《The Fox Prodigy》Prologue


Naruto is heading home from a beating the villagers gave him. He was walking home with cuts on his body and bruises on his face. When he got home he noticed they were already eating dinner without him. This was did not affect him because was used to it, they did this for a long time. Mito noticed that Naruto was home and left the table to ask him something.

"Big Brother can you play with me tomorrow?" she asked with a big smile on her face.

"Of course Mito." he said smiling back at her.

She was about to go back to the table when she noticed that Naruto was covered in cuts and bruises.

"Big Brother what happened to you? You are covered in cuts and bruises." she asked worried for her big brother.

When she asked Minato, Kushina, and Naruko turned there heads to Naruto and noticed the injuries that he had.

"You don't need to worry this, they are nothing." he told Mito while showing his cuts.

When he said this Minato, Kushina, and Naruko went back to eating there food.

"But how did you get them?" she asked getting more worried.

Seeing the worry in her eyes he decided to tell her.

"While I was walking home. A few of the of the villagers jumped me and decided to beat me up." Naruto said to Mito.

Mito was surprised that the villagers would do this. They were always so nice to her.

"I'm sorry Naruto." Mito was sad for her big brother

"You don't need to apologize Mito." he told his baby sister.

Mito was hugging Naruto when Kushina separated the two. Naruto was happy to see that his mother was paying attention to him. Thats what he wanted, what he got surprised him and Mito.



Kushina slapped Naruto.

"Why would lie about the like that? They would never anything like this you. Especially to the son of the Hokage. Your just hurting yourself so you can get attention and get into your sisters training." Kushina yelled at Naruto.


"Go up to your room and think about what you said. You and Mito can play tomorrow." Kushina declared.

Naruto was shocked at what Kushina just said and did. She called him a liar and slapped him twice. His own mother didn't believe him or even defend him. Not only that but his father didn't seem to care for what she did to him. Then Naruto ran to his room and slammed his door.

Mito was about to cry that she couldn't play with Naruto. Kushina noticed this and hugged Mito.

"You can play with me tomorrow Mito." Kushina said with a smile.

Mito nodded. But she wanted to play with Naruto he was always more fun play with than anyone else.

Naruto was in his room crying his eyes out. He cried until he fell asleep.

________NARUTO MINDSCAPE______________________________________________________

Naruto was walking around in sewer. He was wondering where he was and why he was here.

He continued walking until he saw a figure laying down.

The opened his eyes and grinned at he saw.

the mysterious figure said.

Naruto walked closer to it and got a clear view of what it was. It was a orange fox with 9 tails.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked cautiously

Kyuubi told Naruto

Naruto was awe struck thinking how much everything made sense of why his parents were focusing on Naruko and why the villagers hated him.

Naruto fell to his knee's and started crying.

The Kyuubi noticed this, he got up and walked over to Naruto and sat next to him wiped his tears with one of his tails.


the Kyuubi apologized to Naruto.

"You don't need to apologize. It's not you that's causing me to cry. It's my parents, they treat me like dirt, so they can focus on Naruko just because she has power in her that was stolen." Naruto told Kyuubi. "Can you help me get stronger, so I can show off to my parents and to protect myself from enemies." he asked the Kyuubi

Kyuubi was surprised at he said. He doesn't blame him for his pain and he asked him to train him to get strong.

Kyuubi confirmed. Kyuubi told Naruto

"Ok, before I go what is your real name. I doubt your name is Nine-tails." Naruto asked with a smile.

Kuruma said with a happy tone and sent Naruto to the real world.


Naruto woke up on his bed and looked around to see he was in his room. He walked downstairs to see everyone already started eating breakfast without him. Naruto left the house and went to the forest to begin training.

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