《Shadows {Book one in the Coriana Johnson series}》Pep Talks, Lots and Lots of Pep Talks.


I had just finished eating when Coulson came.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"Fine, I guess," I mumbled, not looking at him.

"The team made it to the missle silo alright. Just thought I'd let you know."

"Thanks. Do you really think they can get Hive?"

"I hope so. I'll try to keep you updated. And I'm sorry that we have to keep you in here for now. It won't be permanent." I bit my lip.

"It should be. I don't deserve to be let out of here." Coulson sighed.

"You couldn't help what you were doing. You had no choice."

"I still did it! I almost killed May! I don't deserve to be forgiven."

"I know you feel like this now, but give yourself time. Everything will be fine."

Sure. Keep telling yourself that, I thought. We were silent for a few moments, then I spoke again.

"Is Daisy ok?" I asked.

"She'll be fine."

"Can I see her?"

"I don't think now is the best time. I need to go now, but when we get an update about the mission, I'll let you know."

I nodded, and he left.

I missed her. If she was feeling the same way I was, I wanted to comfort her, but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything. I was useless.


I was asleep when I heard a knock on the glass of the containment module.

I looked up and saw Mack, except he wasn't standing behind the glass anymore, he had opened the door and was entering the room.

I looked back down.

"We got him. We got Hive," he said.

"Good," I said quietly. "Thanks for telling me. You can go now. Plus, you aren't supposed to be in here."


"I don't really care about those protocols."

"Suit yourself, but you really shouldn't be in here." He walked over to me and sat down on the bed. I sighed.

"Why are you even here? You already told me about Hive. You can go," I said.

"Can't I visit my friend?" He asked, and I bit my lip.

"Why would you even still want to be my friend?" I asked quietly. "I don't deserve to be forgiven."

"Why not? You didn't do anything. That was Hive's fault, not yours."

"I know that! It- it's just that I promised myself I would never hurt anyone that I cared about ever again. I failed!"

I began to sob, than I felt him put his hand on my shoulder.

Finally, I looked up and actually met his gaze. He pulled me into a hug, and I continued to sob.

"It's ok," he said, trying to comfort me. I closed my eyes, wishing that Hive had never existed.

Eventually, I stopped crying and Mack let me go. I smiled slightly, then I looked back down.

"Thank you Mack," I said quietly. He smiled.

"You're welcome. I hate to leave, but I still need to give your sister the good news," he replied and stood up.

I nodded, not really wanting him to leave but I also knew he needed to comfort my sister.

He left, and I laid back down and tried to sleep once more.


I was actually sleeping peacefully (which was surprising), when a commotion from outside woke me up. Actually, commotion was an understatement.

Alarms were blaring, people were yelling, and I could hear other loud noises as well. I got up and ran over to the containment module window.


"Hello? Helloooo! Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on?" I yelled, but no one responded. I sighed and began to pace, wondering what was going on.

Finally, someone came.

"Fitz? May?" I said as they entered the containment module and opened the door. "What the heck is going on?"

"Hive broke out, Daisy's trying to stop him, and the creatures that Dr. Radcliffe made are in the base," Fitz explained.

"What, what? Daisy's going after Hive? Do you know if she's ok?"

"That's what we were going to find out, but we decided you probably wouldn't want to be stuck in here the whole time. Come on," May said, motioning for me to come with them.

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" I asked. "I don't think I'll be that much help."

"Would you really rather be stuck in here?" I sighed and followed them out of my room and into Daisy's.

"Whoa," I whispered, looking up at the empty space where the containment module was supposed to be. "So she went up into the Zephyr?"

Fitz nodded.

I sighed again.

"Then I guess we'll have to go after her. Come on, let's go."


We stowed away on the Zepher before it took off, since we discovered Hive was on it.

"This is extremely comfortable," I whispered sarcastically while we were crammed inside the vents.

"Just be quiet!" May hissed. "We'll be able to get out soon."

I sighed and waited, then May gave the go ahead for us to get out. I climbed out and looked around, then when I spotted the containment module I rushed over to it, relived to see Daisy was in it, alive and well.

"Daisy!" I exclaimed.

"What are you doing here?" She asked when she saw us. I sighed. I thought she would be more happy to see me.

"Grabbing you, taking back the Zephyr," May replied.

Fitz moved towards the containment module, and started to press some buttons to let her out.

"No, Fitz, don't open that," Daisy said suddenly.

"What?" Him and I said at the same time.

"I should be in here. I'm a liability." I sighed and rolled my eyes. I understood exactly how she was feeling, but this really wasn't a good time.

Fitz and I glanced at each other.

"Ok...uh, well I think there are some weapons in the back," he said and walked around to the side of the module.

"Daisy, come on," I said, not having the patience to argue with her.

"I can't," she replied.May turned to me.

"Let me handle this," she said. I scoffed.

"Really? You? She's my-"

"Sister? Yeah, but I've known her for longer. Let me handle it."

I sighed and walked over to Fitz.

"So...how are you doing?" He asked with out looking up.

"I- I'm doing ok. All of this sucks," I replied.

"I know, but it'll be over soon."

"Good. I hate seeing Daisy like this."

"I don't like seeing either of you like this. Don't forget, you're still not acting like your normally cheerful self."

"No, but-" suddenly I felt a blow to the back of my head and everything went black.

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