《Gay one shots》Airport love. (Kellic)


Kellin's POV.

Great. just what I needed my plane to delay and now here i have to wait 4 hours.

And it's 11:32 A.M.

And the plane trip will take up to 7. So I'll probably get to California, around 10 at night maybe.

I sat down close to where the outlets are and plugged in my phone, since it was around 50. I plugged it in and then I grabbed my iPod and pulled my ear buds out of my satchel. I pressed shuffle and it landed on of mice and men-broken generation.

I hummed to Aaron's voice.

I was in the middle of the song until someone tapped on my shoulder making me jump in my seat.

"Jesus Christ, you scared me!" I yelled and pulled my earbuds out my ears. I spun around to find a mexican dude.

"Hello, I uh...I was wandering is this the port to California, the one that is delayed?" He asked shyly.

To be honest this guy is fucking cute. With his long hair, almost touching his shoulders,his chocolate color eyes, and my god this lips are practically calling mine to smash our lips together.

"Yeah. what's your name?"

"My names vic."

"Kellin, the names kellin." I said showing a genuine smile and making him smile too. Which in my head I was giving myself a high five.

"So where are you heading in California?" I asked

"San Diego, Im heading to meet my parents and brother. what about you?"

"I'm off to go give one of my cousins help to move into her new place. Her name is (y/n)" I told him.

"Where do you normally live?"

"I live in Michigan, but since no one is helping (y/n) I decided to give a hand. "

"Cool. I lived there too. You remind me of someone..."

"Yeah. so do you. Wait did you go to Mountain Peak high school? " I asked.

"Yeah I did, weren't you scored top ten most brilliant?" He asked me

"Yes. I was. I was number #3. "

"Cool, I was pointed at top five most active boys in school" he told me.

"Yeah but I never really talked to you. Which is weird. "

"Yeah but at least I know you from high school" he said.


And now I'm 22...so a few years ago.


Time passed and the plane came.

Out of the ordinary we had seats next to each other. so we talked practically the whole time. Until I fell asleep....

The airplane started to shake a little bit making me wake up, from sleeping on Vic's shoulder!!

He was sound asleep. I pulled myself away and looked out the window seeing a bunch of grey clouds, and pitch black night.

I looked back at vic who shockingly is still asleep. Even over the shaking of the plane.

"Strange...." I said and with the only word one of his eyes popped open

"Mmmm?" He said and he opened the other one. stretching out and yawning.

"What the hell" I said. Remember...weird...

"Did you? Did you just call me strange?" Asking me and giving me a smirk.

"No. nothing at all" I said

He nodded and looked out the window.

Again on what we did before we began to talk about everything. Some laughs here and there some gross faces we made which made the other laugh, while clutching their stomach.

We talked as if we new each other from long ago. Which we do. but we never talked with each other


Finally the plane landed and we got off getting our things.

We walked each other to the baggage claim area. And both of our suitcases we next to each other.

Mmm...odd...oh whale.

"Is your cousin (y/n) coming?" He asked me.

"Yeah. if you want we can drop you off. She wouldn't mind she loves meeting new people. " I said laughing a little at the end.

He smiled, "yeah if that's okay with you and her"

We walked out the airport to, and I began to search (y/n's) car.

Me begin practically have a some what problem finding her. She was beeping her horn at me.

"YO KELLIN! HELLO KELLS. KELLS!!!" She screamed like as if she was getting dragged away by a squid.

"(Y/N)!!" I yelled ," QUIT YOUR YELLING YOUR GONNA MAKE ME DEAF!" I began to walk towards her car and I grabbed Vic's hand and pulled him with me.

"Well sorry Kelly , I don't need to make you deaf, because you already are and your blind as hell because I'm parked right in front the entrance " she said in a sarcastic sorta tone and I rolled my eyes at her.


"Quit begin a sour puce!" I said back to her and she began to show a smile and flipped me off.

"Oh I see you brought a guy. What's your name fella?" She said walking towards vic, putting her hand out waiting for him to shake it.

He seemed sorta shy

"His name vic." I told her. "Go on shake her hand, I promise she has no disease I check her every month" I said laughing with vic smiling.

He shook (y/n's) hand and she smiled.

"You seem like a nice person. Nice to meet you. Who are you to Kellin. Boyfriend?" She said. I looked at her with wide eyes.

Yet again my eyes are big so that didn't change.

"(Y/N)" I hissed and let a blush travel to my nose and cheeks.

Same for vic.

"Well you guys are holding hands so I assume you guys were dating. Now since it's dark. let's head on a take vic to his house."

"How'd you know that?" I asked her

"Well who else is gonna pick him up. Probably his parents but it's dark and everyone is sleeping. And I wouldn't mind taking him. " She said walking to her car.

I pulled my hand away from Vic's and I rubbed it against my pants since well my hand began to sweat.

I don't even think vic is gay or bisexual or anything of that.

I never brought that topic up in the plane.

I began to walk until I felt a grip on my wrist.

I was spun around and someone's lips were on mine.

I opened my eyes to find it was VICS!

He had a strong grip on my hips. So I took the honor or wrapping my arms around his neck making the kiss deeper.

He pulled away and I did too. We just stared at each other.

"I uh.. I didn't mean t-to tha--" he wasn't even done with his sentence when I smashed my lips to his.

Everything around his melted away and I only focused on vic and I....

I felt his tongue go for my mouth and I let it happen.

I pulled away and smiled at him. "It's okay Vic"

"I like you...". He said playing with the sleeves of his sweater he put on in the plane.

"I like you too..." I smiled at him and he leaned in and delicately kissed me.

"Well I guess we should go your cousin his staring at us" he said and I turned my head to find (y/n) staring hard and her water bottle on the floor empty and water scattered.

"Staring hard eh?" I told her.

"I knew !" She whispered yelled and she began to do her victory dance.

It's isn't pretty.

"Oh oh stop (y/n)" I groaned "your embarrassing...".

"YEAH BUT YA STILL LOVE ME!" She said laughing.

"Come on let's head home." she said.

"Hey when can we meet up again?" Vic asked me since I decided that we both sit at the back of (y/n) car.

"Mmm... I know a coffee place around town. Wanna meet there around 6?"

"A.M. ? "

"No, P.M. " I said smiling at him.

"Oh okay okay. Then it's settled. " He said smiling at me with me returning it.

We pulled over his house . which was the neighborhood close to (y/n's) neighborhood.

I got out the car helping vic with his suitcase.

"Well I'll see ya soon..?" I asked and he nodded his head. And since he was shorter he looked up a little. I leaned in and kissed him.

"See you soon" he said before leaving and unlocking his door going in.

I saw a guy peeking through a window and he waved hi at me and I waved back. Then he pulled paper out and in sharpie it wrote

I read it and he waved bye leaving the window a disappearing.

"I got the number kells !" (Y/n) said and she held a pencil and a mini note book.

I laughed and got Into the car and drive away from Vic's house, with (y/n) and I talking about today.

Now I love the airport..


So wonderful!

And over 1000 words. I feel gifted. SIKE!

Now another will be up and thank you for voting and reading my book. Anyways if you have a chance please read my other books pwease it would mean a lot.


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