《Gay one shots》The pup (Jalex-short.)


"Alex!!!" Jack yelled from the other side of the house while I was in the living room cleaning up the stuff he dropped earlier.


"Let's adopt a puppy!!" He said running down the stairs and began to do ageyo

"Are you sure Jacky? They're a lot of responsibility. They need food. Water. Shelter and most importantly love." I said while looked at jack which had a baby face intact.

"You practically just described my life since you always treat like a fragile ancient Chinese vase, and I know they're a lot of responsibility but think of it has a new step in a relationship Lexy!" He said while screaming the nickname he has for me loudly.

"Your true on the relationship for.... What the heck lets go get a dog or two since we have a huge house." I said getting up and heading to the front putting on my shoes and grabbing my coat along with scarf and gloves since winter has started to come into action.

Jack squealed like a little girl and quickly went to put on his coat and scarf.

He ran back to where I was and almost rammed me into the wall.

"Woah jack, I need you act like an adult so you won't get hurt okay." I said in a adult way.

"Sure babe!" He said then kissed my nose making me just smile at his childish actions.

We left the house and were on our way to the pet store In town which wasn't far.

I had the struggle with jack when someone says yes to something his wants he'll anything to get it fast, and in good condition.

He kept letting his thoughts wonder around on what we should name the dog and what type of dog


we're planning on getting.

I let his thoughts wonder while i put attention in driving.


We finally did make to the pet store with no trouble, I opened the door letting jack go in door while I entered after.

I see that there's a lot of kids and couples like jack and I looking at different types of pets.

I looked around seeing that jack was already looking at the cats and dogs but I know what type he likes and that is pups. Oh how that boy loves pups.

"Hey jack?" I said getting his attention,"mhm?" He said looking at me "I'm gonna get the things for the puppy or puppies you look what type of pup you want and I'll be right back okay." I said while ruffling his hair, he nodded and looked back at the puppies I smiled at him, leaning down to give him a kiss. And with that I left to find

things for the dog.


Never will I think I dog needed some things human rarely used

I walked back to where I left jack seeing he was still there but not alone.

He had two husky's one with green and the other with blue eyes.

They had white fur with black,brown, and grey smudges.

"Awe there's so cute babe!" I squealed letting my inner child out.

Yes I can be mature at times but I just gotta let some kid out before I get too old to do so.

"I new you would love them. Their related both girls so like twin sisters besides the eye color!"

I looked to see that his eyes would sparkling like when a little boy goes to the amusement park.

"Come on, jack we gotta a pups to care for." I said wrapping my arm around his waist while pushing the cart with the pups in and their new things.

Now off with my new family soon to be build up later on.

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