks.

"Come on, banana." August says, calling her by the nickname him, Stella, and their parents started calling Janie when the two of them were 2 because she would refuse to eat anything but bananas.

"You can go alone." Janie says.

"I'm an introvert, I need my ambivert twin sister by my side." August complains. They reach her room and August falls to his knees and grabs her wrist, making her reel back and face him.

"Really, Augie?" She asks.

"Don't make me say it." August says. Janie looks at him confused before realizing.

"Augie..." She sighs.

"Please, pretty please, go to the bonfire with me. Please, Tot." August practically begs, calling her by the nickname their mom came up for their matching nickname.

Tater and Tot.

August was the slightly taller baby and he was born first so he got the nickname Tater while Janie got Tot. It worked out because they were both happy with their nicknames once they were old enough to understand them.

Their mom would almost always call them that and they call each other the nicknames when they want something or are trying to cheer the other up or comfort them.

"Fine." Janie relents.

"Yes. Thank you." August grins.

"You're ridiculous, you know that." Janie says.

"Still your favorite sibling." August says.

"Yeah, we'll see after tonight." Janie nods.

She gets her jacket and shoes and they make their way out. August suddenly shushes her before they make their way to their grandfather's liquor cabinet.

"Are you nuts?" Janie whispers, only getting shushed in return. "He'll kill you. And then kill me for being an accomplice. I'm not trying to join Stella in court."

"Be quiet. We'll be fine." August whispers. He grabs a bottle of alcohol before the two make their way out of the house.


They get to the bonfire and August pours him and her some of the alcohol he snatched. Janie takes the cups, but doesn't sip any of it. She finds her friends and walks up to them.

"Hey." Janie greets.

"Hey. Didn't expect to see you here. You or your brother." Her friend, Violet, says.

"Oh, yeah. He kinda dragged me here." Janie says.

"Nice." Her other friend, Nathan, hums.


It's nighttime now and Janie is talking with her friends. She looks over and sees her brother with his shoes off, standing in front of burning rocks. At the same time, Stella sees the same thing, the two sisters going to stop the boy.

"August, what are you doing?" Ruby asks.

"I am getting ready to impress you." August drunkenly tells her.

"Hey. Uh, maybe another time, firewalker." Stella says, pushing August away as Janie pulls him away in the same direction. They reach a truck and Stella sees the bottle of booze. "Did you steal that from grandpa?"

"He did it." Janie points.

"That's like the zebra calling the other zebra striped." August says, leaning against the truck. August takes a deep breath, looking away before looking back at his older sister. "Are you trying to drive him away? I mean, you're acting out. Breaking the law. Acting out more. I mean... do you want him to leave again or something?"

"Don't say that." Stella tells him.

Janie moves to the side of the truck to avoid the confrontation.

"Oh, well, I did. And that's not all." August says. He looks like he's going to talk more, but gags. He goes to the side of the truck and starts gagging. Janie freezes, her mouth dropping in both shock and disgust as she faintly feels the vomit land on her shoes.

People around laugh and Stella walks to her brother and pats him on the back.

"There it is. Let it all out." Stella says, pulling her phone out to call their dad as August continues barfing. Janie moves back.

"Oh, I am so murdering you once you're sober." Janie groans in disgust, looking to her shoes.

"Oh, why do people drink? Ugh." August groans in pain.

"Dad, come on." Stella mutters as the phone rings until she gets his voicemail. She calls Liam next.

"Don't know if you can hear that, but it's August puking." Stella tells her uncle once he picks up. "We're stranded at the bonfire over by Shaughnessy." "Okay." She hangs up.

"He coming?" Janie asks, stepping away from her puke infested shoes. Stella nods.

~ ~ ~

Once Liam and his fiancé Bret got there, Stella and Liam helped August to the car while Janie followed them. They all help August into the backseat and he slides into the middle.

"Sorry to ruin your night." Stella tells her uncle as Bret walks to the other side of the car and gets in while Janie gets in the seat, next to August.

"There's water back there." Bret tells the boy.

"And cakes." August states. "Plural. There are so many cakes back here."

"Oh, my God." Janie mutters.

"So... are you gonna be there tomorrow?" Stella asks her uncle.

"I can't." Liam tells her.

"What? Why?" Stella asks and Liam sighs.

"This is your father's decision to make." Liam tells her. "I'm sorry." He puts his hand on her shoulder. "You're gonna be fine."

Stella walks to the other side of the car while Liam shuts Janie's car door. The two get in and Liam starts the engine.

"You know what. How 'bout some music for our drive back?" August asks. He leans forward and turns the radio on, going through the stations until he finds a song he likes. He sits back against the seat and drums his hands on the front two seats and singing along.

The other four people in the car supress their laughs before cracking and singing along.


The three siblings are in the living room waiting for their dad to get in. Janie is sitting on the couch next to her sleeping, hungover brother. Stella is sitting in a chair against the wall.

"Hey." Cordell says, walking in. Stella stands up and fixes her outfit a bit. "Ready to go?"

"Yep. Aren't you gonna wear your uniform?" Stella asks.

"No. I, uh... I don't want to give the judge the wrong impression." Cordell tells her. "I'm going there today as your father, not as a Ranger."

Cordell walks to the chair that Janie just stood up from and gets the pillow that's there.

"Wake up, frat boy!" He yells, hitting August in the head with the pillow a few times, the teenager jumping and groaning in pain. "Time to go. Come on." Cordell throws the pillow down.

The kids follow him outside.

"Whose car is this?" Stella asks, looking at the red Mustang.

"It was your mother's. I got it back." Cordell says. "Pile in."

"Is there a bucket in the back?" August asks.

"Other side." He tells August and August walks to the passenger side.

"Don't you dare puke on my shoes again." Janie tells her brother as she gets in the backseat.


They're leaving the courthouse when Stella stops.

"Dad?" She calls. Cordell stops and turns to her, the twins standing to their sides. "Dad, I'm sorry." She tells him and he nods.

"Stella, you faced the music. And what's done is done. We can't change it. But you are gonna work off that fine." Cordell tells her.

"Is the before the 100 hours of community service or after my license gets suspended?" She asks.

August snorts making the other three look at him. He turns to his dad, the smile immediately vanishing.

"You all right?" Cordell asks.

"Yeah." August nods.

"Yeah?" Cordell asks.

"Yeah." August nods.


"Yeah." August looks away.

Cordell looks to his younger daughter who is suppressing a smile. She loses it, realizing he's looking at her.

"I'm laughing at him." Janie reasons, pointing to her twin.

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