《Hidden Fox》Chapter Twenty-One


There was a feeling in the back of my mind that said I was going the wrong way. I'd been traveling for three days now, and felt completely lost and all alone. When I'd come around after that heavy fall, I was even weaker than before, and I was pretty sure I broke something in my arm. Add that on top of the fact that it was freezing out and my fingers had started turning blue. I had no idea how long I'd been out, laying in the snow.

When I finally got myself up, I headed straight for the tree I'd left Kalama in. Like I'd suspected, and dreaded, she wasn't there, and the scent was stale along with the rogue's that had chased us. So, I went back to the rogue mansion, in case they just brought her back to the cells. But the entire place was vacant. I didn't hang around long, as the stench of blood and death was so overwhelming I was on the verge of passing out again.

When I'd walked out of there, the sun was at its highest point in the sky, so I couldn't tell which way was East and West. I just crossed my fingers and headed back into the bare woods, calling out Kallie's name. Once in a while, I'd try Xavier or Andrew in the low chance they were still around here somewhere, but I doubted it. They were probably searching the woods near home for me, not realizing I hadn't made it that far.

After three days of walking, with little to no sleep, I was about ready to collapse and never get up. Every muscle was screaming at me and my head was constantly spinning. The trees around me began to blur so that I couldn't tell where I was going. When I could no longer see straight at all, I ended up running smack into a tree and letting myself fall into the dark pit behind my eyelids.

The next time I came around, it was barely sunrise, and thick clouds covered the sky in a grey blanket. I heaved myself up, yelling a curse when I braced myself with my bad arm. My legs were shaking so bad I had no idea how long I could make it out there.


Scarlet! I called inside my mind, desperate for her help and strength. Please, Moon Goddess, let her come back to me! I'd been away from the prison long enough now that the poison shouldn't have been affecting me anymore. So where was she?

Despite being terrified, lonely, homesick, and so weak I could barely hold myself up, I trekked on. No matter my state, I kept my determination. I couldn't die out here like this. I decided that wasn't an option. I couldn't do that to Xavier, to my family, to Kalama if she was still out there somewhere.

A squirrel dashed past my bare feet, scurrying across the powdered forest floor, and I jumped, nearly falling over. I had a small desire to go chase it; I needed it for food to get strength back up. But the problem was I didn't have enough strength to go get it.

I watched it race away with envy and hunger. My eyes sagged and I had to fight to stay standing upright. I felt myself tipping backwards and stumbled to keep my balance. Instead, I just tripped and fell faster. Oh no. I was afraid this time if I passed out, I might not wake up again.

I stuck my hands out to catch my fall, even though my arm was already mangled, and just before I hit the snow, the branches of a nearly bush clicked together and a voice screeched with fear for me.

"Oh my goodness! April!" The girl rushed forward, barely missing me as she tried to catch my fall. She managed to catch my head, though, and it kept me from instantly passing out.

"Ow. . ." I groaned as my bad arm got the brunt of the fall. My eyes fluttered and I fought to keep them open. I glanced up and found a new sense of hope when I realized who it was. "Willow?"

I saw a tear spring from her eye as she nodded, gripping my head in her frail hands. "Willow, thank goodness." I whispered. "Thank goodness."


"No! April keep your eyes open!" She shrieked at me, and I blinked hard, weakly shaking my head to keep myself awake. "Meadow, fetch some water, she's incredibly dehydrated!"

I flicked my eyes to the side, earning myself a massive headache and I groaned. "Meadow's here too?"

Willow nodded. "She's here, and she's newly shifted too. I'll explain everything when you can focus on it better."

Not a second later, a big-eared, little four-legged animal popped into view with a soaked wad of forest moss. Willow grabbed it from the animal's jaws and pressed it to my lips. My eyes flashed all the way open and I greedily swallowed the moisture as she squeezed the moss. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was until I was tasting the water.

The animal disappeared again, and when no more moisture was left, it returned with a young rabbit, freshly killed. The animal nudged it forward with its snout.

"It's not exactly sanitary, but we're half animal, so we'll survive, right?" I shrugged weakly and Willow began tearing into the meat, feeding me little pieces at a time as if I were a toddler learning how to eat real food.

The raw rabbit wasn't great, but it was food and that's what I needed to get Scarlet back. At least that's what I hoped. When the meat was gone, Willow helped me sit up and the big-eared animal began transforming. Soon, it was Meadow sitting in front of me.

I widened my eyes in shock. "Meadow?"

She grinned and nodded. "I shifted two days ago; Willow suspects it was from the trauma of the battle and escaping the rogue prison."

"Wait, but what are you? I didn't recognize your animal."

"I'm a Fennec Fox!" She beamed proudly and I have her a warm smile.

"I like it," I told her. "What happened after the fight started?"

Willow answered, "someone busted us out, but didn't continue with us. It seemed he was going around and opening all the doors he could. I grabbed Meadow and we ran for the trees. We've been here every since looking for anyone or anything other than forest."

I nodded. "I took Kalama and we ran too, but a rogue spotted us and managed to get a hold of her. I fell from a tree and passed out, and now I can't find her." My voice shook, I was on the verge of tears. I can't believe I managed to let Kallie get caught again! "I went back to the cells in search of her, but it's all vacant now. I'm not sure what happened to them or to my pack."

"And then you got weak," Willow whispered and I nodded solemnly.

"When you found me I was afraid I'd pass out and never wake up again."

"You feel better now, though?" Meadow asked in a small voice.

I nodded and smiled at her. "All thanks to you!" She grinned back and pushed her tangled blond hair from her face.

I turned back to Willow. "Can you shift yet?"

She nodded and I sank down in heart. I was happy for her of course, but what was going on with Scarlet? It wasn't the poison, because both Meadow and Willow could shift again.

"She'll come back." Willow whispered and I looked up at her, grateful she knew what I was feeling. "Why don't you get some rest. We'll stay right here until you're strong enough to continue."

"I'm scared to sleep," I admitted quietly and Willow wrapped her arms around me.

"I know. But we're here now, we'll make sure you keep breathing."

I smiled my thanks and Meadow came close from the other side, cuddling against me. I leaned against Willow and let my eyes flutter close.

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