《Gay one shots》How could you! (Cashby)


It's angst

I already warned you....


Alan looked at his phone for he fifth time in the span of five minutes again.

'He told he'll call...' Alan thought.

Him and Austin have been dating for over two years now, and were thinking of marriage for the past few months now, Alan is so excited but Austin has been on his own world lately.

The only time he acknowledges Alan is when he comes home from 'work' And his hungry or when Austin asks a question and Alan is there to answer him.

There spark as what people say vanished into thin air, Alan knows, and pretty sure Austin knows too, but neither of them want to admit to it.

Alan sighs and throws his phone onto the kitchen table, and gets up to sit himself on the couch.

"Mhm, maybe I can call kris and see if he wants to accompany me to go get some coffee."

{kris from EXO-M well you used to be in EXO...moving on --sorry EXOLs--}

He dialed kris number and began to call him.

"Sup my ginger?" Kris said through the phone

"Hey krissy; I was wondering if you wanted to go and get some coffee and catch up!" Alan said cheerfully

"Sure I don't see why not. I'll meet up with you; same place as always." He said

"Ight later" Alan said and then hung up when he heard a later back.

Alan then thought he should get ready beforehand then later.

'What if Austin comes?' He thought to himself but shrugged it off

"Why should I care he didn't even pay attention; let alone hug me or give me a single kiss." Alan mumbled while he put on his sweater and wrapped the scarf around his neck and bended down to put on his toms.

'If he can go out why cant I?' And with that final thought he shut the door;locking it. And left.


Alan made it just in time when kris was arriving,"hey ginger!" Kris yelled at ashby while waving his hands like a maniac "Yifan!" Alan yelled back and ran towards kris and jumped up giving him a bear hug along with kris squishing him to death.

"C-can't breath!" Alan wheezed out enough to let kris let him go.


"It's been so long Yifan how's life in China." Alan said when he pulled away from the hug.

"Pretty nice, one day you should go over there or maybe even to South Korea, I have so friends there too."

"I should. So I can meet that special someone who stole my best friends heart." Alan said which made kris blush and rub the back of his neck. For a guy who looks cold blooded Alan's knows a few tricks up his sleeve to make the guy seem like a cute kitten.

"Aish!" Kris yelled in frustration while he tried to hide his blush from Alan

"Awe you can't hide from me you giant!" Alan said ruffling kris brown hair

{let's think kris has hair Mkay. To those who understand.}

But what the both didn't know was that someone was staring from afar...and that someone was Austin..

Austin was out like usually, but for important reasons. He was secretly going out with his band mates and they were all doing the plans for the wedding and looking for the perfect ring for Alan.

Austin even had to turn his back on the one he loved; had to ignore his presence because one little glance at the ginger made Austin melt.

But now he here's in the alley seeing what Alan is doing with the tall freak, he was even taller then Austin... But that didn't stop Austin from following them from place to place by the minute.

Alan looked like he was enjoying himself; with no Austin by his side, And that pained Austin and anger him.

Austin could no longer watch Alan and this freak laugh and smile at each other sometimes even bump shoulder together!!!

"FUCK YOU ASHBY!" He yelled loudly and kicked the nearest thing near him and stormed his way back to their apartment while he yelled rude comments towards the ginger.


Alan was having the time of his life with kris; kris would bring up funny stories that happened to him. Or would talk about his lover, Zitao or Tao for short.

"I think you guys will be great friends." Kris said "really?" Alan said, he'd never thought about being friends with his best friends lover. "Yeah, you both like shopping and you both got that feminine ora feel." Kris said


Alan then scrunched his face up "just because I'm short and have long hair AND have nice legs doesn't mean I'm a girl!" Alan huffed

"Mhmm; but I don't see you acting like the man in the relationship though. You seem to fit perfectly in the women's case." Kris said laughing at Alan's scrunched up face.

Alan then began to laugh at Kris's laugh because it sounded so stupid that it made his day.

Alan then looked at his phone to see that it was close to midnight.

"Woah! I better get going I'll text you when I get home. Bye krissy!" Alan said while he got up from his seat and gave a quick hug to kris and sprinted out coffee shop and down the road.


Tired as ever; Alan did make it home....but by now it was 11:30...

"His gonna kill me." Alan mumbled when he opened the door softly and closed it. He looked around to see that only the kitchen light was on and that his shoes were there.

He took off his sweater and scarf; unless his shoes in case something. he proceeded to his and Austin room. He opened the door only to be hit with the stench of alcohol and a drunk Austin balled up on the bed with his head down.



"I'm back! If you want I can't reheat some of the food I made."


"Well if you ne--"

"Is he better?" Austin said which, Confused Alan

"Aussie what are you talking about?"

"Don't Aussie me!" Austin yelled getting up and was now hovering Alan,"you know what I'm talking about! That guy! Is he better in bed!? Does he satisfy you?!" He yelled in Alan's face which made Alan back up a bit

"No !? What !? Austin it's not wha--"

"That's what they all say!? Do you wanna know who says that? Sluts do!!" Right now Austin was in Alan's face and Alan was already back up against the wall.

"So you think I'm cheating on you?! After about two years ?! WHATS YOUR PROBLEM!?" Alan yelled

Alan was beyond aggravated because austin was accusing him of cheating with kris!?



"DON'T YOU DARE BRING HER UP!" Austin yelled; Austin was fuming with anger and he was balling up his fist and un balling, he was close to his limit just like Alan was too.

"What!? Can't take the fact that she practically used you! That she hooked up with all your used to be close friends while you worked to maintain her and that--" Alan was cut off by Austin who crossed the limit

"ENOUGH!!!" Austin yelled and he threw a punch.

There Alan stood wide eyed and mouth slightly gaped, softly turned his head to practically see Austin whole arm in the wall next to head only centimeters away...

Austin anger washed away when he saw Alan fall to the ground," A-Alan I d-didn't mean to do t-that." When he went to bend down and hug Alan, alan harshly shoved him away and got up leaving the room and to leave the apartment but didn't even get to open the apartment door when it was forcibly shut again and Alan's back shoved against is.

"Don't leave p-please you know I-I didn't mean it!" Austin said in a pleading way.

"If it was your intention you should've let me explain. But your so hard headed and drunk to even let me talk!!!" Alan yelled at Austin making Austin feel guilty


Austin felt so bad that he kept repeating 'I'm sorry' to the ginger. But the ginger didn't accept the apology.

"No Austin, for the last time! You swore to never raise your hand at me and look what you did! Your sorry's are worth nothing but wasting my time!" Alan yelled and shoved Austin away from him making Austin stumble a bit.

"Until you can put yourself in check; call me. And if you can't then it's over Austin Carlile." Alan said and quickly left the apartment leaving Austin to guilt himself on what he did.

"All I wanted was you..."



Hope it was an okay angst one shot.

Saranghae and take care my loves.

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