《Shadows {Book one in the Coriana Johnson series}》Training


I decided that I didn't want to leave my nice, cozy white room yet, since it was far to comfortable.

Ha. It was actually pretty boring and uncomfortable, but I just didn't want to endanger anyone, for I still didn't have full control over my powers. You can only keep something bottled up for so long.

Simmons had analyzed a sample of my blood, and confirmed that I was indeed Daisy's sister.

"Just as a precaution" they had said, though I was sure that Coulson was the one who wanted that done. He still didn't trust me.

Daisy came to visit me frequently. I could tell that she wanted to ask me about my childhood, but she restrained herself from doing so. I think she knew that I would tell her only when I wanted to.

I looked up as Daisy entered the room once more.

"So," she said. "Are you ready to start training?"

I nodded. The sooner the better.

"Simmons was able to identify what type of power you have. She says that you have the ability to create dark energy, which can absorb or replace normal energy." That made sense. It would explain what had happened with the light bulb.

"So," she continued, "I have some ideas for you to practice it." She took a few lights from the bag she had with her. She laid them out on the floor and turned them on. "I want you to replace the energy in these lights with your dark energy." She motioned to the lights as she spoke.

"Just try, it'll be fine!" I took a deep breath and nervously extended my hands towards the lights. I closed my eyes and focused.

"Good!" Daisy exclaimed and I opened my eyes. I was amazed by what I saw. The lights were black. It was working! I watched with awe.


But then suddenly, the lights exploded, sending glass everywhere. I jumped from surprise. Thankfully, Daisy and I were standing a safe distance away, so no glass hurt us. I sighed.

"Great. Only a minute in and I break something," I said with frustration.

"Hey. Don't worry. I broke things too before I learned to control my powers," Daisy responded.

I nodded.

"How long did it take you to learn to control your powers?" I asked.

"It took a bit of time. You'll be able to get control."

I bit my lip, debating whether or not I should ask another question that was on my mind. I think Daisy could tell I wanted to ask her something.

"What's on your mind?" She asked and sat down.

"I- uh- never mind," I said and shook my head. I wasn't quite sure what exactly it was I wanted to ask.

"Hey. You can tell me."

"Well I- I was just wondering, how much do you know about Mom and Dad?"

"I met them, if that's what you're wondering."

"Both of them?"

"Yeah. Our mother was actually the one to help me control my powers." I noticed that she said "mother" with a hint of contempt.

"What happened?" I asked hesitantly.

"She turned out to not be at all what she seemed. She eventually tried to kill me."

My eyes widened with shock. As much as I hated my parents, I knew that they cared about Daisy. I never thought that she would try to kill her!

"She- she tried to kill you? Why!" I asked incredulously. Daisy told me the whole story. Of how our dad found her, of how she was taken to Afterlife, of how our mom turned out to be a horrible person- all of it. I sank back onto the bed.


"So she's dead."


"Good." My voice was filled with contempt. "And Dad-"

"Has a new life. A better one."

I bit my lip again. Part of me said that Dad didn't deserve a second chance. The other part of me said that he saved Daisy's life, so I should forgive him. For everything. I just didn't know if I could.

All those memories were still too painful.

"Wow. I- I'm even more glad that I left," I commented.

"Yeah. About that," Daisy began. "Coulson wants to know why you left. If there is any reason in particular. And why didn't you go with Jiaying when she left?"

"The short answer? I knew I would have a better chance of escaping if I stayed with D- Cal," I corrected myself. He really wasn't even my father anymore, so I figured I should start calling him by his name. Same with Jiaying. "I wanted to run away because I was just sick of it all. They never payed much attention to me because they were so busy looking for you. Not that I minded that they looked for you, but I just wish they wouldn't have just neglected me. I was tired of the neglect and of the bea-" I stopped myself. Daisy didn't need to know about the beatings. I didn't need to tell her.

"Uh, the shouting matches! You know how his temper was. I just got sick of it and left."

Daisy raised an eyebrow. I could tell she knew I wasn't telling her everything, but she wasn't going to pry. Yet.

"Ok. I'll tell Coulson," Daisy said and sighed. "I wish I could get him to trust you."

"Trust takes time," I said. "I guess I haven't really done anything to make him trust me." Daisy smiled.

"I'm sure he will soon."


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