《Gay one shots》Snowy day (Part 2)



I went into our room, and opened our closet grabbing covers and blankets.

I ran down the stairs , but no knowing that I was dragging a cover, making myself fall the last few steps. But I had pillows infront of me so I fell on a soft cushion dodging the hard wood floor.

I got back up and went to go get the house phone. I threw the stuff on the couch and called my Kelly bears number.

Two rings and I heard the voice.

"Okay either your calling me because you need help cooking something and uh set the microwave on fire or you spray painted penises on your walls and you need my help re-painting. Alex was right you do the weirdest shit when your left alone. " He said.

"No I need help building a castle with blankets! I NEED YOUR HELP QUINN!" I yelled through the phone.

"Jesus Christ Jack! I had to hold the phone away from my ear. Your gonna make my fucking ear bleed"

"So does that mean a yes?"

"Ugh... well at least I won't be bored as fuck. You cool with me taking cope?"

"Her around makes our PLAY DATE EVEN MORE FUN!!" I said like a little white girl

"Oh Barakat... be there in 20. "

"Ight bye shotty!"

"Bye bitch" and I hung up.

Kellin is the type that you can do talk or do anything in any form and it be funny the next days.

*time passing*

Kellin came in with cope on his hip and the baby bag on his other arm.

"Baby!!" I yelled and I scooped cope from his arms and she giggled with joy.

"Hey did you hear anything about Alex and vic" Kellin said putting the bag on the table and put his keys on the counter.


"No, I'll call him right now see if he answers" I said putting cope down so I could grab my phone dialing lex's number waiting for him to answer.

He didn't.

"He didn't answer. Want me to try vic?"


I dialed Vic's.

He didn't answer.

"Not even him...odd" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe their on the plane and they have their phones turned off. " Kellin said

"Maybe, now OFF TO FUCKING MAKE THE CASTLE!!" I yelled grabbing Kellin's wrist along with cope on my hip we walked to the living to begin our adventure.

::halfway done with blanket/pillow castle::

"Dude did you see the new today?" Kellin asked me

"No? What's up"

"It said it was gonna snow twice as more then it did yesterday."

I looked out the window and saw the snow was calm right now, but I'm not gonna give out my opinion because it might go crazy over night.

I turned my gaze back the blanket I was holding and I laid it out on the floor so we won't get carpet burn, especially Copeland.

"I'm gonna grab two chairs so the blankets can stay up" kells said and he ran off to the kitchen

"Kay" I said, grabbing pillow so I put them on the edges of the blanket I laid out.

Copeland was too busy watching what i was doing. That she forgot the tv I put on for her to keep her busy while we did the castle.

Kellin came back with the chairs and I put two infront of the big couch and kells put one infront of the small couch which cope was sitting on.

"I think all we have to do it put a couple of blankets on top and that would do"


"Okay mr.Barakat " kells laughing.

"Oh shut up mrs.Fuentes".

"Shut up" he said smirking.

And off we went to finish the last pieces of the castle.


We headed out the airport and I began to dial Alex's number...

He didn't answer.

"What's up ?"

"Jack didn't answer his phone. "

"He might be asleep. Let alone it's already 9:56 p.m." Vic said.

"I'll call kells and see if he answers" vic said calling Kellin.

I went through my notifications and noticed jack called me around the time I boarded the plane.

"Cope answered the phone" he said.

I gave a face saying ' how in the world did a baby at that age could get to a grown ass mans phone?'

"Cope it's me daddy, where's mommy?" He said putting his phone on speaker

*i don't know if cope talks yet. Bare with me*

"Mama... ish sweeping with mmm jacky..."

"Okay thank you baby. Bye bye I'll be home soon" he said through the phone.

"Bye bye daddy" she said hanging up the phone.

"I guess she knows how to control the phone better than kellin" I said laughing.

"I'm guessing their at your house. " He said.

Later a taxi came and picked us up. I gave him the directions and we were off.


We stop infront of the house and I paid the driver , while vic got out stuff out the trunk.

"Come on, I'm sure their sleeping by now" I said checking my phone to see it's all ready 10:24

I unlocked the door and saw the living room light on, I saw the tv on, I walked further into my home until I saw blankets scattered all over along with pillows.

"What the heck?" Vic said with a wtf look.

I heard stuff fall from the kitchen so I went ahead and turned on the light to see Copeland in the middle of the floor, with all our food and she was eating it. And her clothes were dirty.

Vic walked up to her picking her up.

"Awe cope what did you do?"

"Mama said I could"

"Where's mama?" He asked

"She ish in da living room" Copeland said before shoving cookies in her mouth.

I walked into the living room seeing jack and Kellin sleeping under the blanket castle I guess, and they had a blanket over them. Well sorta, jack was laying on his stomach with his arms around the pillow, while Kellin head was on his back.

"Cute..." vic said.

I walked up to jack and bent down, " jack... jack?.. Jack..." I kept saying his name while moving him around.

He woke up and he pushed Kellin off of him. Making Kellin hit his face on the floor groaning

"Jack you dick" he said. Making vic laugh.

"Jack wake up I'm home" I said. He opened his eyes and saw me.

"Babe!" He said getting up and hugging me making me loose balance, making us tumble down with jack on me.

"Miss me?" I said

"No shit" and we sealed our mouths with a kiss.

"Hey why is cope all messy?" I heard Kellin ask vic

"I should be asking you that" vic said making me pull away from the kiss and laugh.

Day ended great.


I wrote good okay

1145 words. Woohoo!!

I'll be making a new one shot. Ight? Ight.

Bye bye my lovelies

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