《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 21: Fox of the Leaf


"Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists." Hinata yelled and two lion heads appeared on Hinatas fist.

She charged at the masked man. She threw a fist, but it went straight threw him.

Right after she threw the masked man, he grabbed her by the neck and held her in the air. She couldn't talk and could barely breathe.

"Naruto needs to needs to know the corruption that lies in your village and killing you will push him even further."

"Do...n't......" She couldn't finish cause she wasn't getting much air

Hinata with all the energy she had left, grabbed her kunai with a paper bomb and threw it in the air and it exploded in mid air. She used it as a signal for her team to come to her.



The masked man broke her neck and she fell limp in his hands. He dropped the body like it was nothing and waited for reinforcements. Not even a minute later Kiba and Shino appeared and saw there teammate lying on the ground not moving.

They instantly surrounded the man. Shino had his bugs out and Kiba and Akamaru were growling at the man.

"Who are you?" Kiba demanded

"I am Madara Uchiha and today is your last day."

*Meanwhile in the Hidden Leaf*

Naruto is walking to his secret training grounds. He knows there are 6 people watching him and he knows who they are. Shikamaru, Lee, Ino, Choji, Sasuke, & Sakura for some reason have been following everysince he left his house. He's wondering why they are spying on him, but he could honestly care less. None of them are any trouble for him except for Sasuke and maybe Sakura.

Naruto made it to his training ground and took off his hoodie and shirt. He carelessly showed his scars and tattoo. Ino, Lee, & Choji were shocked at what he had on his body.

"How did he get scar and tattoo." Ino asked with fear

"A villager gave the scar and a group of ninja held him down, while a villager gave him the tattoo." Sasuke told them all

Ino, Lee, & Choji couldn't believe what Sasuke told them. The villagers and ninja gave him that.

"Come on out, I know your there." Naruto said aloud

The group gulped, he knows they are spying on him. They were all going to reveal themselves, but Shikamaru stopped them.

"He said 'your' not 'you all,' were fine." Shikamaru said lazily

Mito came out of hiding.

"You know I told you if you wanted to watch or learn, all you had to do was ask." Naruto said smiling at his sister

"I know, it's just that I haven't seen you in a while." Mito said sadly


Naruto chuckled. He walked over to her and crouched to her size.

"Nothing will ever change between you and me." Naruto said smiling

Mito smiled and her eyes got bright. She got in fighting stance.

"Can you help train me, big brother." Mito asked with a determined look on her face

"Of course, but you got to show me how much you've improved." Naruto said while walking away from Mito.

Mito then attacked Naruto with a rasengan aimed for his back.

Naruto did a spin move to dodge the rasengan. Mito then used her chakra chains while her back was turned away from Naruto. Naruto was dodging all of the chains with ease. Naruto then caught one of the chains and pulled Mito to him. Naruto then did sweep kick and knocked Mito on the ground. Naruto then aimed a machete at her neck.

"You don't show something as powerful as the chakra chains this early in a fight." Naruto said sternly

Then out of nowhere a chain came out of the ground behind and tried to snare Naruto. Mito then got up.

"Ok, lesson learned." Mito said charging at Naruto.

"Try to land a hit on me." Naruto instructed her

Mito then engaged Naruto in a taijutsu battle. She couldn't land a blow on him, but Naruto was impressed with her skill. Naruto was just to skilled for her.

Naruto caught one of her punches and threw her fist out in front of her and Naruto then tripped her.

"You are very skilled Mito. I think you're stronger than I was when I was your age." Naruto complemented

Naruto and Mito both sat against tree together, relaxing. Then out of nowhere a fox came out and sat next to Naruto and it layed down.

"Naruto, how did you get the nickname 'Fox?' I hear people talk about it." Mito asked

"Aside from the kyuubi. Everytime I would fight about 20 enemies, I would trick them all into accidentally hitting each other, falling into my traps, and how I would act like I'd be losing, but in reality it's just them falling for my trap. But the real reason why they call 'the Fox', is when I fought the Raikage. My mission was to gather Intel on the Cloud."


Naruto was running away from the Hidden Cloud with info he got.

"2 jinchuuriki, that's just unfair."

Just before Naruto could think of something else, the Raikage appeared with 20 other Cloud ninja.

The Raikage had a blue lightning chakra around him and had a look on his face that would piss anyones pants.

"Your gonna regret sneaking into our village." Raikage smashed his fist together.


Naruto kept a blank expression on his face. He activated his demon eyes and showed his fox cloak.

