《Gay one shots》Coffee shop. (Bohner)


::Tyler's:: POV::

I never thought I would embarrass myself in my favorite coffee shop ever. Beside the fact I'm still on the floor and have ice cold coffee on me.

"Oh shoot, I'm sorry" came from the person which came in running, while bumping into me. He was fairly taller than me and has gages, brown hair , and tattoos on him.

"It's okay I wasn't paying attention my bad." it really was my fault I was too busy with my phone that I didn't pay attention to him ramming into my shoulder.

"Here let me help you up" he said but he didn't give me a chance to give an answer because he already picked me up and got a wet rag.

"Here, and I'm sorry" he said once again. "It's okay I'm fine and you didn't break my shoulder with yours " I said chuckling.

"Yeah, sorry I did that. Didn't check on my surrounding and not paying quite attention" he said smiling.

"My names Michael, Michael Bohn." He said.

"My names Tyler Carter" I said smiling at him. We fell into uncomfortable silence

"Yeah, so I gotta go" I said but he grabbed my arm. "No, I insist that I buy you a new ice cold coffee. "

"Sure" I chirped


Later on me and Michael were sitting in a small booth and talking about whatever.

"So your single right?" He asked.

"Uh , no I have a boyfriend at home. Which I have to leave now because his about to come home" I said looking at my phone and getting up.

"Uh , yea. Will I still see you around?" He asked.

"Yeah, I basically come here everyday" I said smiling. He smiled back and wave at me while I began to walk to my destination.



The next day I came and I saw Michael sitting where we sat yesterday.

"Uh hey there Michael" I chirped. "Hey , look I already bought you one. I've kinda found out it's your favorite. That cashier told me" he said pointing to Claire. Which I've known her since high school.

"Yeah, she knows a lot of things" I said chucking. But in kinda afraid if she told him about Todd. Todd is my boyfriend. Ex now actually. We broke up last night. In good terms. Because he said we lost that spark. And I've felt the same so now were just friends.

I was so deep in thought that Michael was snapping his fingers in my face.

"Helloooooo carter?!" He said. I just blinked rapidly and gave him a ' wtf look ' he began to laugh. I crunched my face. "What's so funny?" I said huffing at him. "No it was your face in deep thought. You looked cute by the way" he said. I felt my cheeks got hot quickly and I stuttered ,"u-uh t-thanks" god I HATE when I begin to stutter. It gets on my god damn nerves.

"Awe cute you stutter when you blush. A plus." He said making me chuckle a little bit.

We began to talk about the dumbest things. We brought up about out high school years. He told me that he was the biggest nerd ever. But he was in the football team. The quarterback. I told him about how I was the quiet kid. Great grades that I was in senior classes while I was new to high school.

"Dude what high school did you go to?" He asked.

"I went to Claremont high. Along with more friends of mine. that I'm still friends today"

"Cool man, I went to karter high"


"Oh, so your the high school we went against in the finals. " I said I remember I was sitting in the bleachers and hanging with my friends. Cheering for our team.

"Yeah. your quarter backs are quite the muscle" he said smiling.

"Yeah, there were Austin Carlile, Kellin Quinn, and Oliver Sykes" I said smiling.

"Yeah. " he said. Smiling at me. I began to blush and hide my face. My phone began to ring. And I answered.

"Hello?" All I heard is yelling. "Uh hello?" I asked again.

"ITS ME TODD!! " He said again and began to laugh. "Why are you calling me now??" I asked irritated. "Come to the apartment!" He squealed

"Uh okay?" I hung up "sorry to leave early. But I need to go. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" I said to Michael. He seemed sad that I was leaving. But he nodded his head and got up. Walked towards me and gave me a hug before he left the coffee shop.

Now I head to Todd and my. Wait no my apartment because Todd moved his stuff with his parents.


The second part will be updated later on. But appreciate. That I made ish!!

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