《Gay one shots》How could you! (Cashby){part 2}


Okay so here is part two since someone asked for it and I also was planning on making a part two XD.

(Yifan is also kris so I'll use both his names; if you guys know who I'm talking about)

Alan sighed loudly while he walked his way to his apartment after a long day at work.

It's already been a year almost two actually since Alan walked out on Austin from their first brutal fight. Alan ran to Yifan after there fight and explained to him and asked what to do.

Yifan sighed loudly and told him to wait just like Alan told Austin before he left.

But that is in the past and Alan moved out when a month passed and he never got a response from Austin; luckily Austin wasn't there when he went to get his stuff because that would have been awkward.

Has time flew Alan finally let Austin go and his last hope for him; Alan made new friends and met Yifan's lover; Tao as well and Yifan was right they did become great friends that even Yifan got jealous that the two were hanging out more often.

Finally after the long walk Alan made it to his apartment well a shared apartment; he shares it with his also new friend Kellin Quinn a co-worker.

"KELLIN IM HOME!" Alan yelled while taking his shoes off along with putting his mini bag on the hanger.

"In the living room! We have guests!" Kellin yelled back

"Aish Kellin what did I tell you about inviting people; you should tell me beforehand so I could--" Alan stopped mid sentence when he saw who was in the room.

It was Vic Kellin best friend and.....Austin....

"So I could bring some food...." Alan said

"Oh! Vic you remember Alan, and Alan meet Austin; Austin meet Alan!" Kellin said

"We've met before Kellin." Alan said and then looked at Austin gave a small smile and looked away quickly and saw a box of goodies Alan ordered was going to share with Yifan and Tao along with their friends.


"But it was nice seeing you after so long, but excuse me I forgot to hand this box to Yifan!" Alan said while grabbing the box and heading back to the door grabbing his bag and putting his shoes on.

"I'll be back Kellin don't wait up!"

"Wait put you ju-" but that was the last Alan heard before he shut the door and scurried to Yifan.


Months passed and it was officially two years and a few months and nothing was heard from Austin and Alan now a owner of a Music/Coffee shop; had a lot in his hands.

"I have arrived!" Kellin yelled while he entered the shop with big boxes.

"What's that?" Alan asked while he served a customer along with picking up dirty dishes.

"It's some stuff Vic gave me to 'put more decoration into our apartment' and Austin put some stuff in here too!" Kellin said while digging into the big box and taking out picture frames and other stuff for their apartment.

Alan curious in what was in the big box put the tray of dishes down and peeked in and helped Kellin take some things out.

"Hey look at this!" Kellin said holding some cute pillows, and putting them against his face "am I kawaii yet?"

Alan scoffed and shoves his face away also muttering a 'shut up' while he continued looking into a box; but his eyes then landed onto a small black box that had 'Alan' printed onto it.

He pulled it out but quickly putting it on the tray of dirty dishes and walked away leaving Kellin adoring the things Vic gave him.


The day ended and Alan was finally finishing up cleaning and closing while Kellin already had been long gone saying he had a date to get to.

He was busy cleaning when he heard the bell door chime. "I'm sorry but we're closed." Alan said still busing himself cleaning waiting for the door the chime again but it never did.


Alan slowly looked up and saw someone he really didn't want to see at the moment....

"Austin what are you doing here? How did you find me?"

"Kellin doesn't seem to no when to shut up when he talks." He mumbled

There was a long silence with neither of them talking but just staring around but at each other, "if you want I can give you a cup a coffee since it's you just came walking in the cold." Alan said; Austin nodded his head and sat down on a stool chair.

Alan served him a cup and went back to cleaning while Austin sat there watching him. Austin took in every detail of Alan since he looked so different then what he looked back two years where he was his.

"A-Alan?" Austin stuttered and got out of his seat only to stand only inches behind Alan.

"Mhm?" Alan swiftly turned around too quickly and bumped into his chest and slipped but only to be caught by Austin's strong arms around his pety waist.

Alan finally looked up into his eyes and didn't regret one bit.... All he saw was hurt,pain,love, and a dash of happiness in his eyes that you could catch in just a glimpse at them.

"Have you looked at the um box yet...." He said into Alan's ear which sent Alan blushing mad red. "I-uh no I haven't but it's right here." Alan said while pulling the little box out of his pocket and looked at it for the first time since he picked it up.

"Are you wonder what's in it?" He asked now he was leaning his forehead against Alan's along with his around on his tiny hips.

"I don't know...." Alan said softly while he looked at the box; finally he opened it but was shocked at what he saw and quickly let it go like a flower with thorns...

Alan then began to let tears out and Austin softly brushed them away while Alan poured his heart out.

"W-Why would you s-show m-me this n-now!" Alan stuttered and gave a confusing look to Austin.

"I wanted to show that I've changed Alan and I'm so sorry that I made you wait, made you loose practically your last hope in me. But I used all that time," Austin said quickly pulled Alan into a warm embrace "all that time to change for you because all I ever wanted, was you Alan Ashby" he said while rubbing Alan's small back while he heard Alan sniff and wipe his tears away.

"So I ask you Alan Ashby," he said while he pulled away to pick up the box that held the most amazing; the only reason that gave Austin hope in having Alan back into his arms.

"So I ask you this Ashby~ will you become will up your last name for mine until time do us apart?" Austin said while he held a the most beautiful ring in his palm.

Alan gasped and quickly began to cry for the second time in the span of hour. Alan nodded his head while yelling a "Yes!" at Austin.

And with that Austin embraced Alan once again while spinning Alan around while Alan hung to him like a koala. Alan squealed like he did before when him and Austin at their moments.

But those were past memories and now it was time to make the future ones.


FREAK YES PART TWO IS D.O.N.E. !! I hope there isn't any error and if there is please do tell me


(I might update next week) stay tuned

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