Out of nowhere 5 cloud nin attacked Naruto from behind. But what surprised everyone was that the cloaks tails there attacks and covered there heads.

His tails held the 5 cloud nin in the air by there heads.

"Do anything, say anything, if you move the slightest. I'll kill one of these ninja." Naruto threatened.

"Don't listen, Lord Raik-" Naruto instantly killed one of ninja he was holding. The ninja that said that was one of the ninja Naruto was holding.

Naruto looked at his surroundings. Naruto looked at the enemy in front of him. The Raikage looked furious. He was having trouble controlling himself. Just the slightest push will set him off.

Naruto noticed the mountain behind the Cloud shinobi. He looked up and saw a bunch of huge boulders ready to fall off. And the mountain had a bunch crack in it, ready to fall apart.

Naruto smirked at the idea that popped in his head.

Raikage noticed this and got angrier. "WHY ARE YOU SMILING?"

*CRACK* A ninja fell limp in one of Narutos tails.

Raikage got angrier and everyone feel it. The mountain behind them started to crack more.

Naruto began smiling like a crazy person. "Now that I'm in control. If you these 3 to live, all you have to do is let me leave." Naruto said with a crazy smile.

"No way, you're not going anywhere." Raikage said with pride.

"Ok then." *CRACK*

Raikage stepped forward out pure rage.


"I said 'no moving' and now there's only one burden left."

"Burden, you talk about my shinobi like they're weights on my wrists." Raikage got mad that lightning started to flare from the chakra around him.

Narutos tail moved the body out in front of him. The ninja was now hanging in front.

"Now what should I do with him?" Naruto wondered while shaking the ninja around like it's a toy. The Raikage had veins popping out of his arms, he was so angry. "I doesn't really matter though, your leader won't do anything to help. He is a bad brother after all, allowing his brother to bare the horrors of being a jinchuuriki." Naruto mocked.

The Raikage with blinding speed attacked Naruto. Naruto grinned like a mad man. He killed the last ninja in his tail and dodged all of his attacks.

The Raikage eventually pushed Naruto against the mountain.


All of the cloud nin that was with Raikage surrounded the 2 fighters so he won't escape.

"Now to end this."

The Raikage began attacking Naruto. Naruto easily dodged all of his punches and they were all hitting the mountain. The Raikage realized this wasn't working and stopped attacking.

"What's wrong, is that all. I guess the Hidden Cloud isn't really all that important to worry about." Naruto mocked.

The Raikage then attacked Naruto with a full powered punch. Naruto dodged and escaped.

Then out of nowhere, a landslide happened. A bunch of boulders fell and killed all of the shinobi with the Raikage. At the last second the Raikage realized what the enemy was doing. And he fell for all of it.

The Raikage emerged from the rubble with a lot of injuries. It hurt him to even move his limbs. He turned his head to see man behind this.

"You FOX. You used my emotions and rage to trigger the landslide and made me kill my com...rades." Raikage said the last part looking down in shame

Naruto knew exactly how he felt, he had been ordered to kill his own comrades in secret and really didn't like it.

"So, are you going to kill me?" Raikage asked

Naruto shook his head no and began walking away.

"Fox, what is your real name?" Raikage asked

Naruto stopped and turned around and took off his mask. He had black hair, thick whiskers, fangs, & kyuubi eyes.

"I am Naruto Namikaze, son of the Fourth Hokage." Naruto stated

Raikage was shocked, he went up against the son the fourth hokage. He didn't even show his strength, all he did was trick him into killing his comrades. Why won't he kill me, we're enemies?

Naruto then put his mask back on and turned around to leave. Before he told the Raikage why he didn't kill him.

"The reason why I'm not killing you is because your village needs you. From what I hear you are a great Kage to the people of the Hidden Cloud. If I killed it would only cause more unneeded trouble. Even though we're enemies, I cannot kill someone who cares so deeply for his people and shinobi." Naruto stated and began walking away

Raikage couldn't believe what he heard. He didn't kill him because of the soul fact of him being a Kage. He even praised him for being a good Kage for the people and shinobi.

*End Flashback*

"Ever since then, he let out the order to his shinobi to never engage the 'Fox of the Leaf' and that name carried to all of the nations. It's the fact of me acting like a fox." Naruto told the story to Mito

Mito was awestruck with her big brother told her. He was such a noble guy, he put the people first, instead of doing his orders.

"You're amazing big brother." Mito said hugging him

"You wouldn't think that if you knew the truth."

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